Toward blackboycrit pedagogy review by johnnie jackson

Salaam who wrote: "We are lovers…and revolutionaries…conscious that our commitment to each other… serves higher purpose… than limited personal pleasure" (p. 17). In this way, brilliantly the authors call forth Angelou and Salaam to set the tone for how those of us who are lovers of both children and human freedom can simultaneously (1) cultivate a reflexive praxis grounded in a personal ethic of care, and (2) engage in an active citizenship that is congruent with the pursuit of a multiracial democracy. As a part of the process of creating a culturally inclusive learning environment, teachers reading this book will learn the importance of selfknowledge and the relationship between race, racialization, and culture in a nation that privileges whiteness and eurocentric identity and culture. More importantly, readers are provided with teaching engagements needed for all students, no matter how they racially identify, so they can all affirm the histories, cultures, and worldviews of peoples who confront multiple forms of oppression and exclusion. The book is highly recommended for teachers and the rest of us who believe education is freedom and knowledge is power! N. Bryan (2021). Toward BlackBoyCrit Pedagogy: Black boys, male teachers, and early childhood classroom practices. NCTE/Routledge