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2003, Journal of Modern Optics
10 pages
1 file
A novel authentication scheme for quantum messages is proposed using sets of unitary operations for secure transmission and reception. The scheme incorporates a quantum tag to enhance message integrity and is based on a secret key shared between the transmitter and receiver, ensuring the authenticity of messages. Minimal requirements for effective unitary operations are identified, improving the resilience of the protocol against potential eavesdropping or impersonation attacks.
Now a day’s Security of network transmission became a vital aspect, because the major security risks occur while conducting business on the Net; the following are some of the security risks occur: Unauthorized-Access, Eavesdropping, Password Sniffing, Denial of Service, Data modification, Repudiation. One of the methods to secure the information is Cryptography. It Protects data transmitted over the network lines, is mainly through appropriate Encryption techniques. The subject Cryptography deals with the encryption and decryption procedures. Encryption is the process of scrambling information so that it becomes unintelligible and can be unscrambled only by using keys. Encryption is the achieved using a Symmetric (or) Asymmetric Encryption. In Symmetric Encryption, a single key is used encrypt as well as to decrypt. In Asymmetric Encryption, two keys namely public and private key are used for encryption and decryption. The paper presentation is on the Authenticated Transmission usin...
Abstract. Motivated by a potentially flawed deployment of the one time pad in a recent quantumcryptographic application securing a bank transfer [12], we show how to implement a statistically secure system for message passing, that is, a channel with negligible failure rate secure againstunbounded adversaries, using a one time pad based cryptosystem. We prove the security of our system in the framework put forward by Backes, Pfitzmann, and Waidner [11, 2, 3]. 1 Introduction It is well known that the one time pad (OTP) is perfectly concealing, i.e. that given an arbitrary ciphertext c 2 {0, 1}n, the probability of any message m 2 M ` {0, 1}n is P (m|c) = P (m) where M denotes themessage space. Therefore one time pad based encryption is the obvious choice when dealing with unbounded
Journal of Computer Science, 2015
This study shows that secret information can be shared or passed from a sender to a receiver even if not encoded in a secret message. In the protocol designed in this study, no parts of the original secret information ever travel via communication channels between the source and the destination, no encoding/decoding key is ever used. The two communicating partners, Alice and Bob, are endowed with coherent qubits that can be read and set and keep their quantum values over time. Additionally, there exists a central authority that is capable of identifying Alice and Bob to share with each half of entangled qubit pairs. The central authority also performs entanglement swapping. Our protocol relies on the assumption that public information can be protected, an assumption present in all cryptographic protocols. Also any classical communication channel need not be authenticated. As each piece of secret information has a distinct public encoding, the protocol is equivalent to a one-time pad protocol.
This paper shows that information can be shared or passed from a sender to a receiver even if not encoded in a message. In the protocol designed in this paper, no parts of useful information ever travel via communication channels between the source and the destination. The setting is a wireless sensor networks in which nodes are endowed with coherent qubits that can be read and set within the node. Additionally, there exists a central authority that manages the identity of the nodes and can perform entanglement swapping. Our protocol relies on the assumption that public information can be protected, an assumption present in all cryptographic protocols.
Quantum computers use the power of quantum physics to give rise to new types of security. For example, classical bits can be copied, but qubits generally cannot. With the recent introduction of quantum computers, there is an emerging need to harness the power of quantum cryptography schemes to overshadow the computing force of counterfeiters. In this article, we will investigate 2 major questions in cryptography, namely (1) how to communicate a secret securely among multiple parties and (2) how to create a secure quantum currency that is sustainable to quantum attacks. We will rst investigate the No-cloning theorem and the errorcorrection schemes, and plug these notations into threshold schemes and quantum money schemes to analyze how quantum mechanisms work in encrypting data, as well as how interactive attacks can possibly break the schemes. We do not provide a concrete answer to either of the questions, as all the methods discussed in this article have been proven to be vulnerable to attackers with adequate computing ability. Regardless, they are important foundations to more recent development in cryptography and public-key quantum money.
