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2003, Journal of Logic, Language and Information
We investigate the semantics of messages, and argue that the meaning of a message is naturally and usefully given in terms of how it affects the knowledge of the agents involved in the communication. We note that this semantics depends on the protocol used by the agents, and thus not only the message itself, but also the protocol appears as
We address the issue of semantics for an agent communication language. In particular, the semantics of Knowledge Query Manipulation Language (KQML) is investigated. KQML is a language and protocol to support communication between software agents. We present a semantic description for KQML that associates states of the agent with the use of the language's primitives (performatives). We have used this approach to describe the semantics for the whole set of reserved KQML performatives.
Abstract. Nowadays it is increasing the tendency of using agents on behalf of information systems in their interactions with other autonomous information systems. Moreover, there exists an actual interest on getting these interactions at a semantic level, that is, beyond the syntactic level interaction provided by the XML format standard. In this paper we present a mechanism that gives an step forward in the global goal of achieving a semantic interoperability among agents. The mechanism is based on ontological commitments on the classes of messages interchanged by agents of different information systems in an scenario where agents act in a sincere, helpful and liberal way. Furthermore those messages are considered as individuals of OWL classes, and we take advantage of the reasoning supporting OWL ontologies. 1
When designing multiagent systems, one can often avail of an existing specification of communication rules (in the form of protocols, ACL semantics, etc.). The question that then arises naturally is how to design appropriate agents to operate on such a specification. Moreover, if the multiagent system in question exhibits the characteristics of an open system, the problem is complicated even further by the fact that adherence to a supposedly agreed specification cannot be ensured on the side of other agents.
Given a specification of communication rules in a multiagent system (in the form of protocols, ACL semantics, etc.), the question of how to design appropriate agents that can operate on such a specification is a very important one. In open systems, the problem is complicated even further by the fact that adherence to such a supposedly agreed specification cannot be ensured on the side of other agents.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
In this paper we develop a semantics of our approach based on commitments and arguments for conversational agents. We propose a logical model based on CTL* (Extended Computation Tree Logic) and on dynamic logic. Called Commitment and Argument Network (CAN), our formal framework based on this hybrid approach uses three basic elements: social commitments, actions that agents apply to these commitments and arguments that agents use to support their actions. The advantage of this logical model is to gather all these elements and the existing relations between them within the same framework. The semantics we develop here enables us to reflect the dynamics of agent communication. It also allows us to establish the important link between commitments as a deontic concept and arguments. On the one hand CTL* enables us to express all the temporal aspects related to the handling of commitments and arguments. On the other hand, dynamic logic enables us to capture the actions that agents are committed to achieve.
Abstract This paper proposes dynamic semantics for agent communication languages (ACLs) as a method for tackling some of the fundamental problems associated with agent communication in open multiagent systems.
Proceedings of the Workshop …, 2000
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2008
Nowadays there is a tendency to enhance the functionality of Information Systems by appropriate information agents. Those information agents communicate through communication acts expressed in an Agent Communication Language. Moreover, the aim is to achieve interoperation of those agents through standard communication protocols in a distributed environment such as that supported by the Semantic Web. In this paper we present a proposal to describe those protocols using a Semantic Web language. Two are the main features of that proposal. On the one hand, the communication acts that appear in the communication protocols are described by terms belonging to a communication acts ontology called COMMONT. On the other hand, protocols are represented by state transition systems described using OWL-DL language. This type of description provides the means to reason about the communication protocols in such a way that several kinds of structural relationships can be detected, namely if a protocol is a prefix, a suffix or an infix of another protocol and that relationship taken in a sense of equivalence or specialization. Furthermore, equivalence and specialization relationships can also be detected for complete protocols. Those relationships are captured by subsumption of classes described with a Semantic Web language. * The work of Idoia Berges is supported by a grant of the Basque Government. † All authors are members of the Interoperable DataBases Group, online at This work is also supported by the University of the Basque Country, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (cosupported by the European Social Fund) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science TIN2007-68091-C02-01.
