Solitária - Gestural Interface for Puppetry Performance



Solitária is a performance that employs puppetry techniques to manipulate digital media. The<br> performance was designed upon the duality between the material and the non material existence, between<br> the physicality and the virtuality. A gestural vocabulary was developed to manipulate both sound and visuals<br> in realtime. We have built an interactive system to support both tangible and intangible manipulation, as<br> well to respond and react to a specific body movement. This work explores puppetry techniques with sound<br> and digital animation, engaging the audience with a dialog between the body language and the digital media.<br> We found that sound and visuals can be manipulated in a similar manner through puppetry methods, as if<br> we pull the strings from the same instrument. This framework was implemented with success responding to<br> the requirements of the performance. Solitária was presented at the Festival Internaci...