Praca w literaturze od antyku po koniec XVII wieku — wybrane ujęcia

„Labor omnia vincit improbus”. Etos pracy w literaturze i kulturze – wybrane ujęcia, Analecta Literackie i Językowe, t. X


The purpose of the study is to capture the richness of work forms described in literature from Antiquity to the end of the 17th century. The dominant feature is the presentation of a work image in selected Old Polish works. Significant for the deliberations is the division verbalized by Sebastian Fabian Klonowic, who, following the ancient authorities, defined what activities can the nobility deal with and which of them did not belong to its state ethos. The study was divided into three parts. The first presents selected works constituting the state of researches on the issue. Second part presents chosen examples of descriptions and opinions about the topic of work derived from the Bible, mythology and the Classical Literature (especially works od Hesiod, Virgil and Horace). Third part brings closer the images of work portrayed in Polish literature of the Renaissance and the Baroque. Especially there are works connected with a life of nobleman-landowner (landlord), diplomat, peasant...