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The performance of ProTaper system during the endodontic retreatment
Acta stomatologica Croatica, 2011
Sažetak Svrha istraživanja: Željela se procijeniti učinkovitost sustava ProTaper Universal Retreatment™ i ručnih instrumenata kod endodontske revizije korištenjem dvaju otapala gutaperki-Orange Oila i Eucalypthola. Materijali i metode: Odabrano je 40 meziobukalnih korijena. Podijeljeni su u četiri skupine po 10 uzoraka: I. skupina-punjenje je uklonjeno sustavom ProTaper Universal Re-treatment™ i otapalom Orange Oilom; II. skupina-korijeni su očišćeni sustavom ProTaper Universal Retreatment™ i otapalom Eukaliptolom; III. skupina-uporabljene su pilice Hedström i K-proširivači te otapalo Orange Oil; IV. skupna-punjenje je uklonjeno pilicama Hedström i K-proširivačima te otapalom Eukaliptolom. Uzorke su pregledala tri endodonta ne bi li pronašli ostatke materijala za punjenje. Statistička analiza obavljena je testovima Fisher Exact, Hi-kvadrat i Mann-Whitney. Postavljena granica značajnosti bila je 0,05. Rezultati: I. skupina-uklonjeno je 73,3 posto materijala iz koronarne trećine, 46,7 posto iz srednje i 23, 3 posto iz apikalne; II. skupinauklonjeno je 83,3 posto materijala iz koronarne trećine, 43 posto iz srednje i 40 posto iz apikalne; III. skupina-uklonjeno je 90 posto materijala iz koronarne trećine, 80 posto iz srednje i 70 posto iz apikalne; IV. skupina-uklonjeno je 100 posto materijala iz koronarne trećine, 80 posto iz srednje i 63,3 posto iz apikalne. Zaključak: K-proširivačima i pilicama Hedström postignuti su bolji rezultati negoli sustavom ProTaper Universal Retreatment™ u uklanjanju materijala za punjenje, bez obzira na to koje se otapalo upotrijebilo. Ključne riječi gutaperka; otapala; stomatoloπki instrumenti; revizija; zubna pulpa, komora 1 Zavod za protetiku te za kirurgiju lica i usta državnog sveučilišta Pernambuco,
Objectives: To evaluate the apical extrusion of debris and the time taken for complete removal of root canal filling material by ProtaperUniversal(PTU), Protaper Retreatment(PTR) and Protaper Next(PTN) file systems during endodontic retreatment. Materials and Methods: Sixty extracted human mandibular premolar teeth were used. All the teeth were prepared with Protaper Universal files(DentsplyMaillefer) upto size F3 and obturated using F3 guttapercha cone with AH plus sealer. After one week, the teeth were divided into three groups based on the retreatment file systems used: Group I(PTU); Group II(PTR); Group III(PTN) and the retreatment procedure was carried out. The debris extruded was collected in eppendorf tubes using Myers and Montogomery model. The mean time taken by each file system to completely remove GP and the mean rate of debris extruded was recorded. Data was analyzed using two way ANOVA and post Hoc test. Results: The PTN files took significantly less time to completely remove GP followed by the PTU files and then the PTR files. The mean weight of debris extruded was significantly less with the PTN files. Conclusion: None of the file systems could avoid apical extrusion of debris during retreatment but the PTN files took less time with less apical extrusion of debris compared to the PTU and PTR files.
Today with the increased awareness, preservation of the teeth by endodontic treatment is preferred by the patients rather than unnecessary extractions. Endod ontic treatment has its own advantages and disadvan tages. One of the main disadvantages is endodontic failure , which can be because of various factors. These fa ilures can be managed by endodontic retreatment which may be surgical or non-surgical (Orthograde). Usually ortho grade is the first opted modality, while surgical retreat ment is carried out only when orthograde is not suc cessful. Both have variable results of success according to the studies conducted by various researchers.
Australian Endodontia Journal, 2008
Abstract The present study evaluated the effectiveness of two reciprocating systems for the removal of root-filling material during endodontic retreatment. One hundred extracted mandibular premolars were prepared and root-filled with gutta-percha and sealer. Root fillings were removed with K-files according to the following techniques: Group A – hand instrumentation; Group B – Endo- Gripper system driven by compressed air; Group C – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by compressed air; Group D – Endo-Gripper system driven by electric engine; Group E – INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by electric engine. The amount of filling debris on root canal walls was assessed radiographically and analysed using Auto CAD 2000 software. One- way ANOVA and Duncan’s test revealed statistically significant differences only in the middle third (P = 0.01); the best results being reached in group D. The apical third displayed the greatest amount of filling material debris, regardless of the technique used.
