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With the growing numbers of educational institutions, both formal, informaland informal, and with the improving comprehension of the society on the importanceof service, this research aims to investigate the level of satisfaction of students of thoseeducational institutions. This is also in conformation with the expansion of informationtechnology whereby the information exchanges are faster, and educational institutions,which disregard this trend may be left behind. Using the basic foundation from the fieldof study on consumer behavior, this research tries to evaluate on service delivery andperformance of educational institutions. This research relies on purposive andproportional sampling to university students in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Bandung.Interview sessions, observations, and questionnaire distributions are conducted togather primary data from the registered students of selected formal educationalinstitutions. Of course, it is expected that personnels of those educational ins...
Dr. Djoko Siswanto M, 2023
Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Pendidikan terutama pendidikan dasar merupakan pelayanan dasar yang wajib dilakukan oleh Pemerintah (Daerah) di seluruh Indonesia. Buku ini hadir karena mendapat inspirasi dari disertasi penulis dengan judul: ”Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Pendidikan dengan perspektif "sound governance,” di Kota Probolinggo. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk membumikan konsep sound governance dari Farazmand (2004) pada tingkat lokal yaitu di Kota Probolinggo, Provinsi Jawa Timur, maka hasil dari penelitian ini telah ”memodifikasi” konsep tersebut, menjadi konsep sound local governance. Sedangkan konsep sound local governance ini berdasarkan studi tentang Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Berorientasi Pelayanan Publik atau disingkat MBS-BPP. Buku ini memuat temuan penelitian yaitu: pertama, adanya suatu interaksi antar aktor (pemerintah, privat, masyarakat dan global) secara dinamis pada pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP dengan peran masing-masing yang saling mendukung dalam upaya perbaikan pelayanan publik pendidikan; Kedua, seluruh tahapan pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP terjadi interaksi secara dinamis dan saling mendukung dari seluruh dimensi sound governance, sehingga sekolah dapat memperbaiki pelayanan pendidikan secara berkelanjutan. Ketiga, sekolah pada pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP ini menghadapi kendala internal, yaitu: rendahnya komitmen kepala sekolah, guru, tenaga kependidikan, komite sekolah dan paguyuban kelas; kekurangpahaman terhadap program, sumbangan masyarakat, dan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler; kekurangpedulian orang tua/wali siswa terhadap kebutuhan sekolah; kekurangterbukaan informasi sekolah, maka sekolah dapat melaksanakan program MBS-BPP untuk memperbaiki pelayanan pendidikan. Keempat, sekolah pada pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP ini mengahadapi tantangan eksternal, yaitu: kurangnya komitmen Dinas Pendidikan, seringnya kebijakan mutasi kepala sekolah, kurangnya pemahaman terhadap kebijakan pendidikan gratis, dan hubungan hierarkhi yang rigid antara national governance dengan local governance, maka sekolah dapat melaksanakan ix program MBS-BPP untuk memperbaiki pelayanan pendidikan; Kelima, sekolah telah melakukan inovasi kebijakan dan administrasi dalam pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP, sehingga sekolah dapat memperbaiki pelayanan pendidikan. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa keempat aktor ada interaksi yang dinamis dan saling mendukung dalam pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP. Pada tahapan pelaksanaan program MBS-BPP sekolah dapat memadukan seluruh dimensi sound governance, meskipun menghadapi beberapa kendala internal dan tantangan eksternal, serta di dalam rangka menghadapi perubahan dunia pendidikan yang begitu cepat, maka sekolah berupaya melakukan inovasi kebijakan dan administrasi pelayanan pendidikan secara terus menerus, sehingga ada jaminan pelayanan pendidikan secara berkelanjutan. Kata kunci: sound governance, peran aktor, manajemen berbasis sekolah berorientasi pelayanan publik, perbaikan pelayanan pendidikan berkelanjutan.
This study aimed to determine the effect of service quality in terms of the dimensions of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and body image influenced on student loyalty with satisfaction as an intervening variable. Data were collected from 42 respondents using accidental sampling method sampling. Data analysis was carried out through analysis of research instruments that include test 0f validity of using the product moment correlation and reliability testing using Cronbach's alpha technique, the normality test, test lineritas, hypothesis test includes multiple linear regression, t test, F test and coefficient of determination (R2). From the analysis of data obtained the following results: variable responsiveness, assurance, and the image of the institution emphaty had a positive significant influence on student satisfaction, while tangibles and reliability had not a significant and negative effect on student satisfaction. Variable reliability, responsive...
Jurnal Inovatif Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
As a institution of non-formal education, the Al-Qur'an Education Park has its own challenges in attracting the interest of the student guardians. One step in attracting the interest of the student guardians is to provide satisfaction. The satisfaction of the student guardians is related to the educational services provided. TPQ An-Nur is one of the Islamic educational institutions that participate in the process of providing education services. This study aims to: (1) to determine the level of satisfaction of student guardians with educational services at the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) An-Nur Sungai Topo Sungaiteluk Village. (2) to identify the educational services at the Al-Qur'na Education Park (TPQ) An-Nur Sungai Topo Sungaiteluk Village. The research method used in this study is a mixed method with an explanatory sequential design, while the data collection techniques used are questionnaire, observation, interview, and documentation. For quantitative research...
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2011
The purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions of the level of services provided educational institutions and find out the suitability of the services that received and services that are expected ultimately to determine the priorities to improve services and the factors that affect student satisfaction. While the analysis that the authors do is to use three methods of analysis of qualitative analysis to compare the theory with the reality of the matter, to obtain a quantitative analysis of student satisfaction with the service each variable using a formula Infortance Performance Analysis and assessment scores to determine the average level of performance institutions and the average score of the level of expectation (importance) that is useful for students affect student satisfaction using cartesian diagram and gap analysis used to compare between the perceptions of students about the importance of a attribute to the satisfaction felt by students. The results of these studies show that students rate the availability of means and media used in learning, classroom comfort, building a strategic location, subject matter that really fit with the needs of the world of work, learning an accurate schedule, friendliness and politeness of the staff in providing services and instructors who have the ability and skill in the art is a very important attribute for students in using the services of El Rahma Palembang.