We consider the problem of providing semantics for declarative languages, in a way that would be useful for enabling automated knowledge exchange.
Nowadays it is increasing the tendency of using agents on behalf of information systems in their interactions with other autonomous information systems. Moreover, there exists an actual interest on getting these interactions at a semantic level, that is, beyond the syntactic level interaction provided by the XML format standard. In this paper we present a mechanism that gives an step forward in the global goal of achieving a semantic interoperability among agents. The mechanism is based on ontological commitments on the classes of messages interchanged by agents of different information systems in an scenario where agents act in a sincere, helpful and liberal way. Furthermore those messages are considered as individuals of OWL classes, and we take advantage of the reasoning supporting OWL ontologies.
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems - AAMAS '06, 2006
In this paper we illustrate how a role-based semantics for agent communication languages can embed the two main existing models of agent communication languages, respectively based on 'mental attitudes' and 'social commitments' semantics. These two models have been presented as incompatible approaches, but recently we illustrated for persuasion dialogues and using our normative multiagent systems framework, that they can be seen also as complimentary ones. Independently from our own multi-agent model, in this paper we illustrate for the speech act 'inform' how the role based semantics embeds the other two semantics.
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021
A flexible communication protocol is necessary to build a decentralized multiagent system whose member agents are not coupled to each other's decision making. Information-based protocol languages capture a protocol in terms of causality and integrity constraints based on the information exchanged by the agents. Thus, they enable highly flexible enactments in which the agents proceed asynchronously and messages may be arbitrarily reordered. However, the existing semantics for such languages can produce a large number of protocol enactments, which makes verification of a protocol property intractable. This paper formulates a protocol semantics declaratively via inference rules that determine when a message emission or reception becomes enabled during an enactment, and its effect on the local state of an agent. The semantics enables heuristics for determining when alternative extensions of a current enactment would be equivalent, thereby helping produce parsimonious models and yiel...
The missing of an appropriate semantics of agent communication languages is one of the most challenging issues of contemporary AI. Although several approaches to this problem exist, none of them is really suitable for dealing with agent autonomy, which is a decisive property of artificial agents. This paper introduces an observation-based approach to the semantics of agent communication, which combines benefits of the two most influential traditional approaches to agent communication semantics, namely the ...
Agreement Technologies, 2013
In this chapter we discuss how semantic technologies in general and specific Semantic Web standards in particular can contribute to the goal of achieving interoperability between independent, loosely coupled, heterogeneous, autonomous software components (i.e. agents) and for the realization of open interaction systems. In particular we will discuss how those technologies have been used for the definition of the semantics of agent communication languages, for the definition of norms and policies used to regulate interactions in open frameworks, and for defining efficient mechanisms for matching demands (i.e., content they need) to supplies (i.e., available content) in telecommunication networks. In particular regarding this last type of application we describe a techno-economic approach for solving the matching problem, by means of a multi-agent system representing an electronic marketplace. Its functionality is realized by applying a semantic-aware content discovery model with two-level filtering in order to finally recommend a ranked set of eligible content to the users in response to their requests. The filtering processes not only consider the semantic information associated with the available content, but also ratings regarding the actual performance of businesses that act as content providers as well as the prices paid by businesses for advertising their content.
