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1992, Tembang in Two Traditions: Performance and Interpretation of Javanese Literature
250 pages
1 file
A C60 cassette of the sung recitation transcribed in this study is available from the Publications Department, School of Oriental and African Studies Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Topic, aim, scope, approach, and organization 1.2 The Javanese language 1.3 Literary verse forms and their usages Chapter 2: TlrE Sruov oF TEMBANG: Srrte oF TlrE ART J 4 11 I4 Chapter 3 : THEOREICAL FRAMEWORK T7 30 39 39 44 chapter 4: THe SETTTNGS: YOGYAKARTA AND BANYUWANGT 4.1 Yogyakarta and Banyuwangi 4.2 Contexts for performance of tëmbang verse Part II VBnSB FOnv THEORY Chapter 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 .ITIEORY OF TEMBANG MACAPAT IN YOGYAKARTA Sources and media of tëmbang theory Classifrcation The structural principles of tëmbang macapat The verse forms as signs Conclusion 53 53 57 65 85 94 Printed in Great Britain by Hobbs the Printers Ltd., Southampton chapter 6: THEORY OF TEMBANG rN BANYUWANGT 6.1 The structural principles of tëmbang 6.2 Classification and connotations 6.3 Conclusion 95 95 toz 104 Chapter 7: SCOPE AND PURPOSEOFTEMBANG 'IHEORIES 105 CONTENTS CONTENTS vll vl 14.4 Putting tune to text 14.5 The social foundations of macapat theory and practice Chapter 15: RECITING'rHE LONTAR YUSUP 1 5.1 Ways of singing the lontar Yusup 15.2 Standards of reciting 15.3 Tunes, prosodic modes, and the reading session 15.4 Putting tune to text 15.5 Lontar Yusup tecitation as group performance Chapter 16: Srvl-ss OFPERFORMANCE 292 306 Part III RBADING SgsSTONS 308 309 319 324 333 343 Chapter 8: MACAPATAN IN YOGYAKARTA 8.1 Contexts and participants of mncapatan 8.2 Reading matter 8.3 Two macapalc¡¿ sessions described 8.4 Solitary reading 8.5 Tëmbang discourse inmncapatan Chapter 9: MACAAN IN BANYUWANGI 9.l Contexts and participants of macaan 9.2 Reading matter: the lontar Yusup 9.3 Amncaan session described 9.4 Other reading sessions 9.5 Tëmbang discourse in mncaan chapter 10: FonM AND PURPOSE OF READING SESSIONS
Lombok, as one of the cultural regions in Indonesia, has a wealth of diverse culture. One of the most popular cultures in Lombok is oral literature. There are four kinds of oral tradition or literature in Sasak ethnic that are: Tembang (poetry), lelakaq (prose), nyaer (history) and betandak (song). The tembang uses kawi or old high Javanese language in Sorong serah ritual. The tembang uses to convey ethical and moral values to participants. The tembang contains many metaphorical words indirect meaning so that many participants do not have the real meaning of the poem. The purpose of the study is to disclose the real meaning of tembang Dangdang Gule saking Sunan Bonang. The research design uses in the study is qualitative interpretative by using recording, documentation, take note and interview as a data collecting method. The researcher concludes that the process of giving meaning in the poem, which is established by semiotic of Riffaterre has some phases which are able to create th...
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature
The article is based on research done with the descriptive-qualitative approach and is an embedded-case study meant the result could not be generalized. The primary data are Javanese cultural terms of Lontar YusupBanyuwangi and the English translation found in the book of Bernard Arps (a Dutch anthropologist) entitled Tembang in Two Traditions: Performances and Interpretation of Javanese Literature. LontarYusup is the only manuscript in Banyuwangi still read routinely in rituals conducted by Osing ethnic group considered as the natives of Banyuwangi. The research aims at unveiling the cultural terms used based on the category and the translation strategies applied. The technique used to collect the data is documentation and the collected data are, then, analyzed by applying content analysis technique. The research results that there are 141 cultural terms classified in 10 cultural categories: food (4), cultural materials (23), arts (2), buildings (5), socio-culture (48), religion (...
