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Istilah qurban tidaklah asing di kalangan masyarakat modern. Di dalam ritual idul adha itu apa yang biasa disebut udlhiyah, atau penyembelihan hewan qurban. Qurban dalam arti
The purpose of this study was to analyze how the sacrifice of social gathering was conducted by the Javanese people in the perspective of accounting and social fiqh. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method by giving questionnaires to sacrificial social gathering participants. The results of the study show that social sacrifice is an activity with worship advocacy, as the implementation of social fiqh in the world of accounting known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that must be carried out by each individual, considering that sacrifice is your 'contract worship, recording is done using current cash. Costs incurred for a series of sacrificial social gatherings are not recognized as costs because the committee works for the common interest with the purpose of worship
Ritual sacrifice in Banjar community is quite diverse. Each region has its own customs and traditions in the manner of sacrifice. Anthropology of religion as one of the disciplines that try human study involving religious approach see the uniqueness of the culture. Object of study they want to learn is how religious man according to its adherents, according to its adherents, and not based on scripture or should be. It was found in the ritual sacrifice of Banjar society. Diverse community behavior or action in the ritual sacrifice of which is of fixtures when the procession slaughter sacrificial animals, offerings, how to slaughter, habits performed before and after slaughter and others. Symbols or meanings behind piduduk or offerings also were explored. Each of these are described, illustrated, painted with the words in a coherent and detailed through descriptive methods. Ritual kurban pada masyarakat Banjar cukup beragam. Masing-masing daerah mempunyai adat dan tradisi tersendiri d...
Penafsiran Al-Qur'an telah mengalami perkembangan yang dinamis dengan munculnya berbagai metode dan pendekatan. Salah satu pendekatan yang menarik
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2017
Zikr is one of the methods used by the Sufi scholars to revive the soul from death spirit. A heart that does not remember the grace of Allah is considered dead by the Sufis. Remembrance can make a person aware of the existence of his true God. The method of remembrance is not limited to one aspect of life, but may be remembrance in various aspects of life as the essence of zikr is witnessing the existence of Allah SWT. Remembrance of Allah may be done silently in the heart, loudly on the tongue or even in one's physical actions in a group or alone. In addition, there is no concrete verse or proposition that prohibits remembrance in various ways but advises Muslim to remembrance in various aspects of life. Abstrak: Zikir merupakan salah satu metode yang dipergunakan oleh para ulama sufi untuk dapat menghidupkan hati dari kematiannya karena hati yang tidak mengingat akan keangungan Allah Swt dianggap mati oleh para sufi. Dengan berzikir dapat menyadarkan seseorang akan keberadaan Tuhannya yang hakiki. Metode zikir tidak terbatas pada suatu batasan hal ihwal kehidupan, melainkan boleh berzikir dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan karena hakekat dari zikir adalah menyaksikan akan keberadaan Allah Swt. Dengan demikian, seseorang boleh berzikir secara keras, nyaring, sunyi, diam, tersendiri dan bersama kelompok. Hal ini disebabkan karena tidak ada dalil yang kongkrit tentang larangan berzikir dengan berbagai macam hal ihwal tersebut, melainlakan dalil-dalil Nas menganjurkan seorang muslim untuk dapat berzikir dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan.
Education in Islam is a complete guidance is not merely connotes authoritative teaching of the educational workers are educators, but also with appropriate guidance to Islamic teachings, the students have ample movement space in mengatualisasikan potential they have. Educators is a very important component in the education system, for educators as a bridge for learners reach predetermined goals, along with other components related. Educators have a noble position, educators are expected to be uswatun hasanan that could provide an example for students, as well as guiding and motivating learners in order to meet the future better., 2019
Upaya Gubernur DKI Jakarta mengumumkan dan meng-update kondisi wilayah dan jumlah korban kerusuhan 22 Mei 2019 dipertanyakan para netizen di media sosial. Padahal langkah tersebut justru merupakan tindakan yang sepatutnya harus dilakukan oleh Gubernur dan Lembaga-lembaga Pemerintah yang berwenang. Karena hal itu selain sesuai dengan Undang-undang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Konstitusi sebagai pemenuhan hak publik atas informasi publik, juga secara substansi merupakan bentuk transparansi informasi untuk memberi kepastian informasi sekaligus mencegah hoax agar tidak berkembang tanpa kendali. Bila kontroversi semacam ini terus berkembang, maka patutlah kita bertanya, jangan-jangan banyak di antara kita diam-diam “merindukan” hadirnya kembali pemerintahan otoritarian yang lebih suka menyembunyikan atau memanipulasi informasi daripada melakukan transparansi.
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MAQASHID Jurnal Hukum Islam
Al-Riwayah : Jurnal Kependidikan, 2020
nurul izzah azzahra