Tanjungpura Science and Technology Laboratory

2021, JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur


Along with the rapid development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) globally, which seems to spread to various segments in the world, it creates competition for every country to take part in the progress of science and technology. To achieve this goal, a mature strategy is needed for equitable distribution of science and technology, a good synergy between institutions and human resources is needed. West Kalimantan has the potential in terms of territory and existing human resources to have the development center, because Universitas Tanjungpura is the largest university in West Kalimantan which has the potential to become a center for science and technology activities, of course with flexible laboratory facilities as a forum for development. The purpose of this design is to produce a design for the Tanjungpura Science and technology laboratory building. Design starts from determining the problem in the design, collecting primary and secondary data related to the design process. Prima...