A Booklist of International Environmental Literature

World Literature Today


Coordinated by Scott Slovic I have given the compilers of the following lists an almost impossible task: to select no more than five important works of "environmental literature" from their home countries (or regions) around the world or from literary traditions in which they have particular expertise. The point here is not to produce exhaustive or definitive lists of "the best" works, but rather to give experts a chance to present some of their own favorites in the hope of inspiring readers to plunge into the wealth of additional works from these places and elsewhere in the world. Environmental literature is a vast and varied field, and it exists wherever human beings write (or speak) to each other about the physical places where we live, about the other species with whom we share this planet, and about the increasingly pressing questions of access to natural resources, mitigating toxic contamination, and how to control our species' ecological footprint. In coordinating this list, I have tried to seek out scholars located in (or knowledgeable about) diverse regions of the world, but I realize many regions are not represented in this booklist. Each of these scholars responded within a few weeks' time, so these are basically top-of-the-head lists, not products of lengthy consideration. The main criteria were that the works be from the past 250 years, that they display genuine "literary quality," and that they have achieved popular appeal. Brief annotations for each title can be found in the online edition of WLT.