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The paper investigates the dynamics of semiconductor lasers subject to conventional optical feedback (COF), highlighting their vulnerability to external optical influences such as delayed feedback. The study utilizes the Lang-Kobayashi equations to model the behavior of edge-emitting lasers (EELs) under COF, emphasizing the effects of feedback on the stability and periodic solutions of the laser dynamics. Bifurcation diagrams elucidate the regions of stability for various oscillation modes, offering insights into the complex behavior of these systems.
… Electronics, IEEE Journal …, 1981
Physical Review Letters, 1998
We measure the temporal evolution of the intensity of an edge emitting semiconductor laser with delayed optical feedback for time spans ranging from 4.5 to 65 ns with a time resolution from 16 to 230 ps, respectively. Spectrally resolved streak camera measurements show that the fast pulsing of the total intensity is a consequence of the time delay and multimode operation of the laser. We experimentally observe that the instabilities at low frequency are generated by the interaction among different modes of the laser. [S0031-9007(98)08077-6] PACS numbers: 05.45. + b, 05.40. + j, 42.60.Mi Nonlinear systems with delayed feedback are of interest because they can be widely found in economy, biology, chemistry, and physics [1]. These systems are in principle infinite dimensional, and from this point of view, it is difficult to classify them a priori as deterministic dynamical systems because the existence and uniqueness of a solution have to be demonstrated for each particular model . It is also difficult to separate the role of noise from determinism, because complex solutions display a Gaussian-Markovian behavior as if they were solutions of a Langevin equation , thus nonconventional measurement techniques are required .
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1998
We investigate the influence of delayed optical feedback (DOF) on the dynamics of semiconductor lasers. In the case of the narrow single-stripe laser, we find that the presence of DOF leads to a wealth of dynamical phenomena in the coherence-collapsed regime, including mode-hopping between compound-cavity modes induced by DOF. Focusing on the twin-stripe laser — the most simple system with inherent spatio-temporal instabilities — we show that feedback may both induce and suppress spatio-temporal instabilities. Eigenmode analysis enables us to determine and identify the underlying spatio-temporal "supermodes". For appropriately chosen parameters, regular regimes including continuous wave operation can be obtained from an originally chaotic regime. For moderate to strong feedback, interaction between the spatial degrees of freedom in the twin-stripe laser and the compound cavity modes leads to a new phenomenon which we term "spatio-temporal mode-hopping".
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2001
This paper investigates the dynamical behaviors of a laser diode (LD) with strong feedback. The spectra, coherence length, and dynamical output power of a LD with different feedback are measured experimentally. It is found that the LD will return back to stable single mode when feedback is strong enough. The Lang-Kobayashi equations are modified to analyze the output of the LD with strong feedback. The good coincidences between the experiment results and the theoretical expectations are found. The results obtained here will give useful information for using the LD as both light source and detector.
Optics Express, 2007
The multistability in a single-mode distributed feedback semiconductor laser with delayed optoelectronic feedback is observed experimentally. For a given delay time, the observed dynamical state of the laser output is critically dependent on the process of varying the delay time and is limited by the range of variation. Various routes of delay time variation results in multistabilities characterized by states of different time series and power spectra.
Physics Letters A, 1996
We report on the first analysis of the influence of delayed optical feedback on the spatio-temporal dynamics of spatially extended semiconductor laser devices. We start our investigation with the single-stripe laser, where we discuss analogies and differences to common plane-wave models. In the case of the twin-stripe laser, we find that, depending on parameter values, delayed optical feedback may on the one hand cause spatio-temporal instabilities leading to spatio-temporal chaos, and on the other hand induce coherent regimes in an originally chaotic state.
