Big Data Analytics: A Perspective View

2017, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering


Big data is a term coined for massive data sets with more varied and complex structure and also having the difficulties of storing, analysing and visualizing it for further usages. The process of diving into large amounts of data to discover patterns and disguised correlations is named as big data analytics. These are certainly useful to companies or organizations by gaining richer and deeper insights to compete in market. Thus big data implementations need to be analysed and executed efficiently as possible. Big data analytics is methodology which automates the gathering, organizing, contextualizing, processing and analysing Big data i.e. large set of data to capture patterns help make better decisions. Big data analytics challenges the situation of the present infrastructure of data storage management and also statistical data estimation. This paper studies the content, scope, methods, advantages and challenges of big data and also discusses privacy issue concern on it. The motive of the proposed study is to provide better and significant insights from research prospects and also lays an overview of data analysis methodologies and tools which are currently being utilized or proposed in literature. This work will be quite useful for the future researchers in this domain and facilitate the development of optimal techniques to address Big data.