Hearing and quality of life in a south European BAHA population

2010, Acta Oto-Laryngologica


Conclusion: The overall results show a high ratio of satisfaction in the sample population, which is in accordance with a successful BAHA counselling and rehabilitation of their hearing impairment. Objectives: The acceptance of a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) device by a south European population, which could be expected to have some reticence for wearing this device, has been investigated. Methods: The outcome of BAHA implantation was assessed in 24 patients with bilateral and unilateral hearing loss by administration of several questionnaires, such as the Handicap Hearing Inventory (HHI), Client Oriented Scale of Improvement (COSI), Open and General Glasgow Benefit Inventory and Entific Medical System QoL, along with a complete audiological test battery. Results: Speech reception threshold (SRT) in bilateral cases improved both in quiet and in noise. In unilateral cases, word perception and accuracy of sound localization improved when sound was presented from the back. COSI scores, at both the intermediate and the final evaluations, showed a fair adaptation level of the patients and their satisfaction for prefixed targets.