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik, 2013
School Services to Improve the Quality of Students. The research was carried out in the existing SLTPN in District Kuantan Kuantan District Singingi Downstream, where the informant research is the principal, teachers, parents and prominent intellectuals. Data collected by interview and observation techniques, after the data was collected and then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The result showed that the services the school in improving the quality of junior high school students in Kuantan District Downstream been running pretty well. While the factors found to influence school services in improving the quality of students in junior sub Kuantan Kuantan District Downstream Singingi is empathy factor. Abstrak: Pelayanan Sekolah untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Peserta Didik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SLTPN yang ada di Kecamatan Kuantan Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, dimana yang menjadi informan penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru, wali murid dan tokoh cerdik pandai. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tehnik wawancara dan observasi, setelah data terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisa deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pelayanan sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas peserta didik di SLTP Kecamatan Kuantan Hilir sudah berjalan dengan cukup baik. Sedangkan ditemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelayanan sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas peserta didik di SLTP Kecamatan Kuantan Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi adalah faktor empati. Kata Kunci: Strategi, pelayanan, birokrasi pendidikan, dan MBS.
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Teaching authority in Roman Catholic is entrusted to apostolic college of bishops with Pope as its head. This authoriy has been developed from the ouset of christianism. It is believed that the the apostolic college has handed over to bishops as their successor. The teaching authority performed by bishop is restricted to faith and moral matter. Their teachings in these matters obtain an infallible character. As far as the faith and moral matter are concerned, the infallibel character is accepted. Issues regarding politics, economics and so on are not in domain of the teaching authority of Magisterium. Catholics are strongly recommended to give their obbedience to the teachings of Magisterium. Are there possibilities to dissent from these teachings? This article demonstrates historical development of teaching authority in roman catholic and its implementation.
Jurnal ini dibuat sebagai tugas Kepemimpinan dan Perilaku Organisasi, Universitas PTIQ Jakarta, A.n. Wadiyati, Dosen Pengampu Dr. Susanto, MA Pada hakikatnya Excellent Service (pelayanan prima) bertitik tolak pada upaya pelaku bisnis dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya sebagai wujud kepedulian perusahaan kepada pelanggan. Excellent Service merupakan salah satu kompenen penting yang harus dilakukan oleh semua personil sekolah agar orang tua murid yang menggunakan jasa pendidikan di sekolah merasa puas atas pelayanan sekolah dan akhirnya akan terus menyekolahkan anak, cucunya di sekolah ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak penerapan excellent service di sekolah terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dalam hal ini orang tua murid sebagai pengguna jasa pendidikan di sekolah. Kajian ini merupakan Library Research atau penelitian pustaka yang ditulis berdasarkan hasil kajian terhadap berbagai bahan pustaka yang relevan, baik berupa buku, jurnal, artikel dan lain sebagainya yang terkait dengan fokus masalah di atas. Hasil dari tulisan ini adalah analisa penulis mengenai excellent service atau pelayanan prima dalam organisasi Pendidikan.
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 2019
This study aims to obtain empirical data about caring behavior of warden in child prison (LPKA) perceived by child inmates called LPKA students. This study used mixed-method design combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The first phase of research conducted by quantitative methods of data collection involving 67 samples consisted of 44 students of LPKA Bandung and 23 students of LPKA Tangerang. The measuring instrument used was caring behavior questionnaire adapted from Freese's caring instrument (1999). The second phase was conducted through interviews with four students of LPKA. The results showed that the caring behaviors of LPKA officers were mainly shown in the dimensions of understanding LPKA students. The caring behavior of these officers is demonstrated by their concern for physical conditions, food needs and emotional assistance, especially when LPKA students face problems. The presence of officers who care for LPKA students might be able to substitute the parents figures for LPKA students.
Jurnal Penyuluhan Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2017
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan berdasarkan 14 unsur pelayanan pendidikan kelompok dosen labo teknologi kepada taruna IKP optimal 3,000 namun range indek kepuasan taruna pada pendidikan yang diberikan dosen labo teknologi terendah 2,12 dan tertinggi 2,700. Sedangkan bagi responden taruni range IKPi yang diberikan terendah 2,200 dan tertinggi 3,00. Pada Kelompok dosen labo ekonomi pelayanan unsur terendah oleh taruna 2,15 dan tertinggi 2,700, sedangkan persepsi yang diberikan oleh taruni unsur terendah dengan nilai 2,15 dan tertinggi 3,00. Pada Kelompok Dosen labo penyuluhan persepsi taruna unsur terendah dengan nilai 2,200 dan tetinggi 3,00, sedangkan yang diberikan oleh taruni unsur terendah dengan nilai 2,300 dan unsur tertinggi dengan nilai 3,00. Nilai Indek Kepuasan Taruna (IKTa) bagi kelompok dosen labo teknologi diperoleh nilai sebesar 62,214, dengan kriteria kinerja Baik, sedangkan untuk Nilai Indek Kepuasan Tarunai (IKTi) sebesar 69,58, dengan kriteria kinerja Sangat Baik. N...
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Jurnal Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, 2015
Mimbar Ilmu, 2021
Journal of Education Research, 2023
Jurnal Transformasi STT Inti Bandung, 2007
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA, 2024
Jurnal Serasi
Foramadiahi: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia
Bunayya : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Muhammadiyah Aceh, 2017