The AMS-02 Silicon Tracker Status

2012, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors — PoS(RD11)


The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) space experiment is devoted to direct measurements of galactic cosmic rays (CRs) in the rigidity range ∼ GV-TV. Prime goals of the AMS project are the direct search of anti-nuclei and the indirect search of dark matter particles. The final version of the experiment, AMS-02, is operating in the International Space Station (ISS) since May 2011. The AMS-02 tracking device, tout court Tracker, consists of nine planes of micro-strip silicon sensors giving a total active area of 6.2 m 2. The Tracker is composed by 2264 double-sided silicon sensors (72×41 mm 2 area, 300 µm thick) assembled in 192 read-out units, for a total of nearly 200,000 read-out channels. In this proceeding, we review the Tracker performance obtained with calibration and cosmic ray muon data. We also discuss the Tracker status in space after the first months of data taking.