Scientific Reports, 2012
The unstable emission of semiconductor lasers due to delayed optical feedback is characterized by combined intensity and frequency dynamics. Nevertheless, real-time experimental investigations have so far been restricted to measurements of intensity dynamics only. Detailed analysis and comparison with numerical models, therefore, have suffered from limited experimental information. Here, we report the simultaneous determination of the lasers optical emission intensity and emission frequency with high temporal resolution. The frequency dynamics is made accessible using a heterodyne detection scheme, in which a beat signal between the delayed feedback laser and a reference laser is generated. Our experiment provides insight into the overall spectral drift on nanosecond timescales, the spectral distribution of the unstable pulsations and the role of the individual external cavity modes. This opens new perspectives for the analysis, understanding and functional utilization of delayed feedback semiconductor lasers. S emiconductor lasers with delayed optical feedback have received considerable attention from different communities. Complex dynamical behavior in the emission intensity, induced even by weak optical feedback, can act as nuisance in communication systems by reducing the signal to noise ratio. At the same time, the complex dynamics can be utilized for chaos communication encryption schemes 1 , random number generation 2 and rainbow refractometry 3 . From a fundamental point of view, semiconductor lasers with delayed feedback serve as excellent test-beds for delayed complex systems in general. The delayed optical feedback has a profound impact on the mode structure of the laser. In conjunction with the laser cavity, the external delay line forms a compound cavity system. As a consequence one obtains an ensemble of external cavity modes 4 . When plotted against the laser's carrier inversion, these external cavity modes form the so called mode ellipse. The dynamical processes of the feedback laser can then be interpreted as a trajectory moving along this ellipse. Apart from already available techniques to highly resolve the temporal intensity dynamics in these systems, a thorough understanding of their highly resolved spectral properties and their real-time spectral dynamics is of great significance. Therefore, it is desirable to gain access to the spectral characteristics in a quality and practicality comparable to what is the current state of the art for the emission intensity.
From Quantum Dots to Cryptography, 2011
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 1995
We identify the various physical mechanisms in lowfrequency fluctuations, which occur when a semiconductor laser is subject to moderate optical feedback while operating close to its solitary laser threshold. In attempting to reach the maximum gain mode, which often is stable, the system forms short mode-locked pulses. In between pulses mode-slipping can occur, generally in the direction of maximum gain. Inevitably, the trajectory passes too close to one of the many saddle points, which will take the system back to the solitary laser state.
Applied Physics B, 2018
Comprehensive theoretical investigation of the influence of external optical feedback on the dynamics of semiconductor lasers are introduced. The analyses are based on numerical simulation of the multimode rate equations superposed by Langevin noise sources that are generated in such a way as to keep the correlation of the modal photon number with the injected electron number. The gain saturation effect which causes mode-competition phenomena among longitudinal modes are considered in our multimode rate equation model. The dynamics of modes and the characteristics of the output spectrum are investigated for strong external optical feedback strength. Numerically simulated results show that the mode-competition phenomena induce quasi-periodic hopping among several longitudinal modes which reveals multimode-like output spectra in lasers. This mode-hopping phenomena is described in terms of asymmetric gain saturation effect.
Optics Communications, 1998
We experimentally investigate low frequency fluctuations LFF in a Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser with optical feedback from an external mirror. During LFF, the time resolved optical spectrum shows that many longitudinal modes of the solitary laser enter into the transients. After each LFF event, the excited solitary-laser modes recover similarly. However, the recovery for the power in each mode is much slower than the recovery of the total power. The intermode exchange of energy during the recovery indicates that a single-longitudinal mode description of such LFF behavior will not capture important underlying dynamics. The relevance of multimode dynamics is confirmed in a feedback experiment where the external mirror is substituted by a diffraction grating. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Wireless Personal Communications, 2018
In this work, we first analyse the behaviour of semiconductor laser in the presence of weakto-moderate feedback from a single (lumped) and double external cavity setting. Analysis of laser diode in dynamic double cavity configuration shows that the dynamic double cavity does not disturb the stability of the laser device, but it introduces a considerable shift in the emission frequency that is directly related to the feedback strength and the relative phase difference between the phase of the two mirrors, and the phase of electric field inside the laser diode. Conditions for maximum and minimum impact of the laser emission wavelength have been derived. Addressing the issue of distributed optical feedback, optical feedback produced by more than two external mirrors has been also studied. To this aim we have first generalized the Lang and Kobayashi deterministic rate equations model to arbitrary number of external reflectors and provide the corresponding steady-state solution, which is done for the first time. To the best of our knowledge, this kind of study is carried out for the first time.
Physical Review E, 2006
We investigate the dynamics of a semiconductor laser subject to coherent, delayed filtered optical feedback. This system produces multi-stable continuous wave, relaxation and pure frequency oscillations. We show that the feedback phase is a key quantity for controlling this dynamical complexity. A systematic analysis with the feedback phase as one bifurcation parameter reveals the system's overall dynamical structure. PACS numbers: 42.65.Sf, 05.45.Xt, 02.30.Ks, 42.55.Px In a system with feedback a part of the output re-enters into the system, possibly after having been manipulated externally. Typically, the feedback mechanism involves a time delay, which is substantial in many applications; see, e.g., the recent studies Refs. . Laser systems with delayed feedback are of particular interest, because of their possible practical applications, for example, for secure communication via a chaotic carrier .
