Türki̇ye’De Göç Ve Etki̇leri̇

2020, Fırat Üniversitesi Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi

Migration has a long history that can go back to the beginning of human history. As the needs of people differ, migration emerges as a process of pursuing these needs. Although migration has a history as old as human history, it is a social phenomenon that takes place in different forms depending on different social, economic and cultural reasons. Migration can also be defined as the changes made by individuals or groups to achieve better living conditions. Natural disasters, famines and wars can load new meanings and contents, unlike migration. In addition to searching for better living conditions, access to safe areas, access to food enough to survive, find housing to accommodate may become evident in migration. Migration is first and foremost a displacement movement, but it is also nourishing a social process that enables the emergence of new cultural, social, economic and political processes. However, the economic, social, cultural and technological development of societies added different dimensions to the migration and migration process. In this respect, migration requires a multi-faceted assessment. However, it is not possible to fit all of these aspects in one study. Turkey to Syria's civil war and migration is mostly a transit country. However, immigration Syria with war, to head for Turkey has become a social phenomenon seems difficult. Therefore, Turkey's aim of our study with an overview of the migration story is get Syria to discuss the specifics of the policy on migration. The aim of our study, along with an overview of Turkey's migration story is to handle the details of the policy on immigration Syria. This study is structured by examining the literature review, document analysis, observation and statistical data.