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1993, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
The existing linear algorithms exhibit various high sensitivities to noise. The analysis presented in this paper provides insight into the causes for such high sensitivities. It is shown in this paper that even a small pixel-level perturbation may override the epipolar information that is essential for the linear algorithms to distinguish different motions. This analysis indicates the need for optimal estimation in the presence of noise. Then, we introduce methods for optimal motion and structure estimation under two situations of noise distribution: 1) known and 2) unknown. Computationally, the optimal estimation amounts to minimizing a nonlinear function. For the correct convergence of this nonlinear minimization, we use a two-step approach. The first step is using a linear algorithm to give a preliminary estimate for the parameters. The second step is minimizing the optimal objective function starting from that preliminary estimate as an initial guess. A remarkable accuracy improvement has been achieved by this two-step approach over using the linear algorithm alone. In order to assess the accuracy of the optimal solution, the error in the solution of the optimal estimation algorithm is compared with a theoretical lower error bound-CramCr-Rao bound. The simulations have shown that with Gaussian noise added to the coordinates of the image points, the actual error in the optimal solution is very close to the bound. In addition, we also use the CramCr-Rao bound to indicate the inherent instability of motion estimation from small image disparities, such as motion from optical flow. Finally, it is known that given the same nonlinear objective function and the same initial guess, different minimization methods may lead to different solutions. We investigate the performance difference between a batch least-squares technique (Levenberg-Marquardt) and a sequential least-squares technique (iterated extended Kalman filter) for this motion estimation problem, and the simulations showed that the former gives better results.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1989
This paper deals with estimating motion parameters a n d the structure of the scene from point (or feature) correspondences be-Narendra Ahuja (S'79-M'79-SM'85) received the B.E. degree with honors in electronics engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science. Pilani. India, in 1972, the M.E. degree with distinction in electrical communication engineering from the
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2003
This paper analyzes the problem of motion estimation from a sequence of stereo images. Two methods are considered and their differential and discrete approaches are compared. The differential approaches use differential optical flow whereas the discrete approaches use feature correspondences. Both methods are used to compute, first, the 3D velocity in the direction of the optical axis and, next, the complete rigid motion parameters. The uncertainty propagation models for both methods and approaches are derived. These models are analyzed in order to point out the critical variables for the methods. The methods were extensively tested using synthetic images as well as real images and conclusions are drawn from the results. Real images are used without any illumination control of the scene in order to study the behavior of the methods in strongly noisy environments with low resolution depth maps.
Abstract. This paper presents a new motion estimation algorithm to improve the performance of the existing searching algorithms at a relative low computational cost. We try to amend the incorrect and/or inaccurate estimate of motion with higher precision by using adaptive weighted median filtering and its modifications. The median filter is well-known. A more general filter, called the Adaptively Weighted Median Filter (AWM), of which the median filter is a special case, is described. The submitted modifications conditionally use the AWM and full search algorithm (FSA). Simulation results show that the proposed technique can efficiently improve the motion estimation performance.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017
Recently, there have been several studies on visionbased motion estimation under a supposition that planar motion follows a nonholonomic constraint. This allows reducing computational time. However, the vehicle motion in an outdoor environment does not accept this assumption. This paper presents a method for estimating the vision-based threedimensional (3D) motion of a vehicle with several parts as follows. First, Ackermann steering model is applied to reduce constraint parameters of the 3D motion. In difference to the previous contribution, the proposed approach requires only two corresponding points of consecutive images to estimate the vehicle motion. Second, motion parameters are extracted based on a closed-form solution on geometric constraints. Third, the estimation approach applies the bundle adjustment-based quasiconvex optimization. This task aims to take into account advantage of omnidirectional vision-based features for reducing errors. The omnidirectional vision supports for landmarks tracking in long travel and large rotation, which is appropriate for bundle adjustment technique. Evaluated results show that the proposed method is applicable in the practical condition of outdoor environments.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1992
Different components of a three-dimensional point determined by stereo triangulation have quite different uncertainties. In order to provide a fast, noniterative, and reliable algorithm, this paper derives a closed-form approximate matrixweighted least squares solution for motion parameters from threedimensional point correspondences in two stereo image pairs. The solution is approximate in the sense that the constraint in the rotation matrix is first neglected in solving a linear equation and later it is reconsidered. Our simulations have demonstrated that, in the presence of noise, the matrix-weighted solution, provided with a sufficient number of points, is significantly more accurate than the unweighted o r the scalar-weighted solutions. We present a framework for optimal motion estimation from two stereo image pairs. Although the corresponding algorithm is iterative and therefore more computationally expensive, the accuracy of this optimal solution has essentially reached a theoretical lower error bound. With long stereo image sequences, a recursivebatch approach is adopted to fuse multiple stereo views. The objective of this approach is to achieve higher performance without suffering from excessive computational cost. The fused point structure is represented in both the camera-centered and the world-centered coordinate systems. The former is useful for autonomous navigation and the latter is useful for visual map generation. Using this method, one obtains an accurate motion solution as early as the time at which the second frame is obtained, unlike conventional nonlinear Kalman filtering, which typically requires several dozen image frames to converge (recover from initial divergence). Experimental results with real images are presented with automatic stereo and temporal image matching and some accuracy validation based on the ground truth.
