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The Faculty and Staff Study is the third phase of a three-part research project by the University of Iowa Libraries. The study was designed to assess faculty and staff satisfaction with library-wide services and resources. The purpose of this study is to obtain objective, quantifiable information from the faculty and staff at the University of Iowa regarding library services and resources. The objectives of the Faculty and Staff Study were: to ascertain and understand how faculty and staff access library resources and services; to ascertain what library services, resources, collections and facilities faculty and staff use for study, teaching and research; to ascertain faculty and staff perceptions of library resources and services; to ascertain how satisfied faculty and staff are with library resources and services; to identify unmet needs and areas for improvement.
The Comparative Analysis is the culminating phase of the User Needs Assessment Project. The purpose is to identify statistically significant differences in usage and level of satisfaction between the user groups studied. The specific project objectives were: to know and understand how services and resources are accessed by library users; to know and understand what library services, resources, collections and facilities library users take advantage of for study, teaching and research; to know and understand user perceptions about library resources and services; to know and understand user attitudes about library resources and services, and to know and understand user unmet needs and areas for improvement.
The Graduate and Professional Student survey is the second phase of a three-part study designed to assess patron satisfaction with library-wide services and resources at the University of Iowa Libraries. This project began as a pilot study in 1996. The purpose of this survey is to obtain objective, quantifiable information from graduate and professional students at the University of Iowa about library services and resources. The objectives of the Graduate and Professional Student Study were: to learn and understand how graduate and professional students access library resources and servIces; to learn what library services, resources, collections and facilities graduate and professional students use for study, teaching and research; to identify graduate and professional students' perception of library resources and services; to learn how satisfied graduate and professional students are with library resources and services; and to identify graduate and professional students unmet n...
College & Research Libraries, 1998
The university community is not a static environment but, rather, one fraught with change and adjustment to change. How do academic libraries within a university setting effectively address the evolving service and resource needs of a diverse patron community? One method that has received increasing attention is the development and implementation of internal instruments specifically designed to assess user satisfaction with services and resources. This study assesses undergraduate resource and service needs, identifies librarywide unmet needs, and gives both library user and librarian an opportunity to engage in proactive dialogue.
Universities libraries are shaping up with facilities to provide satisfaction in accessing and studying information to meet today's knowledge-intensive environment. This study aims to investigate users' satisfaction on the library information resources, facilities, and services for learning and research works at a public university. The population of this study comprises of students from the different faculties in the campus. Survey questionnaires were distributed to library users through stratified and convenient sampling method to collect the required information. Data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of this study reflected the needs of good library information resources, facilities, and services to ensure user's satisfaction for learning and research.
Traditionally, a library has been defined by four aspects: its collection of books, the building that houses them, the librarians who are experts in retrieving this stored and cataloged information, and the patrons who are the end users of library services. Moving to the future, information systems will play a larger role within the library as physical collections will be circumvented by digital ones. With the growth of digital content, circulation of print material is in decline, and gate counters are showing a trend of decreased traffic. To address these issues academic and public libraries are trying to reinvent themselves both in physical and digital offerings. For example, libraries have added computer labs and teaching spaces, and they are expanding into mobile development, cloud sourcing, semantic library web, and online education. Unfortunately, these changes do not guarantee patrons will use library services. This study seeks to investigate the differences in librarian and ...
