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2018, Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS
6 pages
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There is no simple or efficient technology to make local material-based feed such as Durio zibethinus Murr seed powder and mineral proteinates. Partners' low comprehension in nutrition necessity of Talang Benih duck was in line with breeding purpose. Science and Technology Program for society is expected to provide understanding to both partners about hatching management, breeding management and ration composition containing durian seed powder and organic mineral. It is expected that by the end of program, selected Talang Benih ducks were obtained and feed containing durian seed powder was produced. Durian seeds are prevalent waste in Bengkulu province which has not been optimized as duck feed because of the partners' limited knowledge. Durian seeds processing into durian seed powder undergoes steaming process for added-value of durian powder seed which is eventually used as feed for Talang Benih duck in place of yellow cornmeal. Utilization of durian seed powder in duck ration would cut down feed cost thereby increasing farmers' income. Science and Technology Program (IbM) was running well observed from the high interest and zest of partner groups in extension and training programs as they asked questions during the extension and training. Talang Benih duck produced were utilizing feed made of durian seed powder. Both partners involved in this program understood and comprehended hatching management, Talang Benih Duck breeding management, durian seed powder making and management of ration composition utilizing durian seed powder.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research
With the development of science and technology and business in the field of animal husbandry, ducks have started to become the prima donna in livestock business in Indonesia, because the demand for duck meat and eggs is quite large. However, in its development there are obstacles faced by duck meat, namely the aroma which some consumers feel rancid, the color of the meat is less attractive, namely dark red and tough and the percentage of carcass is low. Post-harvest handling of meat is important because it affects the nutritional content of the product and consumer safety. Some of the efforts that can be done is by processing duck meat in the form of various kinds of dishes or preserved forms. With so many consumers' interest in consuming processed food quickly and for a long time, currently it is known as Frozen food. This assistance is carried out to provide knowledge about processing rejected ducks to get added value and selling value to duck farmers
Agricultural Science Digest, 2020
Background: In present scenario cost of common feed ingredients like maize and soybean are in rising trends due to less availability. Thus, the feed industry is forced to search the way to combat the feed cost. Rice Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles, is one of the best alternative source of feed ingredient. It has good source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. Presently, rice as subtract for bioethanol production is increasing due to its relative lower price, higher production and easy availability leads to increased availability of co-product rice distillers dried grains with solubles. In present study Nutrisigma® has been used. 'Nutrisigma®'is rice distillers dried grains with solubles produced by IFB Agro Industries limited, Kolkata. In consideration of the above fact, the present experiment was designed to study the effects of "Nutrisigma®" on productive performance of Khaki Campbell ducks. Methods: A total of nine hundred female Khaki Campbell ducks of the same genetic background and of comparable body weight at 72 wks of age, were randomly assigned into 3 dietary treatments that is Control (C), Treatment 1 (T 1) and Treatment 2 (T 2) each with 3 replicates of 100 ducks and they were studied for 60 days. All the experimental ducks were fed 120gm/duck/day concentrate mixture. Treatment group received (T 1 group @ 3 gm/duck/day and T 2 group @ 5 gm/duck/day) 'Nutrisigma®' in addition to concentrate mixture. Result: In our experiment egg production (%), fertile egg production per day, fertility%, hatchable egg weight (gm) and hatchability% were increased significantly (p<0.05) in treated groups compared with control group. Better economic efficiency was observed in T 1 group compared to T 2 and control groups. In conclusion, Nutrisigma® with concentrate mixture could be used economically up to 5gm/head/day (T 2) without any harmful effect on productive performance, however, the use of 3 gm/head/day (T 1) is more economical than 5 gm/head/day.
