IDEA store

2014, SITUATION Symposium and Exhibition Proceedings, July 31 to August 3, 2014 Editors: Suzie Attiwill and Philippa Murray Published in 2014 by Interior Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 2014 ISBN: 978-0-9808101-3-4 Format: Online Publication


Even if consume has not been included into the cycle of the daily function imagined by the Athens Chart (inhabiting, working, recreation), historically, the places of commerce have been special ones where social, economic, and political needs, that have shaped the modern world, have been presented and put into action. In a commodity-related civilisation, the market's rules have become a central topic to relate to, and the practice of consumption a reading tool to discuss essential issues closely related to our daily life, such as on what, how and where we consume not only goods but experiences, events and culture. Contemporary retail spaces are complex places combining many aspects that go beyond the spatial and functional to include the physical, social, cultural and economic as well. All these shape their personalities and specific traits.