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2022, Studies in English language and education
Writing knowledge pertaining to process, system, content, and genre plays an essential role to produce an intelligible composition. The purpose of the present study is twofold-to investigate the correlation between aspects of writing knowledge and quality of writing, and to investigate the contribution of the overall and individual aspects of writing knowledge to writing quality. The participants were 54 second-year ELT undergraduate students of a university in Indonesia. A writing test and multiple-choice test on writing knowledge were used as the instruments of data collection. The analysis employed Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple
Writing in a second language (L2) is a challenging task. It is demanded in academic context and considered a lifetime skill. In Indonesia, writing is the most neglected skill in schools, resulting in low writing proficiency among university students. The aim of this study is: 1) to identify the writing process of Indonesian EFL proficient student writers; and 2) to explore the writing strategies used by Indonesian EFL proficient student writers. Williams' writing process model was used as the basis for identifying the writing process, while Leki, Sasaki and Mu's writing categories were used to identify the writing strategies. This study used the qualitative case study research design integrating four data collection methods, that was, observation, interview, think-aloud protocol and video-stimulated recall interview. The results show that the student writers undertake a five-step writing process: prewriting, planning, drafting, pausing and reading and revising and editing, utilising 10 writing strategies: mechanics of writing; relating the topic to past experience and knowledge; talk-writing; freewriting; outlining; listing; using online materials; seeking help; taking the reader into consideration; and text organisation in each stage of the writing process. The study significantly contributes to the body of knowledge on writing, helps L2 writing teachers and L2 learners at all levels of writing using the model of the writing process and the proposed writing strategies.
Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2016
The study was aimed at understanding the EFL Indonesian students' perspective on the writing process. The pilot study involved two male Indonesian postgraduate students in Universiti Utara Malaysia. The Indonesian students were selected based on the following criteria: (1) had enough knowledge in English writing, indicated by the completion of Academic Writing and Research Methodology courses taken in UUM; (2) had written an unpublished thesis during their undergraduate studies in Indonesia and they are writing their master or doctoral thesis in English; (3) used English extensively in writing their assignments, and in daily activities. Pseudonyms were used to refer to the participants as Sukarno and Suharto. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with the participants. The interview sessions took approximately 15-20 minutes for each participant and were videotaped and audiotaped. Semi-structured interview with 15 questions and probes were used. The results showed that the two participants had positive feelings and attitudes towards writing in English. Although they had a hard time in English writing during their undergraduate in Indonesia, they become fond of writing in English in their postgraduate time due to the exposure to English extensively. In composing, they used brainstorming, drafting, pausing, revising and editing in a recursive manner.
The study was aimed at understanding the EFL Indonesian students' perspective on the writing process. The pilot study involved two male Indonesian postgraduate students in Universiti Utara Malaysia. The Indonesian students were selected based on the following criteria: (1) had enough knowledge in English writing, indicated by the completion of Academic Writing and Research Methodology courses taken in UUM; (2) had written an unpublished thesis during their undergraduate studies in Indonesia and they are writing their master or doctoral thesis in English; (3) used English extensively in writing their assignments, and in daily activities. Pseudonyms were used to refer to the participants as Sukarno and Suharto. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with the participants. The interview sessions took approximately 15-20 minutes for each participant and were videotaped and audiotaped. Semi-structured interview with 15 questions and probes were used. The results showed that the two participants had positive feelings and attitudes towards writing in English. Although they had a hard time in English writing during their undergraduate in Indonesia, they become fond of writing in English in their postgraduate time due to the exposure to English extensively. In composing, they used brainstorming, drafting, pausing, revising and editing in a recursive manner.
International Journal of Language Education
This paper describes an investigation about the relationship between students' writing knowledge and second language writing performance. Metacognitive and metalinguistic knowledge contribute significantly to writing performance. As a foreign language, 78 undergraduate students took a writing knowledge class and a writing proficiency test. The knowledge process has a strong influence on writing performance. Except for vocabulary knowledge, other aspects and sub-aspects had no significant effect on writing performance. Vocabulary knowledge had a negative impact on writing performance. In other words, while some aspects and sub-aspects of writing knowledge did not significantly influence writing performance, others did. The pedagogical implication is that all aspects of writing knowledge must be explicitly taught in writing instruction in order to improve students' writing quality. However, there must be a priority of aspect as the core of the material to be taught, with the o...
