The Activity of Muhammad Yaqubbek in the Khuqand Khanate

International Journal of Social Science And Human Research


The article analyzes data on the life and activity of Muhammad Yaqubbek (1820-1877) who was former ruler of the Yettishahar state (1864-1877) in the Khuqand khanate (1709-1876). The most of scientists paid attention to enlighten the role of Yaqubbek in questions connected to the state of Yettishahr (1864-1877). Historian did not describe enough issues related to his early life and activities. The biography of Muhammad Yaqubbek, his political activity in the khanate of Khuqand, his titles, his fight against troops of the Russian Empire, military skills, his entrepreneurship activity and his descendants are learned on the base of data of written sources. He took part in the political games that took place in the khanate, during the struggle of the princes for the throne. His military or administrative activities gradually moved from the lowest to the highest. In addition to serving the ascended Kokand khans, he took all possible measures to protect his homeland.