The fantastic idea of two (or more) Lems


My theory is that there could be at least two Stanisławs Lems: the „fake” or Wrocław (Breslau) ‎one and the „real” one, or of Kraków (Cracow). Obviously, it is very arbitrary decision, which ‎Lem a was “real” and which “fake”, so I decided that te real one was that associated with so ‎called golden period of his writings (roughly 1957-1980 or even shorter), i.e. the Cracow Lem, ‎that is explained below.‎ The real one was born in Lwów (Lemberg) in wealthy Jewish upper middle class (intelligentsia) ‎family, graduated there from high school and started to study medicine during the Soviet ‎occupation of that city. The fake one was also born in Lwów, educated there (most likely at the ‎same high school and medical school as the real Lem) and so on, but after the war, he took the ‎identity of the real Stanisław Lem, as he was a Gestapo agent in the Lemberg (Lwów) ghetto. ‎They both left Lwów in 1945, so we can find those inconsistencies in dates of the Lems family ‎repatriation to Poland. It is also the reason why the both Lems refused to comment on details of ‎their vicissitudes in Lwów during the Nazi occupation. The fake Stanisław Lem went after the ‎war to Wrocław (Breslau), like the majority of Polish-speaking inhabitants of Lwów, finished ‎medicine there and worked officially as a physician while started collaboration - this time with ‎UB, i.e. the Secret Political Police of the Stalinist Regime, then in command in Poland ‎. The real ‎one moved to Kraków (Cracow) and using help of the fake Stanisław Lem, started a career as a ‎SF writer. The fake Lem paid a lot of money taken from the wealthy Jews in the Lemberg ghetto ‎to the real Lem, so the real (Cracow) Lem was quiet, especially, as the fake i.e. Wrocław Lem ‎helped to father of the real i.e. Cracow Lem to get a job as a physician at the UB hospital in ‎Cracow. Existence of at least two Stanisławs Lems can also explain why the records relating to ‎survival of the liquidation of the Lemberger Ghetto by Stanisław Lem and his parents are so ‎inconsistent and contradict each other, as they confuse the real Lem with his fake double.‎