Repetition is a form of repeating a sound, syllable, word, or part of a sentence that is considered important to provide indexing and stress in a context that is in accordance with the meaning contained in that context. The problem of the study was repetition in the form of words, phrases, and clauses in tembang. The potential repetition contained in the Javanese language tembang dolanan or dolanan song greatly influences the uniqueness and beauty of the tembang. The data were in the form of song lyrics, including words, phrases, clauses, and sentences used in the tembang. An interactive analysis method with respondents was employed in this study. Repetition such as Epizeuxis, Taautoles, Epanolepsis, Mesodiplosis, and Anadiplasis were found in this study.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 1998
Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk meneroka potensi muzik di Vlu Tembeling untuk dikaji secara menye1uruh, dan juga untuk menambahkan lagi repertoire lagu Me1ayu untuk digunakan dalam pendidikan muzik. Penyelidikan telah dijalankan di lima buah kampung utama di Ulu Tembeling, dimana lagu-lagu penduduk te1ah dirakam sebanyak yang mungkin. Rakaman diterjemahkan ke bentuk notasi dan dianalisakan. Lebih kurang sepuluhjenis lagu telah ditemui, di antaranya adalah Indung; Saba; lagu dodoi;lagu bercerita;lagu permainan; lagu untuk Tarian Lukah, Tarian Limbung dan Tarian Mayang; dan juga Dikir Rebana. Keputusan analisis menujukkan bahawa muzik Vlu Tembeling kaya dengan melodi dan mempunyai sifat-sifat muzik yang tersendiri. Penyelidikan ini telah menunjukkan bahawa terdapat banyak lagi me10di lagu Melayu tidak diketahui dan adanya kemungkinan besar lagu Melayu pada semulajadinya mempunyai sifatsifat muzik yang berlainan dengan muzik Melayu yang biasa dikenali di bandar. Kesimpulan penyelidikan ini adalah muzik di Vlu Tembeling perlu didokumentasikan dan dikaji secara menyeluruh.
LiNGUA Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra (ISSN Print: 1693-4725 and E-ISSN: 2442-3823), 2021
This article uses discourse analysis to examine dolanan songs such as Sluku-Sluku Bathok, Cublak-Cublak Suweng, Lir-Ilir, Gundul-Gundul Pacul, and Kloso Bedah. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method so that the data can be described as clearly and objectively as possible by the researchers' subjective views. To avoid bias on the validity of the research results, triangulation was carried out by comparing the researchers' interpretations with some supporting literature. The result of this research is that five dolanan songs contain many meanings. The songs offer a deep meaning about the condition of the environment that grows around it to increase the value of character, good behavior, the environment-especially cleanliness, health, and religious life. The character values are conveyed through satire or humor. Dolanan songs have meanings, both explicit and implicit, about this life. These songs are neatly arranged both in terms of structural both physically and mentally. Javanese children's songs contain poetry filled with language games, such as alliteration, assonance, poetry, and rhythm.
Ethno-musicology, 1990
Appendix 1: Glossary of technical terms mentioned in the texts. Appendix 2: Javanese cipher notation (titilaras kepatihan) of gendhing mentioned in the texts.
Jurnal Humaniora, 2016
This article discusses the directive speech acts contained in tembang dolanan. Using a pragmatic approach, particularly the framework of speech act theory, this article analyzes the different types of directive speech acts, the context which it embodies, and the level of decency. The data used in this research consisted of various tembang dolanan that contain directive statements. These data were analyzed using interpretation and inference by presenting it in the form of descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is meant to describe, systematically illustrating or elaborating the facts and relationships between phenomena. In the dolanan song, directive speech acts can be expressed directly or indirectly. Direct expression is conventionally used to rule, invite, and forward, while indirect expression is used when instead of by a command line, the intention is ruled by statement sentences, obligation-stating sentences, and questions. The use of direct speech acts generally does not h...
Skill : Speaking Kelas/Semester : XII / 1 Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan ) Topik Pembelajaran : Text Explanation Pertemuan Ke : 1 (satu) A. Standar Kompetensi Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, explanation , dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B. Kompetensi Dasar 4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, explanation, dan discussion. C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi 4.2.1 Menentukan gambaran umum dari teks explanation yang didengar. 4.2.2 Menemukan informasi rinci dari teks explanation yang didengar. 4.2.3 Menyampaikan teks explanation secara lisan.
The documentation of the oral traditions of non-literate indigenous communities is a vital aspect of the preservation and survival of indigenous knowledge, culture and tradition. In this article, we discuss tekná, an oral tradition of the Kayan people in Sarawak. Here we trace not only the historical background of tekná, but also explore its current status and practices among the Kayan. We present an example of tekná sung by a Kayan elder. This forms the basis for a discussion about how the tekná is performed, sung, and narrated, as well as the possible meanings and interpretations that can be gleaned from this tekná. Finally, we suggest approaches to documenting oral traditions like the tekná that show promise for the preservation of this fragile oral tradition for future generations of Kayan.
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Language Documentation & Conservation, 2017
To appear in: Anna Maria Busse Berger and Henry Spiller (eds.), Missionaries, Anthropologists, and Music in the Indonesian Archipelago. Oakland: University of California Press., 2025
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