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2019, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii de Stat din Cahul "B. P. Hasdeu": Ştiinţe Sociale
Strategies represent public policy documents that have the role to define medium or long-term development. Strategies are used as tools in decision making process. The key question of the study addresses reliability and legitimacy aspects of these documents. Public debates and involving of stakeholders offer legitimacy to the strategies. The limits of the strategies are represented by compatibility between interests and values, knowledge and skills between policy makers and citizens. Narrowing of the compatibility affects legitimacy reducing reliability of the document and its desired effects.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The combination of the words "sustainable development" has become a popular slogan in the discourse of contemporary development. However, despite its ubiquity and the massive popularity it has accumulated over the years, the concept remains to be partially researched. There are still many questions about its significance and history, as well as about what it implies in terms of sustainability from a theoretical and applied point of view. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research of sustainability approaches in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is achieved through an extensive analysis of the literature, combining the theoretical aspects of the subject studied with the practical dimensions, which are easier to measure. According to the "Global Survey on Sustainability and the SDGs", the main sustainability benchmarks are essentially anchored on distinct but interconnected three-dimensional pillars, namely the environment, the economy and society. Decision-makers must constantly pay attention to the relationships, complementarities and trade-offs between these pillars and ensure responsible human behavior at international, national and community level.
După aproape două decenii de când Zidul Berlinului sa prăbuşit, a devenit clar că falimentul experimentului comunist nu echivalează cu validarea capitalismului cunoscut în istoria de pînă acum. Din infirmarea unei ipoteze nu se poate deduce cu necesitate confirmarea ipotezei contrarii: dacă am constatat că ipoteza „A” nu este validă, asta nu ne scuteşte de verificarea ipotezei „anti-A”. Altfel spus, faptul că proiectul „Fiecăruia după necesităţi” a eşuat nu implică legitimarea proiectului „Peştele mare înghite peştele mic”.
Concepție grafică, machetare şi tehnoredactare: Luminița LOGIN Coperta: Nicolae LOGIN DESPRE AUTORI Simona Maria STĂNESCU este cercetător științific III în Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții (ICCV), Academia Română. Este doctorand în sociologie al Universității București, Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială, cu o temă de analiză a statului bunăstării. Domeniile de interes: politică socială, construcție instituțională și cadru legislativ în domeniul social, drepturile omului și economia socială. Printre publicații: Aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană: impactul asupra statului bunăstării românesc (coordonator, 2004); Enciclopedia dezvoltării sociale (co-coordonator, 2007); Politici de incluziune socială în perioada de criză economică (co-coordonator, 2010); Raport de cercetare privind economia socială în România din perspectivă europeană comparată (co-coordonator, 2010). [email protected] Sorin CACE este doctor în sociologie și în economie, cercetător științific I în ICCV, Academia Română. Domeniile de interes: statul bunăstării, ocuparea forței de muncă, situația romilor și economia socială. Printre publicații: Legal şi egal pe piața muncii pentru comunitățile de romi. Diagnoza factorilor care influențează nivelul de ocupare la populația de romi (cocoordonator, 2010); Economia socială în Europa (coautor, 2010); Economia socială-două profiluri regionale (co-coordonator, 2010); Bune practici în domeniul economiei sociale (coautor, 2010).
The objectives of sustainable development of human settlements are related to controling the urban space evolution, to enabling a more balanced system, especially tracking the dynamic cities growth, alleviating social and spatial segregation especially in major cities, environmental problems and those generated by transport. These objectives require integration and continuity of socioeconomic development policies, in particular those concerning urban development, both vertical (at all levels: local, regional, national and international) and horizontally, between all the social, administrative and economical components.
Revista Transilvană De Ştiinţe Administrative, 2007
The article aims to identify those indicators that can be used for evaluating the sustainability of the Romanian agricultural uses. The three main domains: ecology, economy and sociology influence the development process of these indicators, which also relies upon the wellrecognized methods IDEA and IDERICA. Some of the assumptions used for constructing the sustainable development model of the Romanian agricultural uses are: the complex and competitive managerial techniques that foster ecological protection of the natural environment, as well as of the consumers, the flexibility, the size of the agricultural use that has to correspond to its specialization, the long term profitability and the economic efficiency.
Dificultatile generate de marea concentrare a populatiei umane, pun sub semnul intrebarii viabilitatea pe termen lung a acesteia, mai ales daca sunt puse in legatura cu marile resurse necesare intretinerii functionarii marilor aglomerari urbane. Obiectivele dezvoltarii durabile ale asezarilor umane sunt legate de controlul evolutiei spatiului urban, in vederea obtinerii unui sistem mai echilibrat, in special urmarirea dinamicii cresterii oraselor,
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The digital resources are very much used in the field of public procurements in the Republic of Moldova. The main resource is the online Registry of Public Procurement MTender which allows the entire organization of the public procurement procedures online. It enhances the accessibility to the public procurements, especially for the foreign economic operators. As we it is useful for the society which is interested in monitoring public procurements. Other digital sources are the platform of the National Complaint Settlement Agency, which allows the submission of the complaints electronically, but as well organizes the online hearings. The Public Procurement Agency uses a series of digital tools among which are the Buletiul Achizitiilor Publice and the black list of economic operators. Other useful resources are electronic advanced qualified signature, the State Tax Service website with information about the companies, the websites of the national courts and of the Competition Council. All these digital resources are important for the contracting authority and other participants in public procurements. As lege ferenda, the authors propose to create a mechanism to integrate all the data from other sources to MTender which would allow a much more systematic verification of the economic operators in public procurement procedures.
Scopul proiectarii durabile este gasirea solutiilor constructive, care se reflecta in caracteristicile constructiilor, care sa garanteze pe de o parte bunastarea si pe de alta parte coexistenta celor trei grupuri care alcatuiesc ecosistemul global (elementele anorganice, organismele vii si oamenii). Atingerea scopului proiectarii durabile se face prin educarea intr-un cadru conceptual care are trei niveluri : principii, strategii si metode.
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015
One of the most dynamic works of Romanian Orthodox Church in the last 25 years is spiritual care for Romanians working abroad. Sensitive to the pastoral needs of the Romanian Orthodox believers temporarily or permanently established in the countries majority unorthodox, Romanian Patriarchate organized new Orthodox dioceses and parishes in different countries, to ensure to the Romanian believers religious assistance and an appropriate pastoral care, an ethos of life similar of the country, with traditions, habits, religious services and community organization.
The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in the construction features, which will ensure on the one hand the welfare and on the other hand the coexistence of the three groups that make up the global ecosystem (inorganic elements, living organisms and people). Achieving sustainable design goal is through education in a conceptual framework that has three levels: principles, strategies and methods. They correspond to the three objectives of architectural education regarding the environment: the creation of care towards the environment, explaining the building ecosystem and learning how buildings can be designed in the concept of sustainable development. Each of this principles includes a unique set of strategies, whose study leads to a better understanding of the interaction with the environment. This creates the premise for analyzing the specific methods that both builders together and architects together with other professionals can apply to reduce the impact of buildings they made with the environment.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
In the context of current technological, social and economic changes, entities face several challenges aimed at further developing the key role of supplier of high quality products and services. These include the need to meet future consumer demands and develop production processes that increase labor productivity and reduce costs. Adequate and qualified human resources are essential to ensure quality production and implement more efficient production processes based on new technologies. As a result, the analysis of human resources is essential to achieve the economic-financial objectives of the entity and to enable the entities to face current and future challenges. The present paper provides an analysis of human resource provision through the lens of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes made within the entity. At the same time, the method of analyzing the stability of human resources through indicators of labor force fluctuation and circulation was exposed.
In conditions of world scientific and technological revolution, the society incapacity to satisfy the vital demands becomes more inexplicable and unjustifiable. Starting with the reform from 1999 (named Agenda 2000) the Common Industrial Policy has two principal directions: market policy and sustainable development of industrial zones, imposing two concepts: sustainable industrial production and sustainable industrial consumption for an acceptable and agreed sustainable industrial development. From 2000, the environmental aspects were better integrated into the industrial policy that includes new measures or improvements of the existing ones in order to promote the environment protection (concept of "sustainable industrial development", "green" production, "green" products etc.). The principal instrument of market policy becomes eco-conditioning. Agenda 2000 and Johannesburg Declaration (2002) were introduced the demand for all EU member states to apply measures for environment protection in order to ensure the quality of industrial production and also, eco-labelling of some important industrial products (e.g., 24 categories of industrial products into EU states). Thus, it must be respected a minimum level of environment standards, applied the best industrial available practices so that the ecocapacity,eco-efficiency and eco-equity to be maintained and driven into the right direction for future generation.
Rezumat: O problemă importantă a dreptului urbanismului cu care s-a confruntat în ultimii ani jurisprudenţa noastră, a fost aceea de a stabili natura juridică a documentaţiilor de urbanism (planul urbanistic general-PUG, planul urbanistic zonal-PUZ și planul urbanistic de detaliu-PUD). Sunt ele acte normative sau dimpotrivă, au un caracter individual? Importanţa practică a chestiunii este vizibilă din două puncte de vedere: pe de o parte, potrivit regulilor contenciosului administrativ, actele normative pot fi atacate oricând în justiţie, fără o limită în timp, în vreme ce pentru actele individuale este instituit un termen de prescripţie de șase luni. Pe de altă parte, doar în cazul actelor individuale este obligatorie chemarea în judecată, alături de organul emitent, și a beneficiarului actului, sub sancţiunea respingerii cererii ca inadmisibilă. În prezentul studiu am ajuns la concluzia că cele trei tipuri distincte de documentaţii de urbanism au, în mod necesar, una și aceeași natură juridică: sunt acte administrative normative. Am pornit analiza acestei situaţii de la criteriul de distincţie dintre cele două categorii fundamentale de acte administrative: este vorba despre un criteriu calitativ-determinabilitatea destinatarilor actului, iar nu despre
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
Demographic explosion has become one of the great epochal changes alarms which determined the great architects to design possible models for the city of the future. Spatial planning is one of the great cultural and technical defiance of the future, namely urban projects based on the concept of three-dimensional city, which extend not only occupying territories, but also fully enjoying of a third spatial dimension.
The permanent adaptation of the organization to the changes from the intern and extern environment is done through the managerial activity which essentially represents an ensemble of interdependent decisions. The functionality and viability of the organizations cannot be conceived outside an adequate process of decision. Nowadays there is a tendency of increasing the risks because of the intense amplification, diversification, dinamization and innovation of the ensemble of activities and factors which influence the organization and its environment. To counteract this tendency the management of risks developed. This has in view the reduction of risks correlated with the realization of the objectives of the firm that means changes in the perspective and the structure of decisions. This means that a thoroughly evaluation of reality and intense anticipatory efforts are necessary providing this way vast and precise information that allow, using adequate instruments, the endorsement of efficient decisions. The world that we live in, seen as an ensemble is a closed world which is in a permanent change and at a closer look we can a certain that it is also very different from the point of view of regions, civilized countries, historic periods etc. knowledge represents the solution for the future existence of this world and for approaching from all aspects of the segments that is made of. Knowledge is the chance that appears now and must not be wasted to rediscover later, after the negative effects of this lack of intuition will have been finished. 1.1 Risc şi incertitudine în activitatea umană Tranziţia la economia de piaţă, în fostele ţări cu o economie excesiv centralizată, a reprezentat un proces complex care a adus schimbări esenţiale asupra condiţiilor de desfăşurare a activităţii agenţilor economici, care au fost obligaţi să-şi adapteze dimensiunile, structurile şi chiar eficienţa activităţii economice la condiţiile şi "jocurile" stabilite de economia de piaţă. Creşterea complexităţii relaţiilor structurate, stimulatoare şi perturbării ale întregului sistem economicosocial, la care se adaugă dezvoltarea ştiinţei şi tehnologiei, a creat mutaţii importante în modul de abordare a aspectelor teoretice şi practice ale noţiunilor de risc şi incertitudine.[1] 1.1.1 Definiţii şi caracteristici Universul economic, social, politic şi natural în care trăiesc, acţionează şi evoluează oamenii este încărcat de incertitudini. În prezent se recunoaşte tot mai mult că un sistem care funcţionează pentru a obţine un rezultat viitor, operează prin definiţie, într-o sferă de incertitudine, chiar dacă situaţiile concrete se caracterizează prin grade diferite de risc, de incertitudine sau chiar de nedeterminare. Riscul şi incertitudinea nu sunt însă subiecte de opţiune, ele fac parte pur şi simplu din condiţia umană. Incertitudinile incită agenţii economici să-şi efectueze propriile determinări după principii economice, funcţie de speranţele lor, adică îi provoacă să aprecieze mai întâi gradul de probabilitate al realizării scopurilor şi obiectivelor propuse. Planul oferă o imagine a viitorului, însă al cărui viitor, pentru că planificatorul construieşte mai mulţi viitori, şi anume: un viitor dorit, un viitor necesar şi un viitor posibil. Fiecare dintre aceste forme de viitor are determinările şi nedeterminările sale. Strategia, politica şi planul economic, bine fundamentate, apar, ca instrumente eficiente care întregesc mecanismul global de funcţionare şi evoluţie a sistemului economic cu un mecanism parţial constituit din pârghii conştiente, sau contribuie la integrarea viitorului în prezent, la apropierea celor trei forme de viitor, ceea ce ar atrage forma ideală dacă ele s-ar suprapune până la identificare, în prezent, lucru imposibil de realizat; însă, cu toate acestea, reducând incertitudinea, strategia, politica şi planul conţin elemente care determină agenţii economici să acţioneze în prezent în numele şi spiritul cerinţelor viitoare, instrumentele previzionale respective incitând la căutări, la invocări, la invenţii, modernizări şi raţionalizări. Termenii risc şi incertitudine sunt folosiţi de multe ori pentru a exprima acelaşi lucru, dar, aşa cum se susţine în literatura de specialitate [2], între ei există o diferenţă clară. Incertitudinea reprezintă faptul de a nu şti ce se va întâmpla în viitor, iar riscul este considerat ca o caracterizare a gradului de incertitudine; cu cât este mai mare incertitudinea cu atât este mai pronunţat riscul şi invers; majoritatea acţiunilor umane prezintă o anumită doză de incertitudine şi risc, care se datorează, pe de-o parte, celui care acţionează, iar pe de altă parte,
In the first part of the paper, hydro-geotechnical factors that must be taking into consideration, when choosing the foundation system for buildings located in urban centres, are listed. In the last part is presented a case study from Moldavia region, where due to some errors in the execution process, complex problems occurred., 2018
One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely.
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