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76 pages
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Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan puji dan syukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan karunianya sehingga kami Tugas ini dapat diselesaikan. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih bagi seluruh pihak yang telah membantu saya dalam pembuatan Tugas ini dan berbagai sumber yang telah saya pakai sebagai data dan fakta pada tugas ini.
Halaman Persembahan Kupersembahkan karya kecil ini untuk : Kedua orangtuaku yang sangat kusayangi Adikku yang selalu aku banggakan v Halaman Motto : "Kemenangan ini diperoleh dengan kebajikan, kebajikan itu diperoleh dengan berpikir (positif) secara mendasar dan benar, pikiran yang benar adalah dengan menyimpan baik -baik rahasia". (Sayyidina Ali r.a) "Hadapilah setiap masalah dengan tegar dan sabar, serta percaya bahwa dibalik kesulitan ada kemudahan, senantiasa percaya bahwa Allah akan selalu memberikan petunjuk bagi umat Nya yang taat dan selalu bersyukur".
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the warehouse receipt system, the income level and the efficiency of rice farming that joining the warehouse receipt system, in addition to identify the economic benefits and non-economic benefits implementation of warehouse receipt system, and identify contributing factors and inhibiting factors to the implementation of warehouse receipt system for rice farmers in Pulau Panggung District, Tanggamus Regency. The samples were selected by census technique method for the farmer who are joining the warehouse receipt system and simple random sampling method for the farmer who are not joining the warehouse receipt system. The data was analyzed by scoring techniques analysis, farm income analysis, Decision Matrix Analysis, and Objective Value Tree analysis. The results of this research showed that the implementation of the warehouse receipt system less than the maximum because there were weaknesses in the socialization for farmers and there was a shortage on the specifics of the warehouse receipt system. Income of farmers who were joining the warehouse receipt system was higher than farmers who were not joining the warehouse receipt system. The farmer influencing factor on joining the warehouse receipt system was the cost was cheap, while influencing factor on unjoining the warehouse receipt system was the low socialization to farmers. The economic benefits of joining the warehouse receipt system for farmers was that they got benefit (financially), while the non-economic benefits was that they got good storage and definite system. Perception of the economic cost was the small margin of difference, while of the non-economy was the production of farmers that did not reach the quality and quantity.
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