2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops)
This article aims to provide a unified and technical approach to semantic information, communication, and their interplay through the lens of probabilistic logic. To this end, on top of the existing technical communication (TC) layer, we additionally introduce a semantic communication (SC) layer that exchanges logically meaningful clauses in knowledge bases. To make these SC and TC layers interact, we propose various measures based on the entropy of a clause in a knowledge base. These measures allow us to delineate various technical issues on SC such as a message selection problem for improving the knowledge at a receiver. Extending this, we showcase selected examples in which SC and TC layers interact with each other while taking into account constraints on physical channels. Index Terms-semantic information; semantic communication; information theory; probabilistic logic; semantic and technical communication interplay I. INTRODUCTION Communication systems have been significantly transformed over the last decades, yet the foundation of the underlying information and communication technology has been consistently laid by Shannon's theory [1]. In his theory, information is characterized as randomness in variables. This allows one to calculate the fundamental limit and performance of communication, and to design efficient compression and transmission schemes through noisy channels. Despite the success in this domain of technical communication (TC), since its introduction in 1948, Shannon theory's ignorance about the meanings of information [2] has long been tackled particularly in the field of the philosophy of information. Meanwhile, overcoming this limitation of Shannon theory has recently been regarded as one of the key enablers for the upcoming sixth generation (6G) communication systems [3]-[5]. To fill this void, it requires to develop a theory on meaningful information, i.e., semantic information, as well as a novel communication technology based on semantic information, i.e., semantic communication (SC). For SC, existing works can be categorized into model-free methods leveraging machine learning [4], and model-based approaches that quantify semantic information [6] or specify the emergence of meanings through communication [5]. Our work falls into the latter category in the hope of unifying our analysis on SC with the existing modelbased analysis on TC.
The paper proposes a novel approach to the semantics of communication of self-interested and autonomous agents in open systems. It defines the semantics of communicative acts primarily as the observable effect of their actual use in social encounters, and differs thus fundamentally from mentalistic and current objectivist approaches to the semantics of agent communication languages. Empirical communication semantics enables the designer of agent-oriented software applications as well as agents to reason about social structures on the level of dynamically formed expectations, which we consider to be a crucial capability especially for social reasoning within and about open systems with truly autonomous black-or gray-box agents.
This paper presents a logic for reasoning about the explicit knowledge of agents who represent their knowledge as finite sets of logical formulae, and who can change their knowledge by reasoning and communicating. No assumptions about closure or consistency conditions on the sets, or about soundness or completeness of the reasoning mechanisms, are made. Traditional epistemic logic, based on modal logic, is not a good model for the explicit knowledge of such agents, among other things because of the logical omniscience problem. We are interested in agents who can make different choices about how to reason and communicate, and in reasoning about how the agents can use communication to achieve common goals. To this end, our logic is partly based on Alternating-time Temporal Logic. The resulting logic allows the expression of properties about an agent's reasoning mechanism on the form "the agent knows modus ponens (MP)"-meaning that the agent's reasoning mechanism can perform the reasoning steps described by MP. Instead of a common closure condition such as "if the agent knows both p and p → q, then he must also know q", the following holds in our logic: "if the agent knows p, p → q and MP, then he has a strategy to get to know q in the future".
Abstract. Agent communication is one of the key issues in multi-agent systems. Traditional interprocess communication formalisms are usually considered insufficient for this purpose because of their lack of expressiveness; thus, in most proposals for multi-agent architectures, an Agent Communication Language (ACL) is designed to provide for agent communication. However, a universally accepted standard for ACLs is still missing.
Applied Ontology
There are two main traditions in defining a semantics for agent communication languages, based either on mental attitudes or on social commitments. These traditions, even if they share the idea of speech acts as operators with preconditions and effects, and agents playing roles like speaker and hearer, rely on completely distinct ontologies. Not only does the mental attitudes approach refer to concepts like belief, desire, goal or intention and is the social commitment approach based on the notion of commitment, but the two approaches also refer to distinct speech acts, distinct types of dialogue games, and so on. In this paper, we propose a common ontology for both approaches based on public mental attitudes attributed to roles. Public mental attitudes avoid the problems of mentalistic semantics, such as the unverifiability of private mental states, and they allow the reuse of the logics and implementations developed for FIPA compliant approaches. Moreover, a common ontology of communication primitives allows for the construction of agents participating to dialogues with both FIPA and social commitments compliant agents. The challenge of agent communication languages whose semantics is based on public mental attitudes, such as our rolebased semantics, is to define mappings from existing languages to the new one. In this paper we show how to map the two existing traditions to our role-based ontology of public mental attitudes and we show how it allows for a comparison. Moreover, to test the generality of our new ontology for agent communication languages, we show how to extend the social commitment approach to cope with persuasion dialogue too.
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