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2016, Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications
A nonnegative signed dominating function (NNSDF) of a graph G is a function f from the vertex set V (G) to the set {−1, 1} such that u∈N [v] f (u) ≥ 0 for every vertex v ∈ V (G). The nonnegative signed domination number of G, denoted by γ N N s (G), is the minimum weight of a nonnegative signed dominating function on G. In this paper, we establish some sharp lower bounds on the nonnegative signed domination number of graphs in terms of their order, size and maximum and minimum degree.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2002
Let G = (V , E) be a simple graph on vertex set V and define a function f : V → {−1, 1}. The function f is a signed dominating function if for every vertex x ∈ V , the closed neighborhood of x contains more vertices with function value 1 than with −1. The signed domination number of G, γ s (G), is the minimum weight of a signed dominating function on G. We give a sharp lower bound on the signed domination number of a general graph with a given minimum and maximum degree, generalizing a number of previously known results. Using similar techniques we give upper and lower bounds for the signed domination number of some simple graph products: the grid P j × P k , C j × P k and C j × C k . For fixed width, these bounds differ by only a constant.
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics
Let 1 ≤ k ≤ n be a positive integer. A nonnegative signed k-subdominating function is a function f : V (G) → {−1, 1} satisfying u∈NG[v] f (u) ≥ 0 for at least k vertices v of G. The value min v∈V (G) f (v), taking over all nonnegative signed k-subdominating functions f of G, is called the nonnegative signed k-subdomination number of G and denoted by γ N N ks (G). When k = |V (G)|, γ N N ks (G) = γ N N s (G) is the nonnegative signed domination number, introduced in [8]. In this paper, we investigate several sharp lower bounds of γ N N s (G), which extend some presented lower bounds on γ N N s (G). We also initiate the study of the nonnegative signed k-subdomination number in graphs and establish some sharp lower bounds for γ N N ks (G) in terms of order and the degree sequence of a graph G.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2009
a b s t r a c t Let G = (V, E) be a graph. A function f : V → {−1, +1} defined on the vertices of G is a signed total dominating function if the sum of its function values over any open neighborhood is at least one. A signed total dominating function f is minimal if there does not exist a signed total dominating function
Opuscula Mathematica, 2016
Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. A function f : V → {−1, 1} is called an inverse signed total dominating function if the sum of its function values over any open neighborhood is at most zero. The inverse signed total domination number of G, denoted by γ 0 st (G), equals to the maximum weight of an inverse signed total dominating function of G. In this paper, we establish upper bounds on the inverse signed total domination number of graphs in terms of their order, size and maximum and minimum degrees.
Discrete Mathematics, 2004
A function f : V (G) → {−1; 1} deÿned on the vertices of a graph G is a signed total dominating function (STDF) if the sum of its function values over any open neighborhood is at
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 2011
A function f : V (G) → {−1, 1} defined on the vertices of a graph G is a signed total dominating function (STDF) if the sum of its function values over any open neighborhood is at least one. A STDF f of G is called a global signed total dominating function (GSTDF) if f is also a STDF of the complement G of G. The global signed total domination number γgst(G) of G is defined as γgst(G) = min{ v∈V (G) f (v) | f is a GSTDF of G}. In this paper first we find lower and upper bounds for the global signed total domination number of a graph. Then we prove that if T is a tree of order n ≥ 4 with ∆(T) ≤ n − 2, then γ gst (T) ≤ γ st (T) + 4. We characterize all the trees which satisfy the equality. We also characterize all trees T of order n ≥ 4, ∆(T) ≤ n − 2 and γ gst (T) = γ st (T) + 2.
International Mathematical Forum, 2013
A graph whose edges are labeled either as positive or negative is called a signed graph. Motivated from the seminal paper of B. D. Acharya on domination in signed graphs, we in this article, provide answers to some of the problems in that paper and define open domination for a signed graph and its open domination number. We analyze this notion for certain classes of signed graphs and also give exact values for their open domination numbers. We also discuss about certain bounds for the open domination number of a signed graph.
Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph. A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set of graph G, if every vertex in V − S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. The domination number γ(G) is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set in G. It is well known that if e ∈ E(G), then γ(G−e)−1 ≤ γ(G) ≤ γ(G−e). In this paper, as an application of this inequality, we obtain the domination number of some certain graphs.
