Accreditation - Pastry Programs

2014, Oxford Companion to Sweets

Accreditation serves as a mark of quality assurance for educational institutions. Accrediting bodies attempt to both limit the number of new entrants and protect the consumer-echoing a similar role played by early service guilds for bakers, brewers, and cooks in medieval Europe. Accrediting agencies are non-governmental, private educational associations that use peer review to define and uphold criteria for meeting basic standards of quality. "Quality" is measured against each institution's stated mission and objective. More importantly for students and colleges, accreditation also provides access to federal monies in the form of grants and loans used by students for tuition, fees, and other expenses. The ultimate goal of accreditation is to prove and improve institutional effectiveness. In return for an accreditation endorsement, a school voluntarily holds itself accountable for the quality of its education and student services.