College & Research Libraries, 2009
Investigación Bibliotecológica, 2016
This paper reports the research results of the Clar-aboya project, which through the implementation of attitudinal changes in teachers regarding reading suggestions , is focused on improving student academic performance and student satisfaction with the resources available in the campus library. The research methodology entails a comparison of pre-test result of seven indicators of satisfaction of 373 students against two random samples of students who responded to the 2013 Service Quality Survey. The research found that in six of seven variables students participating in the
International journal of education and practice, 2024
This study aimed to obtain accurate information about the student satisfaction level with academic library services in State Christian Religious Higher Education institutions and to evaluate the performance of each attribute service. A quantitative approach involving descriptive statistical methods was used. For data collection, a questionnaire comprising 16 statements, validated by five experts, was employed and the data were gathered from 382 students across three participating State Christian Religious Higher Education institutions. The data analysis employed descriptive statistical methods and involved the use of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) formula and the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The results showed that the percentage of overall student satisfaction level for academic library services was 66.24%, indicating students were largely content with these services. However, there was room for improvement in the performance of these services. This study identified certain service attributes such as internet accessibility, library collection, library catalog system, timeliness of library opening and closing, library staff readiness, and the speed of library staff in handling requests, which were found to provide low satisfaction levels to students. A comprehensive performance evaluation for each academic library service attribute resulted in a mapping visualized through the four quadrants of the Cartesian diagram. The management of the State Christian Religious Higher Education must develop various facilities for library operational support and also staff competencies to improve the academic library services. Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in improving the service quality of academic library in the State Christian Religious Higher Education. It emphasizes the significance of facilities and staff competencies in fulfilling students' academic needs. 1. INTRODUCTION Academic library is essential for higher education institutions in supporting teaching, studies, and information needs (Gabbay & Shoham, 2019; Mierzecka & Suminas, 2018). Many academic libraries have developed various resources to serve the needs of their institutions, including personnel training and the provision of digital-based equipment to access information effectively (
Over the years, the academic library has witnessed a great transformation in its collections and services due to the preparedness towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). User satisfaction with library resources is very cardinal as it plays a pivotal role in determining the growth of the user, the library, and the institution as a whole. The study examined users' perception towards the resources of the academic library at the University of Education, Winneba. The study was based on a survey where a questionnaire was employed to solicit data from 294 sample size. The findings revealed that, majority of the respondents were not aware of some of the library resources especially the electronic categories. With regards to the available ICT equipments to aid research and academic work, the study found out negative perception especially in connection with adequate computers, stable internet connectivity, easy remote access to the academic databases, etc. These negative perceptions can be attributed to the challenges that the study unraveled as follows; poor user interface designs of some electronic resources, poor signage, poor communication between users and library about any development in the library, experience error whiles using the computers at the library, lack of frequent training for users in new library services. Given this, it was recommended that the library management should redesign the periodic orientation for first year students, continuous awareness creation and training for students, staff and faculty, and the provision of library infrastructure which should encapsulate both manual and electronic infrastructure.
This study assessed the library services provided in federal, state and private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire was the tool used for data collection. The study population consisted of 110 respondents from University of Agriculture (UNAAB), Abeokuta, 287 respondents from Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Ijebu-Ode and 215 respondents from Redeemer’s University (RUN), Mowe, given a total of 612 respondents from the three selected universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was used to select the universities and the respondents. A total of 612 questionnaires were administered on all the respondents and 403 questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed given a response rate of 70%. A descriptive statistical method was used to analyze the data displayed in tables and percentage while hypotheses formulated was tested using the Kruskal-Wallis analysis and Chi-Square. A pre-test of 65 questionnaires were first administered and analyzed to estimate reliability co-efficient. The instrument yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.866%. We therefore concluded that the instrument was reliable. Finding from the study shows that electronic information resources services, internet services and circulation services were the services fully provided and utilized by the respondents, as displayed on Table 3; while CD ROM services, online public access catalogue (OPAC), user education, selective dissemination of information (SDI) and current awareness were the services moderately provided. It was also evident from this research that reprographic services, abstracting and indexing and literature search services were the least provided as shown on Table 3. The result of the formulated hypotheses shows there was significant difference in the library services provision and services expectation by Academic staff of federal, state and private universities. The findings affirmed that service provision in any library is an essential activity. University libraries should ensure to provide effective and adequate services to match with the expectations of library users especially the academic staff.