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.03CH37429), 2003
Over-determined linear systems with noise in all measurements are common in computer vision, and particularly in motion estimation. Maximum likelihood estimators have been proposed to solve such problems, but except for simple cases, the corresponding likelihood functions are extremely complex, and accurate confidence measures do not exist. This paper derives the form of simple likelihood functions for such linear systems in the general case of heteroscedastic noise. We also derive a new algorithm for computing maximum likelihood solutions based on a modified Newton method. The new algorithm is more accurate, and exhibits more reliable convergence behavior than existing methods. We present an application to affine motion estimation, a simple heteroscedastic estimation problem.
International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, 2017
The proliferation of high powered computers, the availability of high quality & inexpensive video cameras & the increasing need for automated video analysis has generated a great deal of interest in object tracking. In this regard object tracking based on Motion Estimation which is a popular technique for computing the displacement vectors between object and motion capture. Motion is very important feature of image sequences. Motion estimation is a challenging and fundamental problem of computer vision and it is demanding field among researchers. With the recent advances in video technology, there is rapid increasing need for a more reliable, efficient and robust for video processing and its analysis. The most general and challenging version of motion estimation is to compute an independent estimate of motion at each pixel, which is generally known as optical or optic flow. In this paper we have provided overview of some basic concepts behind motion estimation, block matching algorithm and optical flow.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, 1993
In this paper, the problem of motion estimation is formalired aa a problem in nonlinear opthisation. The algorithm is baaed on modeling the displacement fields as Markov Random Fields. The Markov Random Fields-Gibbs distribution equivalence is used to convert the problem into one of finding an appropriate energy function that describes the motion fields. Mean field annealing, a technique for finding the global minima in nonconvex opthisation problem, is used to minimise the Hamiltonian. The estimated displacement vector fielda are accurate, even for scenes containing noiae or intenaity discontinuities.
Pattern Recognition, 1983
Prinled in (ircal Britain (~)31 32()3 ,~3 '~341t1~ (;~) Pcrgam()ll Prc~. lad ~2 1983 PatteN] Rct:~)gllillt)l] Sot:let?
This paper describes a novel application of Statistical Learning Theory (SLT) to single motion estimation and tracking. The problem of motion estimation can be related to statistical model selection, where the goal is to select one (correct) motion model from several possible motion models, given finite noisy samples. SLT, also known as Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC), theory provides analytic generalization bounds for model selection, which have been used successfully for practical model selection. This paper describes a successful application of an SLT-based model selection approach to the challenging problem of estimating optimal motion models from small data sets of image measurements (flow). We present results of experiments on both synthetic and real image sequences for motion interpolation and extrapolation; these results demonstrate the feasibility and strength of our approach. Our experimental results show that for motion estimation applications, SLT-based model selection compares favorably against alternative model selection methods, such as the Akaike's fpe, Schwartz' criterion (sc), Generalized Cross-Validation (gcv), and Shibata's Model Selector (sms). The paper also shows how to address the aperture problem using SLT-based model selection for penalized linear (ridge regression) formulation.
This paper presents a new motion estimation algorithm to improve the performance of the existing searching algorithms at a relative low computational cost. We try to amend the incorrect and/or inaccurate estimate of motion with higher precision by using adaptive weighted median filtering and its modifications. The median filter is well-known. A more general filter, called the Adaptively Weighted Median Filter (AWM), of which the median filter is a special case, is described. The submitted modifications conditionally use the AWM and full search algorithm (FSA). Simulation results show that the proposed technique can efficiently improve the motion estimation performance.
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat. No.98CB36269)
• In many applications it is the case that -The scene depicted in the image is dynamic • moving objects • deformable objects -The camera is moving relative to the scene -Both January 27, 2009 Lecture 4 3 • From the camera's (viewer's) perspective these two cases are indistinguishable without a high level interpretation of the scene • We can only describe how points in the scene move relative to the camera, even if it is the camera that is moving.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 1996
The signal flow graph for the fast recursive implementation method of OC with the GSE of size two is presented in . The comparison of with shows that the fast recursive structure in requires significantly fewer computations for an V. CONCLUSION Efficient real-time implementation methods for the FP nnorphological operators were presented by extending our previous work 151, .