Journal of Languages and Culture Vol, 2010
Writing well and effectively helps our students achieve three important objectives. Firstly, it reinforces grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary. Secondly, writing provides opportunities for our students to be more adventurous with the language, to go beyond what they have learnt and to take risks with the effects of writing. And, finally, the importance of writing lies in the ability to develop language skills in terms of fluency, accuracy and appropriateness, in the communication of meanings and messages. This paper attempts to investigate a comparative study on the undergraduates' writing performance and the problems that hinder students' perception of good writing skills. As English Language is used in all the subjects taught in their degree performance, these students should acquire and also achieve some kind of satisfactory level of writing proficiency. Lecturers expect them to use and write daily tasks, assignments and answer examination questions using English proficiently and effectively. In this study, the students from the Diploma Programme acquired better writing skills than the Matriculation students. The Diploma students performed better in all the five writing components like content, vocabulary, organization, language use and mechanics. This was because the Diploma students had more exposure in English as all the subjects were taught in English Language. Therefore, the Matriculation students were slightly less proficient in their writing performance compared with the Diploma students. Nevertheless, the component like mechanics in writing did not contribute greatly to their writing proficiency and both groups of students scored almost the same percentage. The most significant component in writing that hindered their writing proficiency was language use. Both the Diploma and Matriculation students scored very low percentage in this component. Firstly, because ESL students faced more problems than the first language students as they have to acquire or consciously learn the grammar, syntactic structure, vocabulary, rhetorical structure and idioms of a new language. Secondly, composing and writing is already a difficult task for them and the acquisition of grammar and other language structures make it even more difficult. Finally, students who do not read and write well in their first language need to work harder on the new creative activity of forming ideas and thoughts in English for the readers to understand. Therefore, it is recommended that writing lecturers to provide our students ample time and opportunities for them to write and form ideas clearly. Next, choosing topics for students to write with care can also nurture the development of composing abilities. It can be concluded that lecturers should focus on helping students to become aware of how and why they write, and on encouraging them to write freely, fluently and well.
This paper aims at reporting research findings on the students' perceived writing self-efficacy, the students' self-awareness of their writing abilities and the relationship between students' writing self-efficacy and their writing performance. By using descriptive quantitative method, the result shows that most of the students have medium writing self-efficacy and average writing ability. And the relationship between students' writing self-efficacy and their writing performance shows a weak relationship. This study is expected to give contribution toward related literatures concerning with the relationship between students' writing self-efficacy and their writing performance.
Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
The present study adopted a mixed-methods research design and explored the role of a set of cognitive (i.e., aptitude and working memory) and motivational (i.e., self-regulatory capacity and self-efficacy beliefs) individual difference variables in the writing quality and composing behavior of 78 Iranian undergraduate EFL learners. The necessary data were collected through a series of instruments and both quantitative (e.g., multiple regression and t-tests) and qualitative (e.g., narrative construction and qualitative comparative analysis) techniques were used to analyze the data. The results of these analyses indicated that the construct of foreign language aptitude had the highest level of correlation and contributory potential to account for the writing competence of the learners. The composing process of learners with different individual characteristics was also compared and it was found that learners with high self-regulation capacity orchestrated and managed their composing behavior in more effective ways compared to their less self-regulated counterparts. Moreover, the narratives and qualitative comparative analysis provided some insights about how various individual characteristics might affect the composing behavior of the individual learners. Finally, it was suggested that consideration of individual differences in writing can reveal more subtle information about the causes of strengths and weaknesses of different learners and may enable the teachers to design and implement more effective instructions targeting their learners" individual needs.
Dinamika Ilmu, 2017
This study is meant to examine the thesis quality of students of English Department at IAIN Samarinda. Through the descriptive-quantitative research, the thesis quality of students of English Department at IAIN Samarinda is reviewed from the aspects of language, structure, concepts understanding, theoretical framework, methodology, content, writing mechanism, and references used. This study also tries to figure out any factors that affect the thesis quality of English Department students. Fourteen English Department Students' thesis tested in 2013 are used as the main data. In addition, other data are obtained from respondents i.e. 19 students, and informants i.e. lecturers of English Department who are also their thesis advisors. The result shows that the average score of thesis written by 14 English Department students at IAIN Samarinda academic year of 2013 is 3.16 which is in the range of 2.61-3.40 scale, which is quite good quality. This quality is relevant with the informants' perceptions about the quality of thesis written by their students. Judging from some aspects, they assume that their students are able to write a good quality of thesis with an average score of 2.81 which is at a scale of 2.61-3.40. The quality is affected by internal factors and external factors. The most decisive internal factor is the respondents' low score of writing with appropriate and acceptable structure in English. This is the effect of respondents' lack of ability of composing adequate paragraphs in English. Meanwhile, the most concerning external factor is the quality of learning structure course and the professionalism of the informants in guiding the students to improve their writing ability in thesis writing.
