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Sektor jasa keuangan yang mencakup antara lain perbankan, pasar modal, lembaga pembiayaan sebagai Industri Keuangan Non Bank (IKNB) diantaranya Dana Pensiun, Asuransi, LembagaPembiayaan Konsumen dan lain sebagaunya, adalah industri yang sangat dinamis, kompleks, selalu berubah serta mempunyai interdependensi yang sedemikian tinggi antara satu sektor dengan lainnya baik di tingkat domestik, regional maupun global. Karakteristik tersebut membawa setidaknya dua konsekuensi utama, yaitu para pelaku di sektor jasa keuangan harus mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi dan regulator harus pula mempersiapkan dirinya untuk menghadapi dinamika dari perubahan tersebut. Sudah semestinya para pelaku usaha disektor jasa yang tujuan utamanya adalah untuk melindungi kepentingan konsumen.
This article gives an overview of the role of financial services authorities in monitoring the risk of financing from investment that occurs in the community, the data used in this article are primary data in the form of laws and books relating to financial services authorities and financial and material risks secondary in the form of other reference materials that support the writing of this article. This article uses in-depth analysis techniques, which are to thoroughly examine and analyze the context discussed in this article. The conclusion of this article is that in every investment activity carried out in the community, it will have potential risks in the future, especially when there is a fraudulent investment in the community, therefore to overcome the existence of financial services authorities have the following roles: how to disseminate and inform the public about the characteristics of fundraising and financing, through seminars, and the Group Focus Discussion by involving academics as presenters 2) Facilitating dispute resolution between parties to disputes related to financing carried out by communities in a fictitious investment 3) Making regulations (regulation) as a form of protection so that there are no fraudulent investment activities in the community and 4) Making Investment Alert Task Force (Satgas) in each province in the archipelago.
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan adalah lembaga negara yang dibentuk berdasarkan UU nomor 21 tahun 2011 yang berfungsi menyelenggarakan sistem pengaturan dan pengawasan yang terintegrasi terhadap keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, yang selanjutnya disingkat OJK, adalah lembaga yang independen dan bebas dari campur tangan pihak lain, yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan, pengawasan, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan. OJK didirikan untuk menggantikan peran Bapepam-LK.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis.Politeknik Piksi Ganesha, 2015
The financial activities of Tempa and Cor Division in 2007-2011 always get different valuation quarterly, and so do the fixed assets investment which has the tendency to get high and low. The purpose of this research is to know what the influence of the financial activities towards fixed assets investment is, altogether and partially. The source of this research are observation, interview and study literatur. The method of sample collection is purpose sampling that is the financial reports from 2007-2011 quarterly. The result of analysis descriptive is financial activities which use cash ratio indicator, current ratio, account receivable turnover ratio, inventory turnover ratio, total assets turnover ratio, ROI and ROE averagely during 2007-2011 get categorized as a bad valuation, while equity ratio indicator gets categorized as a good valuation. The result of inferential analysis is that current ratio and equty ratio doesn't influence significantly towards fixed assets investment .While account receivable turnover ratio and ROI influences significantly towards fixed assets. As the same as account receivable turnover ratio and ROI, the financial activities influences significantly towards fixed assets investment with the equation regression is that fixed assets = 16.738.002.719,041 + 8.862.813,166 current ratio-5.439.106,113 account receivable turnover ratio + 563.716.079,872 ROI + 6.873.304,099 equity ratio. Keywords: current ratio, account receivable turnover ratio, ROI, equity ratio and fixed assets investment.
M. Hengky Angguna Almansyah
Investasi adalah cara bagi organisasi atau bisnis untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan uang tunai ketika ada adalah surplus. Dengan investasi, tidak ada uang yang tidak terpakai dalam bisnis. Investasi dapat mengacu pada akumulasi beberapa bentuk aset untuk pendapatan masa depan. Melalui investasi, organisasi mengharapkan banyak manfaat, yaitu manajemen kas yang aman, membangun dekat hubungan dan memperkuat posisi keuangan organisasi.
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