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Throughout the process of this academic paper, according to the contain of structure and discussion of this semester, being naturally or reasonably connected, it is easily understood the Management and Administration (M&A) in Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET). It is not easy to cover all issue and have a deep discuss in all topic about M&A. In this term paper, topic of ‘Malaysia Educational Organization in Characteristics of Bureaucracy’ will be carefully to find out which hopefully can reflect the main idea to convince it by literature research review and formulate a clear and make this issue become more intriguing, that is to interest greatly.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
In the inception, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)was more of informal and non-formal education. Later, it was planned based on bureaucracies which is a system based on logic, order and the legitimate use of formal authority. Hierarchy of offices and authority exist in vocational and technical schools, colleges and vocational and technical educations and the practice is more pronounced in the ministries as compared to the educational settings. A close look at Nigeria's vocational and technical institutions today reveals basically a bureaucratic organization. There is hierarchy of authority system based on super-ordinatesubordinate relationship, division of labour, a body of rules and impersonal procedures governing work and strict emphasis on institutional goals. The element of bureaucracy is characterized by the following components: division of labour, impersonal orientation, hierarchy of authority, rules and regulations and career orientation. Bureaucracy has its benefits and also, its shortcomings. However, this paper examined the role of bureaucracy on vocation and technical education. It states the role bureaucracy management as on vocational and technical education with respect to the characteristics of bureaucracy management principles. Therefore, it's conclude that Max weber principle of management reflect the planning, developing and provision of necessary control measure in the successful running of vocational and technical education programmes.
This policy submission was written to the Malaysian Minister of Education for the purpose of establishing a Malaysian Vocational Agency (MVA) to support the implementation of TVET graduate monitoring. This can be done by restructuring, coordinating and merging several sectors that are oriented towards accessing the labour market in a better way. Malaysia's TVET Higher Education system can receive meaningful support through continuous growth and quality improvement. Malaysia's TVET higher education policy, regulatory and governance features must work well, be empowering, and value-driven for the institution to make progress into the future. TVET plays an important role in implementing the National Key Economic Area
The objective of this study is to extent of the impact of the statutory body of Malaysian Polytechnic on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions. The process of empowering Polytechnics as the statutory body to be implemented through governance system that emphasizes the decline of power, greater autonomy in giving direction and clear accountability. It is necessary planning to ensure the acceptance of all parties and stakeholders in line with the Malaysian Education Development Plan (Higher Education). Therefore, this study is needed to provide an understanding of the implementation of Polytechnic institutions as the statutory body
In the inception, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)was more of informal and non-formal education. Later, it was planned based on bureaucracies which is a system based on logic, order and the legitimate use of formal authority. Hierarchy of offices and authority exist in vocational and technical schools, colleges and vocational and technical educations and the practice is more pronounced in the ministries as compared to the educational settings. A close look at Nigeria's vocational and technical institutions today reveals basically a bureaucratic organization. There is hierarchy of authority system based on super-ordinatesubordinate relationship, division of labour, a body of rules and impersonal procedures governing work and strict emphasis on institutional goals. The element of bureaucracy is characterized by the following components: division of labour, impersonal orientation, hierarchy of authority, rules and regulations and career orientation. Bureaucracy has its benefits and also, its shortcomings. However, this paper examined the role of bureaucracy on vocation and technical education. It states the role bureaucracy management as on vocational and technical education with respect to the characteristics of bureaucracy management principles. Therefore, it's conclude that Max weber principle of management reflect the planning, developing and provision of necessary control measure in the successful running of vocational and technical education programmes.
Malaysia is in need for highly-skilled human resources to close the present demand-supply gap in various industries, particularly those driving economic transformation. The government has determined that the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector as the main route in providing highly-skilled human resources and also one of the key drivers of the economy for Malaysia to become a high-income nation. While this study recognizes that initiatives have been taken to continuously improve the sector through the TVET transformation programs, it is imperative that the governance issues faced by the key stakeholder are systematically addressed to ensure that the operating and delivery system can be optimized. This paper provides an overview and an analysis of the TVET transformation programs and the governance issues including several challenges to the development of the TEVT sector. A review from various published documents to the present has been used to provide a comprehensive summary of literature of Malaysia’s TVET transformation and governance issues. This study also hopes to suggest certain measures for an effective governance of the TVET sector so that the decisions and actions of multiple stakeholders towards driving the performance and quality of this sector can be harmonized.
has been regarded as the main route in providing highly skilled human capital towards Malaysia's economic transformation. Various initiatives have embarked to mainstream TVET as part of country's economic reform to become a high income nation by 2020. However, Malaysia's TVET is currently not a mainstream education option and has negative perception that is it mainly caters to the dropouts. It also inhibited by a largely fragmented delivery system with numerous training providers from various ministries. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and an analysis of the current issues, concerns and the TVET prospects in Malaysia. A systematic review from various published documents from 1965 to the present has been used to to provide an exhaustive summary of literature of the TVET history and emerging issues such as governance, training providers and students issues and also the employers involvement in the TVET system. The study will also examine the government initiatives and measures to mainstream the system and and it will discuss the potentials of the national TVET system in Malaysia. This study also hopes to suggest certain measures to reform the national TVET system in order to rasionalize it into more efficient system that matches the economic needs.
present in the sector. There is a need to focus on improving management in TVET colleges as their poor performance directly impacts on the South African Government's development goals and priorities of addressing unemployment, poverty and inequality.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Finance Economics and Business, ICOFEB 2018, 12-13 November 2018, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia, 2019
In this era the development of a country is largely depend on the progress of thinking and the ability of human capital to be generated by its educational system. Malaysia wants to drive a knowledge-based economy, will definitely require first-class human capital. The Ulul-Albab curriculum is a big contributor to the paradigm shift in the Malaysians educational system. The Sekolah Menengah IMTIAZ Yayasan Terengganu is using the Ulul-Albab curriculum. It operates in eight districts which include Besut,
International journal of health sciences
This research aims to provide an overview of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUI-PT) in Indonesia, one of which is the Technical Vocational Education and Training Research Center (TVET-RC) belonging to the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). In this research, UPI became the locus and focus of the research center of excellence in the form of TVET-RC, as part of PUI-PT in Indonesia. The results showed that TVET-RC UPI as the leading part of PUI-PT in Indonesia was closely related to the findings in the form of four things: (1) Vocational Teacher Professional Education; (2) Redesign of the vocational expertise spectrum; (3) Mixed learning preparation guide; (4) HR capacity and governance of TVET-RC. The four findings are at the same time the development of TVET-RC at UPI which is able to contribute to the improvement of good and productive human resources.
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
In the present study, the author examines how the lack of funding can impact the administration and the organisational e ciency of technical vocational education and training (TVET) institutions (I). The research examines human capital development and TVET as instruments for propelling growth and development and contributing to Trinidad and Tobago's (T&T) economic and social advancements. The study explored how TVETIs can be a central pillar in the progress of T&T's development. The research material consists of 10 interviews with educational experts from four postsecondary TVETIs in T&T and the chief executive of T&T TVET's regulatory body. Focus groups and individual interviews were conducted with the leading regulator, instructors, managers, and a curriculum expert. The author utilised thematic analysis in the research by adopting a deductive approach. The data revealed several challenges that engulf the administration and management of TVETI in T&T, mainly because of nancial woes. Three themes emerged from the data: Funding for Administration, Funding for Human Capital Development and Funding for Organisational E ciency. Insightful revelations were unearthed from the educational experts, which were generated from the data which provide an in-depth perspective on the administration and management of TVET in T&T. The results show that T&T's education experts see funding as a signi cant challenge. Many argue that a lack of funding severely impacts their institutions, which erodes human capital development growth. The study concludes that a lack of funding can severely and has impacted TVET in several ways. An absence or a lack of funding brought the closure of top-notch schools used in the training and growth of teachers for the educational system. Human capital development and TVET were also highlighted as essential tools for economic and social deprivation. However, a better approach is needed to nance TVET moving forward.
Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
In accordance with the concept of lifelong education, the Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) system is one flaw of that is recognized or known as a system whose role is to develop individuals with high technical skills as desired by the industry nowadays. Changing times and technology development at this time require changes to the TVET system to form a capable generation of leadership. This paper discusses the transformation of the Technical and Vocational Education (TVE), in shaping future leaders. To achieve these goals, efforts and modifications in the implementation of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) to prepare high calibre individuals in the area technical skills and knowledge while in shaping individuals who have credibility as a leader.
Book , 2011
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) refers to those aspects of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences, acquisition of practical skills and attitudes, and understanding and knowledge related to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life (UNESCO, 2002b). TVET plays a significant role in providing a highly skilled workforce for the development of many countries. TVET is an instrument of social policy. It assists people in certain social groups such as those in poverty or who lack marketable skills (Basu, 1997) to improve themselves. In fact, TVET can alleviate the socio-economic status of those in poverty. TVET produces human resources that have both soft skills and technical skills or the work skills required by the new economy. TVET is an indispensable instrument that helps improve the quality of the workforce by improving their mobility, adaptability and productivity (Caillods, 1994). Thus, TVET can contribute to the enhancement of the competitiveness of any organization in the globalized world. TVET is well placed to train skilled and entrepreneurial workforce required by some countries to create wealth and emerge from poverty because TVET orients itself towards the world of work with a curriculum that emphasizes on the acquisition of employable skills (Afeti, 2006). As TVET is very important in the development of a nation, it has to be promoted at both secondary school level and post-secondary school level. TVET should be emphasized in the national human-capital development policy because TVET is the key to both economic growth and to providing individuals economic opportunities. The perception of second-class status presently accorded to TVET should be removed by taking steps such as having an articulation agreement with post secondary institutions and giving due recognition to TVET qualifications.
International Journal of Education and Practice, 2021
Indonesian government is focusing on improving the quality and effectiveness of Vocational High Schools. One of many efforts conducted is transforming vocational schools into vocational school-based enterprises. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise management through the implementation of School Governance and Total Quality Management. This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches and PLS-SEM analysis, AHP, and ISM techniques. Questionnaires were distributed to 231 respondents from students, teachers, principals and committees in 25 vocational school-based enterprises in East Java and DKI Jakarta. The results of PLS SEM analysis demonstrated valid, consistent and good modeling. Furthermore, TQM showed a significant and positive effect on SG with R2 of 80.2 percent. Consequently, SG and TQM also had a positive and significant effect on improving the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise management with R 2 of 92.2 percent. In addition, the strategy reveals an increase in the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise based on AHP by increasing the implementation of SG through adding criteria for strong and firm leadership in the human resources in vocational school-based enterprise. Meanwhile, based on ISM result, by increasing TQM as the key factor has the greatest driving force before improving SG. It is recommended to devise a strategy that could help to increase the effectiveness of managing vocational school-based enterprises. Contribution/Originality: This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the factors influencing the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise management through the implementation of School Governance and Total Quality Management based on quantitative and qualitative approach.
Policy and Society, 2007
Despite past reforms, the Malaysian bureaucracy has lagged behind rising expectations. This paper reviews past reforms and suggests changes in reform strategy and measures for improving both the capacity and the will of public officials needed to raise administrative performance to meet domestic and global pressures. Combining technological and political perspectives, it argues that improving the will of public officials is both more important and more difficult than improving their capacity. Improving the will to perform promises significant gains in performance, but it requires reforms, mainly strengthening public control and making the bureaucracy more representative, that entail significant sacrifice of the interests of entrenched elites and groups. Malaysia has reached a juncture where she has to confront politically more difficult choices in administrative reform than in the past.
Abstract This paper presents a case study of the Malaysian technical education system. The Technical and Vocational Department (TVED) is designated to prepare skilled technical and intelligent workforce to Malaysia in order to meet the goals of Vision 2020. For that reason, a web-based management support system is proposed to TVED for its planning, management and decision-making activities. e-BME is a system for education monitoring and evaluation by means of establishing internal and external efficiency indicators.
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health
One way to improve the quality of human life is through education, especially Islamic education which includes moral, material and spiritual aspects. In an Islamic educational institution, of course, it has a school administrative order or what is commonly referred to as administration. Administration is a big part of the administrative process, administration is a mechanism that can help, expedite, and increase the activity and efficiency of the administrative process. The purpose of this study is to find out how the efforts of administrative staff improve administrative services through the management function. This study used a descriptive qualitative method by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that planning and organizing the performance of administrative staff at MTs Al Fathimiyah Karawang has gone well, this is shown through the planning of work programs and the distribution of job descriptions according to the ability of each...
This short paper explaining about the process for fullfilling needs for training & development for staff in technical executing unit for Trans Jogja. Trans Jogja is a bus rapid transyt which managed under Department of Transportation, Yogyakarta Special Region government, Indonesia. Especially in operation section. How we proposed needs, effort of fullfillment and to deal with obstacles has explained shortly in this paper.
This article discusses the current state of improvement of management mechanisms of general secondary education institutions and the necessary conditions for modern effective development, as well as the current issues of identifying and using opportunities for student-centered education in this process. Also, to implement measures to create opportunities for quality education in the system of general secondary education in accordance with international best practices and modern requirements of society, to strengthen the material and technical base of public education and increase the efficiency of budget funding, to create additional conditions for youth education the current view of consistent reforms. At the same time, the current state of general secondary education is analyzed in terms of the need to create mechanisms for the rapid elimination of systemic problems and shortcomings in their activities, to reduce the gap in logistics and quality of education in rural and urban schools and to create equal conditions for education. The results are given.
2. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai baban pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 4. * * Sila tandakan ( √). SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD ( Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan)
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2019, 35(1), 2019
This study aims to obtain a deep understanding about the school management in the Islamic-Based Excellent Vocational High School. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of this study are grouped in the several stages. First, planning including: (1) in the student field through a selection process; (2) the curriculum is formulated before the students enter school; (3) in the field of workforce according to the teacher competence; (4) the facilities and infrastructure are prepared according to the class and class distribution; (5) the financial systems through cooperative units and government assistance; (6) the public relations sector plans the collaboration for preparation of the student internships and disseminates character education at the community level; and (7) the technical services are prepared for the future. Second, organizing, including: (1) in the field of student affairs involving all fields of study and cross committees at students’ acceptance; (2) academic culture is characterized by Islamic values through the formation of student character and Islamic Education-based learning models associated with the needs of the field of study according to expertise; (3) the placement of teachers according to experience and position; (4) the financial aspects are established in accordance with effective coordination and needs on the budget; (5) the field of facilities for carrying out inventory of goods by recapitulating the goods data; (6) the public relations parties collaborate between institutions; and (7) the technical services in collaboration with the conducting service footprints on the students.Third, actuating, including: (1) in the field of the student recapthe need for the class and capacity; (2) in the curriculum field gives the freedom for the teachers in moving ideas according to the competence and performance standards; (3) the workforce has a certificate of expertise in accordance with the field being administered; (4) finance is taken out based on the needs and requests; (5) the field of facilities by sharing the needs of each space; (6) the public relations sector moves units and the systems of collaboration through the MoU; (7) providing direct services to students and teachers. Fourth, controlling including: (1) the student affairs through the new students’ acceptance committee report, student progress, and teacher performance; (2) the curriculum is supervised by the deputy head of curriculum; (3) the infrastructure facilities are routinely checked; (4) the field of workforce is supervised by the principal and regular reports to the education office; (5) the public relations sector cooperates with internships; (6) the finance reports the results of the production units every month; and (7) technical services report the performance of units such as the school health unit, libraries, and so on. In general, the work management at PB Soedirman Islamic Vocational High School Jakarta be held in accordance with the management functions applied in the school, so PB Soedirman Islamic Vocational High School has well known among the Jakarta community. All of these appointed because of the harmonious coordination of the academic community schema in the four areas of expertise and the quality of education is increasing.
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