Modal Logic and Its Forms

The discursiveness in the process of (logical) argumentation must take into consideration a series of aspects connected to the concepts used, the definitions resulted with the help of these concepts, the theories analyzed. From this perspective, the modal logic and its specific forms involve a reevaluation of reasoning. Moreover, through pertinent discursive argumentations are visible problematical approaches which have certain philosophical significances. Therefore, the new logics reflect at the level of discursiveness a certain meaning which participates in its turn in assuming a certain logical paradigm. The modal logic (founded in fact by Aristotle 1) represents that part of logic where the modal propositions are studied. The modal propositions are formulated like this:-It is necessary to learn the modal logic‖,-It is possible for us to go on a trip tomorrow‖,-It is forbidden to walk on this road‖ etc. In these sentences one can notice expressions such as:-it is necessary to‖,-i...