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Black Sea Economic Studies
7 pages
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The article describes the current trends in the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas in order to improve the quality of life of the rural population and ensure the competitiveness of these areas. The decrease in the number of agricultural enterprises that use agricultural lands is analyzed. The estimation of volumes of production by enterprises of agricultural products is carried out. It is substantiated that the activity of small and medium enterprises contributes to the growth of incomes of the rural population, reduction of unemployment in rural areas; development of social infrastructure in rural areas, diversification of economic activities and rational use of natural resources. The emphasis has been placed on the expediency of the development of organic production. Measures are proposed to promote the creation of new legal entities in accordance with the organizational and legal forms of management in order to improve the quality of life of the rural population and e...
Economics of Agriculture, 2011
Суочено са проблемом континуираног опадања социјалне виталности, савремено српско село је у вишедеценијској потрази за развојним шансама. У трагању за "кључем" нове стратегије руралне обнове, анализира се и питање могућности за развој руралног предузетништва. При том, поставља се питање улоге жена у селу у овом процесу јер се рурално предузетништво види као шанса за унапређење њиховог положаја, али и као механизам за унапређење квалитета живота локалне сеоске заједнице у целини. Кључне речи: рурално предузетништво, рурални развој, жене у селу Увод Čikić, J., M. Petrović (2010) Women as a factor of urban agriculture development. 17.
On-line Journal "Naukovedenie"
This article discusses the basic concepts of competitiveness, small businesses, business, strategy, municipalities, marketing policy, rural employment. There is the relationship of employment of the rural population to the social development of the region of Samara region. There is proposed business plan of the development of LLC"Krasnoyarsk Bakery".
Purpose. The aim of the article is substantiation of directions of institutional support for the development of social entrepreneurship in rural communities through the creation of an appropriate coordinating body. Methodology of research. General scientific and special research methods are used to achieve this goal, in particular: scientific method - to systematize the existing theoretical approaches to the research problem; dialectical method - in the study of the category of development of the problem identified by the project; analysis and synthesis - to detail the object and subject of research and their generalization; abstract and logical method - in the formation of scientific assumptions, hypotheses, as well as generalizations, conclusions and research proposals. Findings. The process of institutionalization of social entrepreneurship is considered, its main stages are given. The need to form an institutional environment for the development of social entrepreneurship in rur...
A domain within the promotion of the competitiveness of businesses in the local economy is strongly linked to the growing role of micro, small and medium sized enterprises, or to stimulating the development of SMEs and entrepreneurship. In order to promote small and medium``-sized businesses and provide terms for real growth of the Macedonian economy through new investment and creating new jobs, despite the key economic policies for reducing the overall tax burden and structural reforms to improve the business climate, development of SMEs has become one of the key competencies for the municipalities in Macedonia.
According its position in the supply chain, agrarian producers could contemplate higher or lower possibilities for the realization of its production. Not all types of cultures allow reaching final clients directly, because those products are aimed for intermediate consumption or are used as a source for Food processing Industry. Reaching final clients producers could be benefited by higher prices of realization of their products, but a "vertical integration forward" is required to be done successfully. Additional labor and capital resources need to be invested in that activity. Information of the market and acquisition of knowledge both commercial and assessment of experts are also required in order to be accomplish the realization of products both in national and external markets. The aim of this research is to identify and asses different ways that are available to Bulgarian agricultural producers for the realization of their production. For that reason precisely the pos...
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2014
Entrepreneurial inclinations of women from rural areas are shaped by the lack of business ideas and economic capital, which, in addition to financial resources, includes cultural capital in the form of knowledge and skills. The paper presents a part of a broader study on the social position of women from the rural areas of northern Kosovo and Metohija, conducted in 2013. The research was predominantly focused on entrepreneurial inclinations of rural women, and the findings suggest that private enterprise in the studied population is undeveloped as a result of two dominant reasons. The first reason is the situation which is unfavorable in terms of politics and security, and therefore, not conducive to investment security, together with the specificity in the form of complex administrative business conditions requiring compliance to parallel and mutually incompatible standards (of the Republic of Serbia and of the UNMIK administration). The second important reason for the lack of entr...
Зборник радова филозофског факултета у Приштини, стр. 87 -106., 2014
САЖЕТАК. У раду се наводи део резултата ширег истраживања друштвеног поло-жаја жена са села северног Косова и Методије, обављеног 2013. године. У тексту се анализирају подаци о предузетничким инклинацијама и економском потенцијалу жена са села. У основи истраживања је идеја да су предузетничке инклинације битне у процесу економског развоја али још су битније са аспекта процеса еманципације жена и укупног друштвеног развоја. Добијени налази сугеришу да је приватно преду-зетништво код испитиване популације неразвијено, за шта постоје два доминантна разлога. Први, политички-безбедоносно неповољна ситуа-ција која није погодна за сигурност улагања, те специфичност у виду компликованих административних услова пословања у којима се за-хтева поштовање паралелних и међусобно неконпатибилних стандар-да (Републике Србије и УНМИК администрације). Други битан разлог за одсуство предузетничке иницијативе јесте недостатак власништва над имовином и средствима за производњу, с тим у вези банке не дају кредите без гаранције у виду власништва над хипотеком, а недоступни су и други облици финансијског подстицаја.
Theoretical & Applied Science, 2020
ISRA (India) = 4.971 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 GIF (Australia) = 0.564 JIF = 1.500 SIS (USA) = 0.912 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 ESJI (KZ) = 8.997 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 PIF (India) = 1.940 IBI (India) = 4.260 OAJI (USA) =
Herald of Omsk University. Series: Economics, 2020
The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of small business in the northern raw material regions in the context of a decrease in hydrocarbon production and a decrease in the role of large business in the economic development of the territory. It is determined that modern studies of small business at the regional level mainly consider the mechanisms of development of small business, the sphere of interaction between small and large business, the state of the institutional environment. But they do not take into account the peculiarities of specific territories and the life cycle of the extraction of raw materials. The article analyzes trends in the development of small business in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and identifies factors that have a significant impact on it. It is noted that the indicators of the development of small business in the region had predominantly positive dynamics for 2011-2019, namely, the number of small businesses increased, the nu...
This article analyzes the evolution of the concept of "entrepreneurship” views, types and instruments on state support for the development of entrepreneurship, opens the possible obstacles in effective implementation of government programs. Moreover, the article gives the author's own opinions.
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International Humanitarian University Herald. Economics and Management
Market Infrastructure
Комунальне господарство міст, 2022
Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici
Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2017
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Business Inform, 2019
Series: Economic science, 2020
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Journal of the New Economic Association, 2018
Problemi Teorìï ta Metodologìï Buhgaltersʹkogo Oblìku, Kontrolû ì Analìzu, 2022
Ural Historical Journal, 2018
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Aktualʹnì problemi ìnnovacìjnoï ekonomìki, 2024
Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University, 2020
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies