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74 pages
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Bimbingan dan konseling atau “guidance and counseling” merupakan salah satu program pendidikan yang diarahkan kepada usaha pembaruan pendidikan nasional. Jika dilihat arti dan tujuan bimbingan dan konseling secara mendalam, maka jelas urgensi bimbingan dan konseling sangat besar bagi usaha pemantapan arah hidup generasi muda dalam berbagai bidang yang menyangkut ilmu pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap mental dalam masyarakat. Melalui program bimbingan dan konseling berarti pula perkembangan jiwa anak bimbing harus diarahkan kepada kemampuan mental spiritual yang lebih tinggi, dan lebih baik. Kemampuan mental spiritual anak bimbing khususnya para generasi muda harus mendapatkan perhatian istimewa dalam bimbingan dan konseling, baik segi-segi umum maupun agama untuk dibina dan dikembangkan agar mereka menjadi generasi mendatang yang kuat dan tangguh, baik fisik, mental maupun spiritual. Pengertian dan tujuan dasar dari bimbingan dan konseling diatas tidak mengecualikan bimbingan dan ...
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Terapan, 2018
Group dynamics is one of the courses contained in the S-1 Guidance and Counseling program. Blended learning is a combination of learning between face-to-face, computer (offline), and internet-based learning (online). The main purpose of blended learning is to provide opportunities for the various characteristics of learners to become self-sustaining, sustainable, and developing throughout life, so that learning will be more effective, more efficient, and more interesting. The development model used in the development process of blended learning of Group Dynamics course is with ADDIE model. The steps of developing this model include: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. Development phase that has been done include: analysis, design, development and implementation. Based on expert test results, obtained P = 92.25%, which according to Riduwan (2012) interpretation criteria including the criteria of "very good" and obtain alternative d...
Ghaidan: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam dan Kemasyarakatan
The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence group counseling has on motivation to study at Al-Atiqiyah Cipanengah Sukabumi High School. This study uses quantitative methods with product momentdata analysis techniques, and data collection techniques using closed questionnaires in which there are alternative answers that have been determined by researchers. The sample in the study was 29 teachers, and 30 students. From the results of the analysis of student questionnaire data using the product moment correlation formula obtained Υwork 0.727. After consultation with the critical price table at n 30 with significant levels of 95% 0.361 and 99% 0.463. then from the results of the teacher questionnaire data obtained work 1.32. After being consulted with the critical price table at n 29 with a significant level of 95% 0.367 and 99% 0.470 came to the conclusion that there is an influence of group counseling on the learning motivation of Al-Atiqiyah Cipanengah Sukabumi High ...
Jurnal Serina Abdimas
School students may experience problems related to academic or non academic. As a candidate for Bachelor of Buddhist Religious Education Graduate who can later work as a teacher in a school, they can be faced with troubled students who need help in order to study well. Counseling techniques are interventions that can be given to school students who have these problems. Guest lecture was given to 5th semester students studying in the Counseling and Psychotherapy course in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Buddha (STIAB) Jinarakkhita Lampung on December 6, 2022. The activity was carried out online via Zoom application at 1-3.30 pm where 33 students and 2 lecturers were present. The presentation of the material given to students focuses on application, important aspects, and practical experience of the presenter regarding the use of counseling and psychotherapy. Students fill out the pretest form before the presentation was given and students fill out the posttest form after the material prese...
Keywords :This research is aiming at identifying the urgency or importance of counseling guidance for prospective educators. The method applied in this research is mix-method by using two approaches based on instrument and technique of data collection, namely, interview and spreading questionnaire in the form of google form which filled by lecturers and students of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sorong about the urgency of learning counseling guidance course at Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sorong. All study programs learn counseling guidance. The result of the research depicted that in implementing this point, the learning of counseling guidance becomes one of the much needed courses to the students of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sorong with positive responses based on interview and it is supported by the result of questionnaire data processing were at 78,6 %. The implication is that there must be a strong synergy between the lecturers and students in the form of guidance services, in this case, the comp...
Puji syukur senantiasa kami haturkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat serta karunia-Nya kepada kami sehingga karya tulis yang berjudul "Konseling dalam Perspektif Islam", ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik.
Frly, 2023
Konsep dasar teori konseling kelompok pengertian, tujuan, fungsi, asas, dan materi
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Nosipakabelo: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan
Jurnal VARIDIKA, 2015
RISTEKDIK : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2020
JURNAL CEMERLANG : Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2020
MATAPPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2017
Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy