Integrated Reverse Engineering Process Model

2010, Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering


Emergent advancements in technology, new business requirements and stakeholder's needs escort to frequent migration from legacy systems to more powerful, dedicated, secure and reliable computing systems. Different reverse engineering methodologies, techniques and tools are used to extract artifacts from existing legacy systems starting from the implementations and going back to design, architecture and requirements. Most presented techniques supplemented with tool support are specific to particular projects and their generalization and customization is always questionable. This paper presents customizable software reverse engineering technique integrated with different recovery techniques and tools to extract different artifacts from legacy systems. The concept of technique is validated through different examples.

Key takeaways

  • "The completeness of a reverse the source code due to frequent maintenance in structure engineering process refers to the level of detail that is of the existing systems.
  • We extracted some design code model are presented in [16].
  • used to extract different design patterns from the legacy design pattern recovery [17 31] and architecture pattern code.
  • The reverse engineering process model presented in this paper will be used to review the results of conceptual model, source code model, design model, functional model and feature models for refining our pattern specifications iteratively to extract different artifacts from the legacy systems.
  • We have extracted different artifacts from legacy applications using domain, mapping and source code models very successfully.