La Carta de Udine


This article presents a reproduction of the so called Udine Charter, approved by the Italy-Latin America International Conference celebrated in Udine the 10th, 11th and 12th of September 2009. The main aim of this Charter is to update the Norms of Quito, one of the international documents that has had a greater influence in Historic Heritage protection development in Latin America since its enactment in 1967, adapting it to the conservation principles of the 21st century, regarding not only cultural property concepts (incorporating intangible properties, agrarian heritage, cultural landscapes, etc), but also the new trends for their management: emphasizing on the relevance of training (by the creation of a Cultural Properties Faculty), rise of ecomuseums, defense of sustainable tourism, interconnection between heritage protection laws and territorial planning, etc.Presentamos en este artículo una reproducción de la denominada Carta de Udine, aprobada por la Conferencia Internacional...