Australian Endodontic Journal, 2008
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of two reciprocating systems for the removal of root-filling material during endodontic retreatment. One hundred extracted mandibular premolars were prepared and root-filled with gutta-percha and sealer. Root fillings were removed with K-files according to the following techniques: Group A -hand instrumentation; Group B -Endo-Gripper system driven by compressed air; Group C -INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by compressed air; Group D -Endo-Gripper system driven by electric engine; Group E -INTRAmatic 29CH + INTRA-LUX 3LD driven by electric engine. The amount of filling debris on root canal walls was assessed radiographically and analysed using Auto CAD 2000 software. Oneway ANOVA and Duncan's test revealed statistically significant differences only in the middle third (P = 0.01); the best results being reached in group D. The apical third displayed the greatest amount of filling material debris, regardless of the technique used.
Conservative Dentistry Journal, 2020
Background: In medical practice, clinicians come across a lot of obstacle during a treatment , that can lead to a failure, like other dental treatments, endodontics too can fail. Inappropriate mechanical debridement, persistence of bacteria in the canals and apex, poor obturation quality, over and under extension of the root canal filling, and coronal leakage are some of the commonly attributable causes of failure. Despite the high success rate of endodontic treatment, failures do occur in a large number of cases and most of the times can be attributed to the already stated causes. Purpose: Endodontic retreatment of a failure is required by the increased desire to preserve the tooth on the dental arch, preventing the need for dental extraction that may have adverse consequences in terms of functional and psychological effect on patients. Case: This article presents a case report about dental retreatment with 2 common failure, that was under filling obturation and non-fit post. Case ...
The current era is well refined and bears the basic knowledge regarding oral health conditions and its treatment modalities. The availability of resources on various media keeps people abreast with latest developments in health care sector. Hence a strong urge for preservation of teeth rather than its extraction prevails in the society. With the increasing number of dentists graduating every year from dental schools, it makes one strive for efficacious living. Catastrophes are inevitable in day to day practise of a general practitioner. Fractured restorations, dislodged crowns & root canal treatment failure, being the common ones encountered. But to tackle those failures is what makes a dentist rightly distinctive to their patients. Nonetheless a carious tooth involving the pulp could be retained by effective endodontic therapy without being extracted. In an attempt to save the treated teeth various interdisciplinary treatment modalities are perceived and the best of it is conveyed to the patient. The present case report describes one such scenario where the endodontically treated tooth required non-surgical endodontic retreatment due to inadequate obturation and loss of coronal seal.
Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine
Summary Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the apical extrusion during endodontic retreatment using three different endodontic systems. Material and Methods: 120 extracted human teeth were ex vivo endodontically treated and retreatment was performed using three different endodontic systems. Samples were divided into 3 groups, A-retreatment with Hedstroem hand files, B-retreatment with Pro Taper Retreatment files and C-retreatment with Pro Taper Gold files. Apically extruded material was collected in pre-measured Eppendorfs on a laboratory scale (10−5g). The amount of the extruded material was measured after the retreatment. The data were analysed using the the statistical software: STATISTICA 7.1 and SPSS for Windows 20. Results: The statistical analysis of the data revealed significant differences between the three endodontic retreatment systems (P< 0.05). Apical extrusion in the A endodontic system is significantly greater than the rotary (B and C) endodontic ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
Filling removal during Endodontic retreatments e250
50 P conservativa z PAROLE CHIAVE: dente trattato endodonticamente, perno in fibra, sistema rotante/reciprocante, tavola sinottica. z KEY WORDS: endodontically treated tooth, fiber post system, rotating / recip-rocating, synoptic tables P Summary The scientific literature shows that a tooth endodontically treated differs from a normal tooth. The changes affect the chemical, physical and elastic properties of the dentin, the resistance to fatigue, the morphology and bio-mechanical behavior. Nevertheless survival of a tooth endodontically treated is influenced so much greater the quantity and quality of remaining tooth structure. The removal of decayed tissue and tooth preparation for endodontic treatment are therefore the first factors which weaken the structure of the tooth. The tooth endodontically treated may require complex strategies of restoration and a vision of multidisciplinary treatment. There are situations for which the choice to insert a fiber post is crucial to support ...
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