Let ≥ 1 be an integer, and let D = (V A) be a finite simple digraph, for which −
A signed edge domination function (or SEDF) of a simple graph $G=(V,E)$ is a function $f: E\rightarrow \{1,-1\}$ such that $\sum_{e'\in N[e]}f(e')\ge 1$ holds for each edge $e\in E$, where $N[e]$ is the set of edges in $G$ which have at least one common end with $e$. Let $\gamma_s'(G)$ denote the minimum value of $f(G)$ among all SEDFs $f$, where $f(G)=\sum_{e\in E}f(e)$. In 2005, Xu conjectured that $\gamma_s'(G)\le n-1$. This conjecture has been proved for the two cases $v_{odd}(G)=0$ and $v_{even}(G)=0$, where $v_{odd}(G)$ (resp. $v_{even}(G)$) is the number of odd (resp. even) vertices in $G$. This article proves Xu's conjecture for $v_{even}(G)\in \{1, 2\}$. We also show that for any simple graph $G$ of order $n$, $\gamma_s'(G)\le n+v_{odd}(G)/2$ and $\gamma_s'(G)\le n-2+v_{even}(G)$ when $v_{even}(G)>0$, and thus $\gamma_s'(G)\le (4n-2)/3$. Our result improves the known results $\gamma_s'(G)\le 11n/6-1$ and $\gamma_s'(G)\le \lceil 3n/...
v∈V f(v). The complementary signed domination number of G is defined as γcs(G) = min {w(f) : f is a minimal complementary signed dominating function of G}. In this paper, we determine the value of complementary signed domination number for some special class of graphs. We also determine bounds for this parameter and exhibit the sharpness of the bounds. We also characterize graphs attaining the bounds in some special classes.
Discrete Mathematics, 2004
Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph on vertex set V and define a function f : V → {−1, 1}. The function f is a signed dominating function if for every vertex x ∈ V , the closed neighborhood of x contains more vertices with function value 1 than with −1. The signed domination number of G, γ s (G), is the minimum weight of a signed dominating function on G.
Discrete Mathematics, 2009
A numerical invariant of directed graphs concerning domination which is named signed domination number γ S is studied in this paper. We present some sharp lower bounds for γ S in terms of the order, the maximum degree and the chromatic number of a directed graph.
Discrete Mathematics, 2009
Let γ ′ s (G) be the signed edge domination number of G. In 2006, Xu conjectured that: for any 2-connected graph G of order n(n ≥ 2), γ ′ s (G) ≥ 1. In this article we show that this conjecture is not true. More precisely, we show that for any positive integer m, there exists an m-connected graph G such that γ ′ s (G) ≤ − m 6 |V (G)|. Also for every two natural numbers m and n, we determine γ ′ s (K m,n ), where K m,n is the complete bipartite graph with part sizes m and n. *
In this paper, we determine the value of complementary signed domination number for some special class of graphs. We also determine bounds for this parameter and exhibit the sharpness of the bounds. We also characterize graphs attaining the bounds in some special classes.
International Journal of Computing Algorithm, 2014
A signed graph based on F is an ordinary graph F with each edge marked as positive or negative. Such a graph is called balanced if each of its cycles includes an even number of negative edges. We find the domination set on the vertices, on bipartite graphs and show that graphs has domination Number on signed graphs, such that a signed graph G may be converted into a balanced graph by changing the signs of d edges. We investigate the number D(F) defined as the largest d(G) such that G is a signed graph based on F. If F is the completebipartite graph with t vertices in each part, then D(f)≤ ½ t²-for some positive constant c.
A two-valued function f defined on the vertices of a graph G (V, E), I : V-+ {-I, I}, is a signed dominating function if the sum of its function values over any closed neighborhood is at least one. That is, for every v E V, f(N[v]) 2: 1, where N(v] consists of v and every vertex adjacent to v. The of a signed dominating function is ICV) = L f(v), over all vertices v E V. The signed domination number of graph G, denoted /s(G), equals the minimum weight of a signed dominating function of G. The upper signed domination number of a graph G, denoted r.(G), equals the maximum weight of a minimal signed dominating function of G. In this paper we present a variety of algorithmic results on the complexity of signed and upper signed domination in graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2008
The open neighborhood N G (e) of an edge e in a graph G is the set consisting of all edges having a common end-vertex with e.
Graphs and Combinatorics, 2008
The closed neighborhood N G [e] of an edge e in a graph G is the set consisting of e and of all edges having an end-vertex in common with e. Let f be a function on E(G), the edge set of G, into the set {−1, 1}. If $\sum_{x\in N[e]}f(x) \geq 1$ for each e ∈ E(G), then f is called a signed edge dominating function of G. The signed edge domination number γ s ′(G) of G is defined as $\gamma_s^\prime(G) = {\text{min}}\{\sum_{e\in E(G)}f(e)\mid f \,\text{is an SEDF of} G\}$ . Recently, Xu proved that γ s ′(G) ≥ |V(G)| − |E(G)| for all graphs G without isolated vertices. In this paper we first characterize all simple connected graphs G for which γ s ′(G) = |V(G)| − |E(G)|. This answers Problem 4.2 of [4]. Then we classify all simple connected graphs G with precisely k cycles and γ s ′(G) = 1 − k, 2 − k.
A function f : V → {−1, 0, 1} is an affirmative dominating function of graph G satisfying the conditions that for every vertex u such that f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v) = 1 and P u∈N(v) f(u) ≤ 1 for every v ∈ V . The affirmative domination number γa(G) =max{w(f) : f is affirmative dominating function}. In this paper, we initiate the study of affirmative and strongly affirmative dominating functions. Here, we obtain some properties of these new parameters and also determine exact values of some special classes of graph.
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