Christianity and Hinduism are two of the most adhered religions in the world. Like all religions, they offer an explanation to human existence. Because it is inherent in the human being to question about existence in terms of its origin, meaning and finality, these religions are having their respective account to answer any inquiring adherent. Christianity offers the story of creation, the fall of man and his possible salvation wherein he will commune with the Divine Maker. His origin is answered in the creator God, his finality is answered in his communion with God and his meaning rests on his struggle to overcome sin and live a virtuous life so that he could merit life eternal. In Hinduism, there is no creation story but a story of emanations from the Divine. Man has to evade Samsara or the cycle of rebirth and the liberation from Samsara is called Moksha. Having achieved the Moksha, the human being will become atman or the Soul and become one with Brahma. This paper will examine the answers of these two religions on the questions of human existence. Thereby, it would limit itself to discussion of the validity of the answers of Hinduism and Christianity. I would argue that the answers of Christianity and Hinduism on the question of origin, meaning and finality is not sufficient and is a kind of a Myth of the Given and is therefore unwarranted within the ambit of logical reasoning.