This paper aims to explore the availability of information resources to ALHOSN university faculty, the perception and awareness of the faculty about these resources, assessment of the level of information in terms of quality and quantity and find out how these resources could be enhanced from the faculty’s actual and perceived needs. Data have been collected by way of online questionnaire to find out how faculty perceive and use the library services. The analyses and the results of the survey have revealed that the University library was partially meeting the needs of the faculty. However it transpired that there were certain areas of the services that need to be improved and enhanced. Based on the findings the paper suggested some recommendation towards improving services.
Library & Information Science Research, 1996
Library use and user satisfaction are multidimensional concepts. However, traditional methods of evaluation do not include appropriate global measures of these concepts. Two indices of library use and user satisfaction have been derived from a number of characteristics collected by means of a questionnaire that combined individual variable-scores and expressed them as a final score. One form of index was based on a simple approach producing a weighted sum of individual values scored for all surveyed items. The second form, based on the theory of factor analysis, especially the principal components procedure, highlighted the most important items defining either library use or user satisfaction. Thus, the indices verified the presence of any correlation between user satisfaction and library use and evaluated library activities and services at the libraries of the National University of Rwanda. They could be used to compare various libraries sharing the same baseline characteristics and profiles.
Relatively diminishing financial resources and increasing user expectations are combining to create a new emphasis for the traditional research library. This paper reports on the development of a pilot project at a large research library that explored the relationship between evaluation and assessment to determine how both the institution and the user can benefit. Following a background of needs of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, the survey methodology for determining user needs is outlined. The survey was divided into three distinct areas. In the first part of the survey, users were asked to identify their relationship with the library. The second part contained assessment questions which attempted to ascertain users' information literacy and general search skills. Finally, questions specific to the University's system were asked. The results of the Task Force on the Future of the Library and a changed university budgetary process brought about the recommendation to develop/fund a Instruction Coordinator position and include support staff with a real budget for the implementation of a library-wide program. (AEF)
College & Research Libraries, 1994
There is a long history of debate and controversy surrounding the existence of academic branch libraries. Although the reasons for reviewing branch libraries are numerous and varied, there is a need for consistency in the review process. Using recent ACRL guidelines and standards as a foundation, the authors propose a model methodology for reviewing academic branch libraries which may be utilized by any institution undertaking such a process. Disciplines Library and Information Science Comments This article is form College & Research Libraries 55 (1994): 342-354.
College & Research Libraries
portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2006
This study explores user perception, the use of an academic library, and the correlation between user perception and library use. The findings indicate that the B.Ed College library is a preferred place to study and spend time during non-class times on campus. The frequent user activities in the library included individual study, reading, computer use, finding information, group study, using reference and information services, and meeting and socializing. The correlation between library use and each of the user activities was examined. The findings suggest that users perceive the B.Ed College library primarily as a place for learning and information seeking. The study shows how users perceive and use the library, and provides insights into how libraries can strengthen their place and advance their role in the academic community
Library satisfaction survey is conducted regularly to determine the strengths and weaknesses of its services and collections. The result becomes baselines in the planning of library activities to include collection development, orientation programs, and promotional enhancements. This survey made use of 5 Likert scales to determine the satisfaction level of the library patrons. All faculty and students were encouraged to participate in the survey through an online link. Data was collected a week after and generated a total of 587 responses. The survey intends to know the satisfaction level of its patrons with the different type of collections, the organization of materials, facilities, personnel, and services. Further, the survey explored the information need of its patrons for the academic year 2016-2017. Results showed that the library patrons, from faculty, staff, and midshipmen are extremely satisfied with the library and its services. The library collection has a weighted average of 4.40 which verbally indicates that the users are very satisfied. The organization of materials and the library personnel have a weighted average of 4.58 and 4.63 respectively which indicates that the users are extremely satisfied. Finally, the users expressed that they are extremely satisfied with the physical facilities of the library as evident by a weighted average of 4.52. Overall, it is gratifying to learn from this survey that most of the services and collections are satisfying to the patrons.
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