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2022, Movimento
17 pages
1 file
Covid has changed the daily life of a student teacher (in the mention of physical education), her way of learning and her relationship with technologies. The methodology will be qualitative-narrative, with the purpose of knowing and understanding Pao's opinion. The results show her passion for women's indoor football, as well as her high esteem for education as a factor of social transformation, and she sees technology as an incentive for change and teacher improvement, for her self-training and the need to deal with the curriculum in a more open and flexible way. She presents the family as a value for the education of children, or physical education as a possibility to respond to sedentary lifestyles or obesity.
Repensar la educación física es una tarea ineludible dados los tiempos que corren, y más aún cuando esta es pensada desde la particularidad de la formación docente. Así, no puede ser desagregada de premisas fundamentales como la generación de conoci miento, la conformación valórica de la personalidad y el carácter, la construcción de identidades, la consolidación de la motricidad humana, y la correspondiente formación cultural. De esta manera, la epistemología y la praxiología como campos que se asu men hermanos dan paso a una posibilidad para comprender la educación física desde una perspectiva integral en función del ser a quien pretende formar. Educación-Educación física-Epistemología-Motricidad-Formación To rethink the physical education is an unavoidable task given the times that run, and even more when it is thought from the particularity o f the educational formation. Physical education cannot be considered apart from fundamental premisses o f premises like the generation o f knowledge, the conformation o f values in the
Introduction. Emotions have not been regarded as very relevant in educational processes, despite early sociologists underlining the importance of feelings in education. The focus of this research is on the teaching of Physical Education at the Primary School level in Spain. Method. We reflect on the importance of emotions in education from the sociological perspective and present a case study which examines the development of Physical Education through play in centres of primary education. In doing this, we have combined the use of participant observation and sociograms within an ethnographic framework. Results.Through our research, we demonstrate how, by working on emotions in the teaching of Physical Education, we can make a positive contribution to socialisation. Conclusion.This is possible because it is easier to develop positive emotions-and more effectively channel and constrain negative emotions-when we handle situations of cooperation and competition within a privileged socializing framework such as play.
PODIUM - Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física, 2020
The process of school sports initiation in volleyball is a current issue in the field of scientific-educational research, which analyzed in relation to the context and the time in which it takes place, needs to enrich its contents from new pedagogical perspectives. The objective of this work is to characterize the process of school sports initiation of volleyball in the "Ormani Arenado LLonch" EIDE in Pinar del Río. To achieve this goal, methods of the theoretical level (historical-logical, inductivedeductive, modeling, analytical-synthetic) and of the empirical level (documentary review, observation, surveys, interviews) were used to delimit the essences of the object and to scientifically organize the obtaining of the research results. Among the results, there is the systematization carried out that allowed to determine tendencies in the development of the object, to define it and to establish three dimensions for its study (cognitive-procedural, management of the methodological work and axiological) with its respective definitions, to specify strengths and weaknesses that characterize it in the sport institution of reference, as well as the integration of results of the diagnosis in the establishment of its regularities. It is stated that the dimensions of the analyzed variable, in its current state, present affected aspects, understood as challenges that deserve to be treated by the High Performance Methodological Department.
Mendive. Revista de Educación, 2020
At present, the pedagogical training of the undergraduate student in nursing needs to influence the modeling of a researcher nurse, an agent of change for himself, others and the surrounding community. In this sense, the objective of this article has been to characterize the pedagogical training process of undergraduate students in Nursing at the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna". The materialist dialectical approach and other methods of the theoretical level (logical historical, inductive-deductive, modeling, synthetic analytic, documentary analysis), of the empirical level (documentary review, observation, surveys, interviews) were used as a general method, to delimit the essences of the object and organize the research results. Theoretical, historical and conceptual aspects of pedagogical training were systematized, whose process was defined and operationalized from two dimensions, starting points for the elaboration of empirical instruments, their strengths and weaknesses in the study context were specified and the main scientific ideas that structure the proposed conception. The theoretical and practical characterization of the object reflects meeting points between the sensory-perceptual study, the systematization carried out and the diagnosis in the context of analysis, confirming the need for its transformation, which is complemented by the integration of the diagnostic results, by specifying their strengths and weaknesses. It is stated that the dimensions of the analyzed variable, in their current state, present affected aspects, understood as challenges that deserve to be addressed by the methodological work of the career and year groups.
Entry in the Diccionario de San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (Dictionary on St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer) regarding his philosophy of education. The Dictionary was Coordinated by Jose Luis Illanes and published by the Instituto Historico San JJosemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Monte Carmelo, 2013.
Since physical education (PE) became a compulsory school subject, its objectives have often been related to the expectations of society. Since the turn of the new millennium, this has resulted in PE being increasingly linked to the promotion of physically active lifestyles. In this paper, we try to determine whether practitioners have the capacity to reach recent objectives for the subject or should reconsider their work on this issue. Moreover, we propose to extend the current focus on physical literacy to encompass the concept of societal transfer, underlining the need for an authentic pedagogy of PE.Resumen. Dado que la educación física (PE) se convirtió en una asignatura escolar obligatoria, sus objetivos han estado a menudo relacionados con las expectativas de la sociedad. Desde el cambio del nuevo milenio, esto ha dado lugar a que la Educación Física esté cada vez más vinculada a la promoción de estilos de vida físicamente activos. En este trabajo, tratamos de determinar si lo...
Pensar a Pratica, 2010
In this study, the truancy and students' disinterest in Physical Education lessons are broached. We stress some of the proposals to fight the truancy in Brazil (e.g. the school education by cycles and Bolsa Escola [School Grant] programme) and the goals that such investments achieved. Concerning the disinterest, we can think on the problem considering the perceptions including (a) economic and social subjects affecting the school education process, e.g. the need to work for family necessities, (b) internal school matters, e.g. how to organise and structure the school, especially the correlation of the selected education contents to compose the Physical Educati on syllabus with the previous experiences of students.
E Balonmano Com Revista De Ciencias Del Deporte, 2014
Physical Education is currently facing a number of problems that are rooted in the identity crisis prompted by the spread of the professional group, the confrontation of ideas from the scientific community and the competing interests of different political and social areas, compared to which physical education has failed, or unable, to react in time. The political and ideological confrontation that characterized the twentieth century gave us two forms, each with a consistent ideological position, in which the body as a subject of education was understood from two different positions: one set from the left and communism and another, from Western democratic societies. The survival of these conflicting positions and their interests and different views on education, in a lengthy space of time, as a consequence threw two teaching approaches and two different educational models, in which the objectives and content of education differ , and with them the forms and methods of teaching. The need to define the cultural and educational approach, in every time and place, is now a pressing need and challenge the processes of teacher training, as responsible for shaping an advanced physical education, adjusted to the time and place, the interests and needs of citizens and the democratic values of modern society.
Movimento, 2010
This study investigated possible appropriation of theoretical and methodological premises contained in the National Curriculum Parameters of Physical Education by the active teachers in the final years of elementary school. Analysis of the official publication identified didactic procedures different from the traditional ones. Having these elements as a starting point and using the projective method, we developed an interview with a focus group. The data obtained indicates that the faculty perceptions reconfigured educational practice. The interpretation of the results allowed us to positively establish that the teachers conceptions are close to those contained in the official document, even though no allusion to the document had been made.
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MLS Educational Research
Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional
MARTINS DE SOUZA, TEREZINHA FERNANDES ; RAMOS, DANIELA KARINE ; CRUZ, DULCE MARCIA . Jogos eletrônicos e currículo: novos espaços e formas de aprender. Linhas (Florianópolis. Online), v. 14, p. 179-200, 2013.
Revista de psicología y educación, 2016
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, 2018
Salud Pública de …, 2009
Apunts Educación Física y Deportes
Revista de Psicología, 2011
Instituto Paulo Freire, 2019
Dialogos Pedagogicos, 2012
Propósitos y Representaciones, 2018
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2016
Revista De Educacion Inclusiva, 2010