Jurnal pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan, 2022
Durian seeds (Durio zibethinus murr) have gotten less attention in the past. Therefore, it is necessary to treat them as culinary items like flour. The durian used in flour production was a local durian from Tolitoli and Donggala Regencies. This research method consisted of sample preparation, preparation of standard solutions, analysis of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and determination of the levels of Mn and Zn in durian seed flour. The results showed that the composition of durian seeds flour from the Tolitoli regency obtained was 59,2% for carbohydrates, 3,24% for lipids, 8,75% for proteins, 10,1 mg/kg for Mn, and 6,30 mg/kg of Zn. While durian seed flour from Donggala Regency obtained 41,76% of carbohydrates, 3,24% of lipids, 10,93% of protein, 7,1 mg/kg of Mn, and 1,22 mg/kg of Zn. According to these results and the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia, durian seed flour can be used as an alternative local food ingredient to fulfill the body's demands for carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, manganese, and zinc. Furthermore, durian seed flour, when processed as a food ingredient, can be used as a replacement for wheat flour.
E3S Web of Conferences
Apart from providing food originating from meat and eggs, Alabio ducks have another important role for farmers in South Kalimantan, namely as an income source, employment source, and preservation of local genetic source. This paper aimed to study the economic profile of Alabio ducks in several types of businesses in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, South Kalimantan. A survey method was carried out on several groups of duck farmers. In order to obtain more in-depth information, a focus group discussion (FGD) was held with key insiders in the duck industry. The results showed that the duck farming business has good prospects and can be a source of income and employment for farmers and young generations. The business of hatchery, slaughter-duck producers, hatching egg producers, and consumes-egg producers, is economically feasible. Improving bio-security and handling and managing environmental sanitation have to carry out, among others, through pens, equipment, and environmental disinfection...
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
The community service activities with the title "The Utilization of Bunker Eggs into Duck Feed in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency" will be held in May - November 2019. This activity aim is to convert bunker eggs (eggs that failed to hatch) into duck feed which has economic value and is environmentally friendly. The method used is counselling, lectures and training as well as monitoring and evaluation with the community directly to the field.The stages of duck feed production include; (1) choosing a bunker egg (2) egg waste is put into cormorant and boiled for approximately 1 hour, (3) cut water hyacinth/kale, (4) rice bran and water hyacinth/kale steamed into cormorant II which has been filled with water for approximately more than 1 hour, (5) bunker eggs, rice bran, and water hyacinth/kale are removed and drained in large containers and sacks, (6) bunker eggs are mashed without peeling the skin, (7) mixed all ingredients (endhog bunker, bran, kale) by adding en...
Buletin Peternakan
This study was aimed to evaluate the utilization of banana peel meal as alternatives to substitution of corn in the diets based on the performance, carcass production, intestinal villi, the best type and utilization level of banana peel meal as corn substitution. A total of 105 male day old duck used in a completely randomized design (CRD), i.e. half of it (25%) and all of it (50%) replacing corn with banana peel meal PB= basal feed without banana peel meal; K25 and K50 = basal feed with Kepok banana peel meal; T25 dan T50 = basal feed with Tanduk banana peel meal; R25 dan R50 = basal feed with Raja banana pel meal. each treatment was done through 3 replications, with each replication consisted of 5 hybrid ducks. The data with significant differences were analyzed using orthogonal contrast. The paramater collected include performance (feed consumption, body weight gain, final weight, and feed conversion), carcass and abdominal percentage (carcass weight and carcass percentage). The ...
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 58 Issue 8: 1362-1369 (August 2024)
Background: Feed is one of the most important parts of the livestock production system because it can account for 60-80% of production costs, besides that very elements needed by livestock to grow, develop and produce. A study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of chemical and biological urea-treated durian husk on the production performance of Kacang female goats. Methods: The research method used was plotted in the 2 3 factorial randomized block design (RBD). The first factor was two processing methods of urease (A) and fermentation (F) and the second factor was three levels of urea, namely 1.0% (L1), 2.5% (L2) and 5% (L3), with four replicates as groups. The data were analyzed using analysis of variances and mean comparison using the least significant difference (LSD) test. Result: The results showed however, the application of durian husk with different urea levels produced a significant effect (P<0.05) on the body weight gain, hematocrit value, non-carcass weight and percentage, internal non-carcass weight and percentage, as well as non-carcass weight and percentage, of Kacang female goats. That administration of chemically and biologically processed durian fruit husk supplemented with urea up to 5.0%, can be implemented without negative effects on production performance, physiological conditions, carcass characteristics, as well as non-carcass characteristics.
Bangladesh Journal of Livestock Research, 2016
A total of 198 straight run day old ducklings of Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) developed native duck (named as Rupali and Nageswary) and local native duck genotypes were distributed among nine farmers of low laying areas of Kalihati Upazilla of Tangail district. Rupali and Nageswary ducklings were obtained from existing stock of BLRI and local native ducklings were collected from local farmers of the study area. After 12 weeks of age each farmers retained 10 female and 2 male ducks and sold away remaining ducklings. Farmers' were instructed to supply 50g of balanced feed to their ducks in the morning and evening. Ducks were allowed to scavenge in the beel throughout the day. Data on: growth, feed intake, age at onset of lay, egg production rate, egg weight, mortality rate were recorded and cost-benefit was calculated. There found no significant difference on growth parameters, live weight gain, age at first laying or age at peak egg production among the duck genotypes. In the study highest live weight gain was found in Nageswary (1090 g) followed by Rupali (1058 g) and local native (912 g) duck at 8 weeks of age. Egg production rate of local native ducks (37.21%) was found significantly lower (P<0.001) compared to Rupali (50.67 %) and Nageswary (55.40 %). The mortality rate in local duck was significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to Rupali and Nageswary ducks. Rupali ducks produced heavier eggs (66.86g) followed by local native (62.20g) and Nageswary (57.22g) which differed significantly (P<0.05). Rupali ducks laid eggs of thicker shell (0.61mm) compared to other duck genotypes under study which was also varied statistically (P<0.05). Cost benefit analysis shows that earning both from Nageswary and Rupali was much higher than local native ducks. Higher egg production rate of Nageswary and Rupali duck has contributed for higher return. It is concluded that rearing Rupali or Nageswary ducks in the low laying rural areas with scavenging and supplementary feeding facility is more profitable than rearing local native ducks.
Journal of Saintech Transfer
Fish has been widely known for its usage in increasing the growth of children, due to its nutritional contents, such as protein and zinc that can accelerate the increase of children’s heights and weights in the growth period. This community service activity aims to increase fish consumption in elementary school students, especially those suffering from stunting through processing fish into nugget products. The activity carried out was in the form of training on processing fish nuggets using lemuru fish with the addition of durian seed flour to mothers with stunting children at SDN 104255 Paluh Sibaji Village, Pantai Labu District, Deli Serdang Regency. This activity then was continued by offering the students to consume nuggets of lemuru fish durian seeds flour. As a result, the nuggets were considered favorable by the students. The post test involving questions about stunting was conducted to measure the knowledge of each parent in this case. The data showed that parents had high e...
Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2016
The study was conducted to know the present status, existing production system of duck and assess the potentiality of duck rearing in rural areas of Mymensingh district in Bangladesh. Data were collected randomly from 50 duck rearing farmers using a pre-tested interview schedule during March to May 2010 from several villages under sadar upazilla of Mymensingh. The results reveal that most of the farmers (60%) were middle aged. About 32% farmers were illiterate. Most of the farmers (52%) reared deshi duck and duck population per household was 11.1. About 80% wife of farmers household were responsible for duck rearing. All farmers reared duck in semi scavenging system. About 36% farmers used wood and tin for construction of duck house and 94% farmers used bedding materials for their duck house. All farmers used rice in the diet for duck and 62% farmers accumulated rice and rice polish to make diet for their ducks. About 40% farmers provided on an average of 121.91g supplemental diet ...
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Indonesian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), 2021
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017
Buletin Peternakan, 2018
Aquatic Food Studies, 2023
Journal of Saintech Transfer, 2019
Advances in Biological Sciences Research, volume 20, 2022
International journal of chemical & material sciences
Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research
Bangladesh Journal of Livestock Research, 2020
Proceedings of the 5th FIRST T3 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T3 2021), 2022
International Journal Of Scientific Advances
In book: Recent Trends in Poultry Production; Editors: S. P. Tiwari and O P Dinani , 2019