Arps 1992—Tembang in Two Traditions

1992, Tembang in Two Traditions: Performance and Interpretation of Javanese Literature


A C60 cassette of the sung recitation transcribed in this study is available from the Publications Department, School of Oriental and African Studies Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Topic, aim, scope, approach, and organization 1.2 The Javanese language 1.3 Literary verse forms and their usages Chapter 2: TlrE Sruov oF TEMBANG: Srrte oF TlrE ART J 4 11 I4 Chapter 3 : THEOREICAL FRAMEWORK T7 30 39 39 44 chapter 4: THe SETTTNGS: YOGYAKARTA AND BANYUWANGT 4.1 Yogyakarta and Banyuwangi 4.2 Contexts for performance of tëmbang verse Part II VBnSB FOnv THEORY Chapter 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 .ITIEORY OF TEMBANG MACAPAT IN YOGYAKARTA Sources and media of tëmbang theory Classifrcation The structural principles of tëmbang macapat The verse forms as signs Conclusion 53 53 57 65 85 94 Printed in Great Britain by Hobbs the Printers Ltd., Southampton chapter 6: THEORY OF TEMBANG rN BANYUWANGT 6.1 The structural principles of tëmbang 6.2 Classification and connotations 6.3 Conclusion 95 95 toz 104 Chapter 7: SCOPE AND PURPOSEOFTEMBANG 'IHEORIES 105 CONTENTS CONTENTS vll vl 14.4 Putting tune to text 14.5 The social foundations of macapat theory and practice Chapter 15: RECITING'rHE LONTAR YUSUP 1 5.1 Ways of singing the lontar Yusup 15.2 Standards of reciting 15.3 Tunes, prosodic modes, and the reading session 15.4 Putting tune to text 15.5 Lontar Yusup tecitation as group performance Chapter 16: Srvl-ss OFPERFORMANCE 292 306 Part III RBADING SgsSTONS 308 309 319 324 333 343 Chapter 8: MACAPATAN IN YOGYAKARTA 8.1 Contexts and participants of mncapatan 8.2 Reading matter 8.3 Two macapalc¡¿ sessions described 8.4 Solitary reading 8.5 Tëmbang discourse inmncapatan Chapter 9: MACAAN IN BANYUWANGI 9.l Contexts and participants of macaan 9.2 Reading matter: the lontar Yusup 9.3 Amncaan session described 9.4 Other reading sessions 9.5 Tëmbang discourse in mncaan chapter 10: FonM AND PURPOSE OF READING SESSIONS