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2000
We report on the systematical investigation of the steady-state regime and the dynamical behavior of a semiconductor laser subject to delayed filtered optical feedback. We study a Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometer type of filter placed in the external feedback loop of a diode laser. The effects of the filter on the locking of the diode laser frequency to the external cavity modes are described. We report and observe hysteresis, bistability, and multistability and show that all these are well described by a set of rate equations for the coupled laser and FP cavity system. We also present an experimental stability diagram that summarizes the dynamical behavior of the system.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1990
We experimentaly investigate the spectrum of a semiconductor laser with incoherent feedback from a distant mirror, i.e., the external round-trip time exceeds the coherence time of the laser. As the amount of feedback increases, the optical spectrum evolves from a central line with enhanced isolated satellite peaks caused by the relaxation oscillation to a very broad ( -20 GHz) line, where the relaxation oscillation gives rise to shoulders. Moreover, there is an asymmetry for frequencies above or below the central frequency. This drastic change of the spectrum is also found from a recent theoretical description of a semiconductor laser in the coherence collapsed state. The amount of feedback and the damping rate of the relaxation oscillation are obtained from a fit of the theory to the observed time-autocorrelation function. This analysis reveals that, owing to incoherent feedback, the damping rate of the relaxation oscillation behaves as an effective damping rate that depends almost linearly on the feedback rate.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2008
Abstract We experimentally and theoretically study the impact of optical feedback from an extremely short external cavity (tens of μm) on the spectral behavior of edge emitting lasers (EELs). We are able to investigate a broad range of external cavity lengths and feedback ...
Physical Review A, 2004
We analyze multi-longitudinal-mode semiconductor lasers experimentally. We show that the intensity of each mode displays large amplitude oscillations but obeys a highly organized antiphase dynamics leading to an almost constant total intensity output. For each mode, regular switching is observed in the megahertz range, while the optical frequency as a function of time follows a well defined sequence from blue to red. Using a multimode theoretical model, we identify that four-wave mixing is the dominant mechanism at the origin of the observed dynamics. The asymmetry of the susceptibility function of semiconductor materials allows us to explain the optical frequency sequence.
In the filtered optical feedback (FOF) scheme a part of the emission of the laser is spectrally filtered, for example by a Fabry-Perot filter, and than fed back into the laser. If a semiconductor laser is subject to such delayed FOF qualitative different types of oscillations are possible: the well known relaxation oscillations and, more remarkably, frequency oscillations. We explain
Progress in Quantum Electronics, 1996
The spatio-temporal dynamics of semiconductor lasers is studied theoretically on the basis of semiclassic laser theory. The carrier dynamics is described in a density-matrix approach and the coupled set of equations of motion for the active medium and the light field are derived. Several approximafions related to separations of length and time scales are discussed, resulting in a hierarchy of model equations leading from microscopic to macroscopic levels of description. By numerically solving space-dependent coupled partial differential equations for the (complex) optical fields, the interband polarization and the charge carrier distribution functions on the various levels of the hierarchy the formation and longitudinal propagation of unstable transverse optical filamentary structures is analyzed in a model configuration for typical doubleheterostructure multi-stripe and broad-area lasers. Spectral and spatial hole burning which is observed in the simulated carrier distributions reflects the interplay between stimulated emission and the relaxation dynamics of the carrier distributions as well as the polarization. Its details are strongly influenced by the momentum and density dependence of the microscopic relaxation rates. The transverse hole burning leads to complex spatio-temporal patterns in the macroscopic intensity picture. This complex spatio-temporal dynamic behavior in multi-stripe and broad-area lasers is analyzed by various theoretical tools which allows one to quantify the degree of complexity. CONTENTS * It should be mentioned that these assumptions break down if the the scattering probabilities are strongly peaked around a single final state as is the case in pure LO-phonon scattering or for carrier-carrier scattering at low densities, where most scattering processes are in the forward direction. (57,6s) In the present case of high densities with strong large-angle carrier-carrier scattering the assumptions are well satisfied. * Strictly speaking, p, is not exactly the linear part. Due do the band gap renormalization and the density dependent dephasing rate it includes already parts which are nonlinear in the field.
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 2002
We study the multimode dynamics of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback operating in the low-frequency fluctuation regime. A multimode extension of the Lang-Kobayashi (LK) model shows, in agreement with experimental observations, that the low-frequency power dropouts exhibited by the main modes are accompanied by sudden, asymmetric, activations of dormant longitudinal side modes. Furthermore, these activations are delayed with respect to the dropouts of the active modes. In order to satisfactorily reproduce both the asymmetric activation of side modes and their delay with respect to the dropouts, the generalized LK model has to include a parabolic gain profile, together with a frequency shift of the gain curve with carrier population.
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