Architecture as Politics

2014, Serbian Architectural Journal



The paper presents a comment on Jacques Rancière's thinking on architecture as traced in The Politics of Aesthetics and juxtaposed with a case study -1 st Exhibition of Architecture of the People's Poland. The exhibition organized in the era of Stalinism (1953) and shown in the Central Bureau for Artistic Exhibitions (nowadays the Zachęta -National Gallery of Art in Warsaw) is seen as a manifestation of 'artistic regimes' of the period and as aesthetisation of architecture which is commonly considered the most 'political' of all the (fine) arts. Architecture does not seem to be the main concern of The Politics of Aesthetics; most translators and (Polish) commentators of Rancière's philosophical writings draw our attention to the importance of his aesthetics for the relational aspects of contemporary art in public spaces. The article aims at emphasizing the architectural moments in Rancière's project of aesthetics as politics; it also elaborates a couple of notions poiēsis/mimēsis -as discussed by Rancière -in relation to architectural theory and history of architectural exhibitions. 'In the 1950s Warsaw everybody had an idea of architecture, like in bygone days in Alaska everybody had an idea of gold-digging' -claims Leopold Tyrmand in the legendary Polish detective story Zły [Evil], in which he sketches a superb social and architectural panorama of Warsaw in the first years after the Second World War. 1 The novelist's irony over what it meant 'to have an idea of architecture' -should be read in the political and historical context of the 1950s Poland, the time of Stalinism. For it was not just the First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party who merited the epithet of the 'First Architect of Socialist Realism', but rather 'the whole nation was building our capital'-as proclaimed a series of Polish posters designed in the 1950s. The idea of architecture was also spread through a great number of architectural exhibitions -some thirty-three shows organized in all the regions of Poland in the period 1950-1953.