[1989] Proceedings. Workshop on Visual Motion
This paper first p m t s an image matching algorithm that uses multiple anributes associated with a pixel to yield a generally overdetermined system of constraints, taking into account possible structural discontinuities and occlusions. Both topdown and bottom-up data flows are used in multi-resolution computational structure. The matching algorithm computes dense displacement fields and the associated occlusion maps. The motion and structure parameters are estimated through optimal estimation (e.g., maximal liielihood) using the solution of a linear algorithm as an initial guess. To investigate the intrinsic stability of the problem in the presence of noise, a theoretical lower bound on e m r variance of the estimates, Cramtr-Rao bound, is determined for motion parameters. Experiments showed that the performance of our algorithm has essentially reached the bound. In addition, the bounds show that, intrinsically, motion estimation from two perspective views is a fairly stable problem if the image disparities are rclatively large, but is unstable if the disparities are very small (as required by optical flow approaches).
We present in this paper a new pel-recursive algorithm for estimating the displacement vector field in image sequences. Firstly we use a brightness-offset term in the motion constraint equation. We follow the Kalman approach to formulate the estimation problem. The state vector of dimension 3 is composed of the displacement vector and the brightness offset. The extended Kalman filter is used to estimate this state vector. The new algorithm is applied on two normalized TV sequences and it is shown that the new algorithm is always better than the commonly used algorithms. The mean square displaced frame difference obtained is about 20% less in comparison with the commonly used algorithms.
In this paper we present an evaluation of the fast algorithms used for motion estimation and compensation. The presented algorithms are classified in two categories. The first category contains the algorithms with fixed number of iterations, i.e., It is proved that for the second category of algorithms the number of iterations depends on the dimension of the search window. The evaluation is done by comparing the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the compensated motion frame and the number of blocks that are used.
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We present an algorithm that performs recursive estimation of ego-motion and ambient structure from a stream of monocular perspective images of a number of feature points. The algorithm is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that integrates over time the instantaneous motion and structure measurements computed by a 2-perspective-views step. Key features of our filter are (1) global observability of the model, (2) complete on-line characterization of the uncertainty of the measurements provided by the two-views step. The filter is thus guaranteed to be well-behaved regardless of the particular motion undergone by the observer. Regions of motion space that do not allow recovery of structure (e.g. pure rotation) may be crossed while maintaining good estimates of structure and motion; whenever reliable measurements are available they are exploited. The algorithm works well for arbitrary motions with minimal smoothness assumptions and no ad hoc tuning. Simulations are presented that illustrate these characteristics.
Object recognition supported by user interaction for service robots, 2002
Least squares minimization of the differential epipolar constraint is a fast and efficient technique to estimate structure and motion for pair of views. Previous work in this area showed how unbiased and consistent estimates could be obtained minimizing the squared errors. However, it implicitly assumes that the errors along the x and y directions are identical and uncorrelated. This is rarely the case for real data, due to the aperture problem. Instead, one should minimize the covariance weighted squared error. Moreover, when dense sequences are acquired, further robustness can be achieved by integrating the reconstruction of structure over time. This paper has two main contributions: (i) we show that the minimization of the weighted squared errors (i.e. Maximum-Likelihood estimate) outperforms the more traditional approach of un-weighted least squares, (ii) we show how structure estimation can be integrated over time in a multi-view approach that drastically improves estimates.
Image and Vision Computing, 2002
Recovering 3-D motion parameters from 2-D displacements is a difficult task, given the influence of noise contained in these data, which correspond at best to a crude approximation of the real motion field. The need for stability of the system of equations to solve is therefore essential. In this paper, we present a novel method based on an unbiased estimator that aims at enhancing this stability and strongly reduces the influence of noise contamination. Experimental results using synthetic and real optical flows are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in comparison to a set of selected methods.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
Approaches to visual navigation, e.g. used in robotics, require computationally efficient, numerically stable, and robust methods for the estimation of ego-motion. One of the main problems for egomotion estimation is the segregation of the translational and rotational component of ego-motion in order to utilize the translation component, e.g. for computing spatial navigation direction. Most of the existing methods solve this segregation task by means of formulating a nonlinear optimization problem. One exception is the subspace method, a wellknown linear method, which applies a computationally high-cost singular value decomposition (SVD). In order to be computationally efficient a novel linear method for the segregation of translation and rotation is introduced. For robust estimation of ego-motion the new method is integrated into the Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. Different scenarios show perspectives of the new method compared to existing approaches.
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