The Changing Nature of Nigeria‟s Foreign Policy: Whose Interest?


Nigerian foreign policy thrust commenced in 1960 after the attainment of political sovereignty from Britain. Africa was projected as the centrepiece of Nigeria’s external decisions. Every successive administration continued to emphasize and expand the principles of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy decisions on Africa. Besides afrocentricism, the foreign policy served the interest of Mr President, ruling and business elites, and the ordinary citizens abroad. The previous governments showed little or no concern about the welfare of her citizens abroad. However, in 2007, the Nigerian government adopted citizen’s diplomacy as her foreign policy thrust, whose aim was geared toward mobilizing the support of Nigerians at home and diaspora to develop the country economically and politically. Though, Citizen’s diplomacy was misconstrued initially. The misrepresentation was anchored on the fact Nigeria has abandoned her traditional approach foreign policy thrust (afrocentricism) to Nigeria’s citizens...