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di Kota Medan dengan Metode FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) dan MOCUS (Method Obtain Cut Set) Ditulis sebagai Syarat Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Program Sarjana Sains Terapan Oleh: TUA M. LBN. TORUAN NIM : 0905141025 PROGRAM STUDI MANAJEMEN REKAYASA KONSTRUKSI GEDUNG JURUSAN TEKNIK SIPIL POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN MEDAN 2013 iv ABSTRAK KAJIAN FAKTOR PENYEBAB KETERLAMBATAN PROYEK KONSTRUKSI DI KOTA MEDAN DENGAN METODE FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) DAN MOCUS (Method Obtain Cut Set) Oleh: Tua M. Lbn. Toruan (0905141025)
NIM : 4401412054 Prodi : Pendidikan Biologi FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG TAHUN 2015 KATA PENGANTAR Puji Syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat-Nya sehingga praktikan dapat menyelesaikan kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan tahap satu dan dua di SMP Negeri 1 Demak dengan baik. Dalam pelaksanaan program dan penulisan laporan PPL II ini, penulis mendapatkan banyak bantuan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu pada kesempatan ini, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih terkhusus kepada: 1. Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M. Hum selaku Rektor UNNES. 2. Drs. Masugino, M. Pd selaku Kepala UPT PPL UNNES. 3. Suratman, S. Pd., M. Pd selaku dosen koordinator. 4. Sri Sukaesih, S. Pd., M. Pd selaku dosen pembimbing PPL. 5. Drs. H. Abdul Chanif, M. Pd selaku kepala sekolah SMP Negeri 1 Demak. 6. Irianti, S. Pd selaku koordinator guru pamong SMP Negeri 1 Demak. 7. Dyah Sulistiyawati, S. Pd selaku guru pamong mata pelajaran IPA. 8. Segenap guru dan karyawan SMP Negeri 1 Demak. 9. Rekan PPL UNNES SMP Negeri 1 Demak. 10. Siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 1 Demak. Kritik dan saran senantiasa penulis harapkan untuk perbaikan laporan PPL 2 ini. Demikian laporan ini penulis susun dengan harapan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca. Terima kasih. Demak, Oktober 2015 Penyusun Elita Anggraini Setyobudi DAFTAR ISI HALAMAN JUDUL i LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ii KATA PENGANTAR iii DAFTAR ISI iv
Digilib UNS, 2020
Hodairiyah. S111708006. Verbal and Nonverbal Expressions Reflecting Local Wisdom of Madurese Community on Death Ceremony at Aeng Tong-Tong, Saronggi, Sumenep. Thesis Advisor I: Prof. Dr. Wakit Abdullah, M. Hum, Advisor II: Dr. Dwi Purnanto, M.Hum. Thesis: Linguistic Study Program, Main Interests: Descriptive Linguistics. Post Graduate Program. Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. 2019. The purposes of this research are (1) to explain verbal and nonverbal expressions that are reflecting in the local wisdom of the Madurese community at the village of Aeng Tong-tong, Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency on the death ceremony, (2) to describe the lexical, grammatical and cultural meaning of verbal and non-verbal expressions that are reflecting the local wisdom of the community at the village of Aeng Tong-tong, Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency, on the death ceremony. (3) to explain the community's view of life about verbal and non- verbal expressions that are reflecting local wisdom at the village of Aeng Tong- tong, Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency, on the death ceremony. This research is a qualitative descriptive by using an ethnolinguistic approach. The data are consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data are terms, words, phrases and symbols contained in the events of the speech of death by using the method of interview and observation of the speakers (the leaders, clerics, clerics, the public). Secondary data come from important notes, books, texts, documents, papers, and other data related to this research. Data analysis use ethnoscience methods. Presentation of the results of data analysis is presented through formal and informal methods. The results of this research are (1) Verbal and non-verbal language expressions that are reflecting the local wisdom of the community at the death ceremony include; (a) signs in death, (b) pamatẻ tradition, (c) wa-dhuwa ', (d) lo'- tello', (e) pa'-empa ', (f) ma'-lema', (g) nem-enem, (h) to'-petto ', (i) pa'polo, (j) nyatos (k ) nyataon (l) nyaẻbu. (2) The meanings of verbal and nonverbal expressions in the ceremony of death are (a) marked by the sound of the taras / toas, the reading of the burdah. (b) pamatẻ commemorates the day of death as a final form of respect for the deceased by performing 4 basic obligations namely bathing, wrapping, worshiping, burying, and sortana. (c) wa-dhuwa 'commemorates the second day because the spirit is still at home (d) lo'-tello', commemorating the third day because the spirit still roams at home and faces torture. (e) pa'-empa ', commemorating the fourth day because the spirit still hasn't gone, (f) ma'-lema', commemorating the fifth day because the spirit is still around the house, (g) nem- enem, commemorating the sixth day because the spirit starts go, (h) to'-petto ', commemorating the seventh da y because the spirit starts going a little away but still around the family, (i) pa'polo, commemorating the fortieth day because the spirit will say goodbye to go, (j) nyatos, commemorating hundredth day because the spirit will go far away, (k ) nyataon, commemorating the annual day because the spirit will go further away, (l) nyaẻbu, commemorating the thousandth day because the spirit will go away or the spirit will sail and will not return again. (3) the views of the community and the mindset of these traditions (a) an obligation that must be carried out by the local community as a form of respect for spirits who xxv have passed away and can establish ties of friendship, (b) alms devoted to the spirit in the hope of being forgiven of all his sins and placed by his most noble side which can also encourage his children and grandchildren to always remember their parents who have died, (c) a historically strong belief based on social facts with a conservative mindset towards these traditions and become a very large existence in a culture as a form of local wisdom of the community through the practices and giving a symbolic dimension to other realms. Furthermore, death is a way back to God in a holy state and has confidence that God is the only one worshiped. And the view that God is forgiving so that humans always pray to apologize for sins or mistakes that have been made. Keywords: Ethnolinguistics, Verbal and Non-verbal Expressions, Death Ceremony Traditions, Madura.
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