Secure communication ensures the integrity and confidentiality of communication between connected devices. An information-theoretic approach to secure communication gives the strongest confidentiality guarantee by assuming that the attacker has unlimited computing power. The earliest formal model and definition of information-theoretic secure communication is by Shannon, who employed a secret key shared between communicating parties to provide confidentiality. An alternative elegant information-theoretic approach to secure communication views the natural characteristics of the environment (i.e., channel's noise) as a resource to build security functionalities. This approach was first proposed by Wyner, and the corresponding secure communication model is called the wiretap channel model. These two approaches introduce two primary resources for providing information-theoretic secure communication: the shared secret key and physical properties of the communication medium. In this thesis, we study how to employ the above two resources for secure message transmission. We study this by using channel's noise in the wiretap channel model. In this model, a sender is connected to the receiver and the adversary through two noisy channels. We propose a new wiretap encoding scheme with strong secrecy that provides perfect secrecy and reliability, asymptotically. The construction treats the noise in the adversary's channel as a source of randomness that is extracted and used to hide the message from the adversary. We realize the wiretap channel model using cooperative jamming to evaluate the performance of wiretap codes in practice. We consider a model called keyed wiretap channel that unifies Wyner's model with Shannon's model of perfect secrecy for information systems, and propose a keyed encoding schemes with strong secrecy and other properties that are attractive in practice. We also study two-party information-theoretic secret key agreement when the two parties have access to samples of a common source of randomness and use a single message transmission to arrive at a shared random key. We propose a secret key agreement protocol in this setting, prove its security, and show its superior performance compared to other known protocols with the same properties. Finally, we propose an information-theoretic secret key agreement over a virtual wiretap channel created by cooperative jamming. -a922-4122-847d-479de5722182%20%20&targetPage=printablelicense Will you be translating? no Circulation/distribution 1 -29 Home Help Email Support Sign in Create Account
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1990
It is the aim to deal with codes having unconditional security, which means that the security is independent of the computing power. .4nalogously to the theory of unconditional secrecy due t o Shannon (121, Simmons developed a theory of unconditional authentication [lo]. In this paper we give some new bounds and constructions for authentication/secrecy codes with splitting. Consider a transmitter who wants to communicate a source to a remote receiver by sending messages through an imperfect communication channel. Then there are two fundamentally different ways i n which the receiver can be deceived. The channel may be noisy so that the symbols in the transmitted message can be received in error, or the channel may be under control of an opponent who can either deliberately modify legitimate messages or else introduce fraudulent ones. Simmons [lo] showed that both problems could be modeled in complete generality by replacing the classical noisy communications channel of coding theory with a gametheoretic noiseless channel in which an intelligent opponent, who knows the system and can observe the channel, plays so as to optimize his chances of deceiving the receiver. To provide some degree of immunity to deception (of the receiver), the transmitter also introduces redundancy in this case, but does so in such a way that, for any message the transmitter may send, the altered messages that the opponent would introduce using his optimal strategy are spread randomly. Authentication theory is concerned with devising and analizing schemes (codes) to achieve this "spreading". In the mathematical model there are three participants: a transmitter, a receiver and an opponent. The transmitter wants to communicate some information to the receiver. The opponent wanting to deceive the receiver, can either impersonate the receiver, making him accept a fraudulent message as authentic, or, modify a message which has been sent by the transmitter. Let s denote the set of k source states, iM the set of v messages and E the set of b encoding rules.
GLOBECOM '05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005., 2005
When it became known that quantum computers could break the RSA (named for its creators-Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) encryption algorithm within a polynomial-time, quantum cryptography began to be actively studied. Other classical cryptographic algorithms are only secure when malicious users do not have computational power enough to break security within a practical amount of time. Recently, many quantum authentication protocols sharing quantum entangled particles between communicators have been proposed, providing unconditional security. An issue caused by sharing quantum entangled particles is that it may not be simple to apply these protocols to authenticate a specific user in a group of many users. We propose an authentication protocol using quantum superposition states instead of quantum entangled particles. Our protocol can be implemented with the current technologies we introduce in this paper.
Physical Review A, 2009
This paper provides Shannon theoretic coding theorems on the impersonation attack and the substitution attack against authentication systems constructed by secret key cryptography. Though several lower bounds on the success probability of the impersonation attack and the substitution attack have been developed, their upper bounds are rarely discussed. This paper treats an extended authentication system including blocklength K and permits the decoding error probability tending to zero as K→∞. It is shown that 2-KI(W:E) is the smallest attainable upper bound of the success probability of the impersonation attack, where I(W;E) denotes the mutual information between cryptogram W and key E. A relationship between the success probability of the substitution attack and H(E|W) is also characterized, where H(E|W) denotes the conditional entropy of E given W
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The University of Edinburgh - Master Dissertation, 2019
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2000
… of Computer Science …, 2002
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 2014
Physical Review A, 2001
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 22, No. 5, October, 2024
Proceedings of the …, 2000
Proceedings of the 2014 Zone 1 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2014
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1997