The main purpose of the present quasi-experimental study was twofold; its first purpose was to investigate the effects of using of two approaches namely; genre and process on EFL learners’ accuracy, fluency, and complexity in written task production. Secondly, it attempted to investigate the effects of mentioned approaches on EFL learners’ attitude toward writing skill. to this end, 60 learners of English at intermediate level were selected randomly as the participants of the study and assigned into three groups of product, process, and genre groups. a written task was employed to collect data from the participants. the collected written data was quantified in terms of accuracy, fluency, and complexity measures. The results of the study based on one-way ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences on EFL learners’ writing performance. The current study might carry some pedagogical implications for EFL learners’ writing skill, learner attitude toward writing, teacher educat...
LINGUA: Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching
This study was aimed at seeing the writing strategies used by EFL Undergraduate students at Muhammadiyah University of Malang. This study used content analysis as the design, focusing on the quality of rhetoric and strategies in developing English academic essays written in Bahasa Indonesia and in English Language. The study assigned 10 students as the subject of the study. Data of this study included English and Indonesian essays, answers of questionnaires and responses of interview given to the 10 students. The study revealed that good writers wrote linear essays in Bahasa Indonesia and in English language. In writing practices and strategies, poor writers did not write draft of the essays, did not revise, and did not edit the essays, either. Good writers, on the contrary did make drafting, revising, and editing before final copy of an essay was achieved. In addition, reading references were also influential for the good writers to improve writing style and quality of the cont...
The main purpose of the present quasi-experimental study was twofold; its first purpose was to investigate the effects of using of two approaches namely; genre and process on EFL learners' accuracy, fluency, and complexity in written task production. Secondly, it attempted to investigate the effects of mentioned approaches on EFL learners' attitude toward writing skill. to this end, 60 learners of English at intermediate level were selected randomly as the participants of the study and assigned into three groups of product, process, and genre groups. a written task was employed to collect data from the participants. the collected written data was quantified in terms of accuracy, fluency, and complexity measures. The results of the study based on one-way ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences on EFL learners' writing performance. The current study might carry some pedagogical implications for EFL learners' writing skill, learner attitude toward writing, teacher education and task designers.
Writing is one of the most important aspects in English language acquisition. Teaching writing has its own challenges since there are some steps and requirements that teachers should prepare to undertake in the classroom. This article is aimed to discuss teaching and learning writing in the classroom based on theoretical conceptualisation. In addition, curriculum of teaching writing will be another important factor to consider as well as research and practice in teaching writing. Based on comparison to many theoretical concepts from various researchers, it shows that most of Indonesian students still struggle to figure out their problems of grammatical area. The biggest challenge is derived from the difference in cultural backgrounds between the students' mother tongue and English, so it is possible to know the production of their writing does not 'sound' well in appropriate culture of English. Several problems also occur when the teachers have big classes to teach and the result of teaching writing to the students may be defeated. In this case, time also being a big challenge for the teachers to have the students' writing improve because to accomplish a good composition in English, it needs complex steps such as brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, and editing. However, new techniques in teaching writing are needed to develop the students' writing outcomes.
This research aims at finding out: 1) kinds of English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) essays written by the fourth semester students of the Undergraduate English Education Department, School of Teachers Training and Educational Sciences, Nusa Cendana University; 2) how the students develop as EFL student writers; 3) elements of EFL writing that the students can produce well; and, 4) elements of EFL writing that the students fail to produce well. This research using desctiptive-qualitative method was conducted from March to September, 2019. Its research subjects were the fourth semester students of the department. Since the department has four classes, the researchers chose two classes purposively as their research subjects. The instruments used to get the data were writing tests conducted twice, that is, the first one on 18 March and the second one on 18 September, 2019. In doing the first test, the students were each asked to individually handwrite an essay whose topic was free...
Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture
Proficient writers in L2 setting used many kinds of strategies to face their difficulties in English writing. This study investigates the writing strategies used by Indonesian EFL undergraduate students and examines if there is any differences between proficient and less proficient students across their gender in choosing strategies in writing. The subject of the study consisted of 100 (one hundred) undergraduate students of English Department in Islamic State University of Antasari, Banjarmasin. A questionnaire was adopted from Peñuelas (2012) to gather data about student writing strategies. The categorization of proficient and less proficient of the students was based on the result of writing test. The results indicated that Indonesian EFL undergraduate students used six categories of writing strategies and compensation strategies was the most frequently used followed by affective strategies as the least frequently used. Proficient and less proficient students employed compensatio...
