Change of Meaning in the East Javanese Language

2020, Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies


The East Javanese language as a Proto-Austronesian (PAN) derivative has inherited a series of original features from its ancestor but has undergone changes not only in lexical form but also in meaning. Therefore, the formulation of the problem proposed is how the meaning of the East Javanese language changes when compared to the original language, namely the Proto-Austronesian language. Furthermore, data collection was carried out through field research (oral data). Field data were obtained using participative conversation method along with stimulating technique, followed by recording and noting techniques. Based on the results of the analysis, there are several patterns of change of meaning occurring in the East Javanese, namely narrowing, broadening and shifting. It was also found that these changes were influenced by several factors such as linguistic causes, historical causes, social causes, and psychological causes.