Writing is one of the most important aspects in English language acquisition. Teaching writing has its own challenges since there are some steps and requirements that teachers should prepare to undertake in the classroom. This article is aimed to discuss teaching and learning writing in the classroom based on theoretical conceptualisation. In addition, curriculum of teaching writing will be another important factor to consider as well as research and practice in teaching writing. Based on comparison to many theoretical concepts from various researchers, it shows that most of Indonesian students still struggle to figure out their problems of grammatical area. The biggest challenge is derived from the difference in cultural backgrounds between the students' mother tongue and English, so it is possible to know the production of their writing does not 'sound' well in appropriate culture of English. Several problems also occur when the teachers have big classes to teach and the result of teaching writing to the students may be defeated. In this case, time also being a big challenge for the teachers to have the students' writing improve because to accomplish a good composition in English, it needs complex steps such as brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, and editing. However, new techniques in teaching writing are needed to develop the students' writing outcomes.
Islamic Azad University-Isfahan Branch, 2020
In the present study, the effects of four planning time conditions (pre-task, extended task, free writing, and control) were investigated over the quality of expository and argumentative writings of 108 undergraduate EFL writers. The maximum time limit was 30 minutes for all the four groups of the study. The results revealed significantly higher writing quality in the free writing condition in both argumentative and expository writings. The results also showed that compared with the effects of the writing mode those of the planning time conditions were more decisive on the writing quality. Moreover, argumentative writings were of higher quality than expository writings. Being placed in different writing modes was not decisive in the choice of planning time conditions. The results may have pedagogical implications for EFL writing instructors and theoretical implications for EFL writing researchers.
Abstract: This study adopted the cognitive process of writing to investigate the composing strategies of Iranian EFL undergraduate learners. Specifically, the study aimed to address the following research questions: (1) What writing strategies do Iranian EFL writers with different writing ability employ while composing? (2) Are there any differences between the writing strategies used by good EFL learners to those used by the poor ones? Think aloud protocols, post writing interviews, written products and stimulated recalls were collected from three skilled and three less skilled EFL writers while completing an argumentative task. Analysis of the data revealed that, despite employing the strategies in combination and in a recursive fashion by both groups, two groups of writers were found to be different in their planning, drafting and reviewing. Specifically, good and poor writers were found to be different in employing certain strategies like rereading, repetition, L1 use and rehear...
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023
This study aimed to identify the factors affecting first-year BSED students' writing skills in a selected Local College in Misamis Oriental. To achieve this goal, a fishbowl method-based sampling technique was employed to gather 50 students, focusing on the student's motivation, classroom environment, reliance on applications, and feedback systems. The results revealed that students' motivation played a significant role in their writing abilities, as they were encouraged to write to express themselves and enhance their skills. Furthermore, the classroom environment was found to have an impact on writing skills, with students being more engaged in writing when there was appropriate ventilation. In terms of practical applicability, the use of grammar checkers was found to be useful in improving writing skills. Additionally, the study discovered that the feedback system influenced students' writing abilities, with automatic grading being preferred by students. Overall, the study suggests that the factors that affect motivation also impact writing skills, and creating a conducive learning environment can enhance students' writing abilities.
Proceedings of the 2019 Ahmad Dahlan International Conference Series on Education & Learning, Social Science & Humanities (ADICS-ELSSH 2019), 2019
The study is about the writing skill competence of the Grade 8 students of The University of Saint Anthony, The Philipine. It is aimmed at finding out the level of writing skill competence in terms of grammar such as organization, content, mechanic, and style; common errors in grammar and mechanic in essay writing; and proposing writing activities based on the findings. This research was conducted by using quantitative method utilizing descriptive-evaluative research. The respondents of this research were 20 students of the Grade 8 Junior High School enrolled in Summer Enrichment Class of the University of Saint Anthony during school year of 2018-2019. The statistical tools used were Frequency and Weighted Mean. Among the findings are: 1) The students are good in writing contents, style and organization but they are still poor in mechanics and grammar; 2) The students have more errors in grammar aspects such as the usage of subject and verb, proper usage of tenses, organization of thoughts, contracted words, distribution of thoughts per sentence, and on mechanics wherein students have errors on usage of punctuation, capitalization of proper nouns, proper indention of the paragraph and sentence breaks, and 3) The supplementary learning material must be developed to improve the writing skills competence of the students.
International Journal of Language Education
Assessing writing is a demanding task. If a lecturer of writing is not prepared with a reliable scoring rubric, the students’ real performance might not be known. One of the well-known English as a second language (ESL) writing rubric is the Jacobs ESL Composition Profile which was developed by Jacobs, Zingraf, Wormuth, Hartfiel, & Hughey in 1981, known as Jacobs ESL Composition Profile. This scoring rubric is popular among writing teachers and researchers to score students’ composition. The present study is intended to 1) find out the internal consistency between raters who use the scoring rubric to assess the students’ essay, and 2) describe the level of the students’ writing performance when assessed by using Jacobs ESL scoring rubric, and 3) describe the raters’ opinion when using the profile. The study uses descriptive quantitative design. The instruments to collect the data are documentation and interview. The data were collected in three months, from February to April 2020...
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