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Kirstin Borgerson’s paper critiques the evidence-based medicine (EBM) movement, arguing that its reliance on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) stifles diversity in medical research. By limiting the engagement with a variety of research methodologies, EBM restricts the range of medical questions and treatments considered. The paper advocates for a broader and more inclusive approach to medical inquiries, highlighting the necessity of diverse perspectives and methodologies for advancing health sciences.
Sociology of Health & Illness, 2008
This paper traces the initial emergence of infant mortality as a socio-medical problem and the development of its various forms -from atrophy and debility to 'sudden infant death' -in Britain during the 20th century. From the Registrar-General's annual reports various analytic frameworks which were used in the investigation of infant mortality are identified; it is argued that the infant, in all its changing forms, was both object and effect of these frameworks.
Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization -- Articles and Reviews 2006-2017 3rd Ed 686p(2017)
I review this report of an old medical congress on reproductive medicine. Much has happened in the 17 years since its publication but the most urgent task of preventing further population growth has largely failed on a global scale. I try to bring it up to date and briefly discuss the inexorable disaster coming as the world population passes 11 billion in the 22nd century. ). Those interested in all my writings in their most recent versions may consult my e-book Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization - Articles and Reviews 2006-2016 662p (2016). All of my papers and books have now been published in revised versions both in ebooks and in printed books. Talking Monkeys: Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion and Politics on a Doomed Planet - Articles and Reviews 2006-2017 (2017) The Logical Structure of Philosophy, Psychology, Mind and Language in Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Searle--Articles and Reviews 2006-2016 (2017) Suicidal Utopian Delusions in the 21st century: Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization - Articles and Reviews 2006-2017 (2017) Suicide by Democracy: an Obituary for America and the World (2018)
Safe motherhood strategies: a …, 2001
Summary As a matter of fact, the patterns of maternal mortality were very different during the 1870-1937 period in industrialised countries such as USA, England and Wales or Sweden. This chapter analyses the conditions under which the industrialised world has reduced maternal mortality over the last hundred years. Preconditions appear to have been early awareness of the magnitude of the
ABSTRACT Health cosmopolitanism is a hybrid concept that forges an alliance between conventional health objectives (safety, equity and universality) and the principles of cosmopolitanism (egalitarian individualism; reciprocal recognition; and reasoning from an impartial moral standpoint). In this liaison, the intention is to create a social justice framework for the provision of maternity care that universally recognises people’s equal moral worth and their inherent capacities for self-determination and subjectivity. Using health cosmopolitanism as a benchmark, maternity policies and practices anywhere could be assessed according to the degree to which they enabled subjectivity and universality. This study will consider the case of TBAs (traditional birth attendants) under the health cosmopolitan banner. I argue via evidence from around 50 interviews with health administrators, obstetricians, midwives, traditional birth attendants and women in Timor Leste, Vanuatu and the Cook Islands: (1) that cosmopolitanism is a preferable frame of reference to a human rights discourse because it embraces both universality and individual self-determination within a framework of global governance and reciprocal rights and responsibilities (2) that negative evaluations of TBA performance based on one criteria have been unreasonable (3) that TBAs, alongside traditional healers, have played important roles not just in maternity care but in sustaining complex hybrid cosmologies and other cultural aims (4) that TBAs could assist in meeting MDG No Five and finally, (5) that integrating TBAs would represent an enlightened policy of philosophical pluralism and health cosmopolitanism. Integration of TBAs, however, would demand considerable reflexivity on the part of international aid organisations, Ministries of Health and the medical fraternity to reverse embedded policy directives that currently privilege scientific/positivist models of care and professional interests.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2001
Dr. Luxton was a.fine role model, who helped me overcome periods of academic insecurity, and forced me to take my own thoughts and ideas seriously. I also wish to thank Deb, Sandy, Chris, and Sam. Despite the fac~ that it was a period when I took more than I gave, they furnished with unqualified support. In particular, Sandy, who was under the same stress and time constraints, was nevertheless always willing to listen to me, yet again. Finally, I would like to thank Helen, who, althoqgh not my wife, was my typist. Helen was considerably more patient than I ever would have been.
Britain and the World, 2014
This project situates infant mortality within a progressive women’s health paradigm (Clarke and Olesen). The domain of “maternal/child health” in which IM is located is a set of practices targeting women’s bodies that may not, in fact, foreground women’s needs and interests, raising urgent questions about how nations can reduce child death rates without defining and treating women as exclusively reproductive. We suggest that women’s empowerment could readily be used in place of the IMR, leading to policies more favorable to women while also improving infant death rates. Our analysis owes much to Foucault’s genealogies. Social practices and institutions established to regulate a population’s quality (and quantity) of life are termed biopolitical, whereas biopower refers to disciplinary practices that operate on and through bodies to create subjects. Foucault identifies biopower as originating at the dawn of the nineteenth century, with the proliferation of medicine, demography, and psychiatry. These new regimes of knowledge and practice generated certain kinds of bodies and subjects (e.g., the prisoner, the insane, the patient) while also cultivating and building on developing technologies. With each regime have come new biopolitical objects, or socio-technical entities around which knowledge and practices congeal through the work of building institutional practices. In the late nineteenth-century U.S., when rates of child death were very high especially among immigrants, vital statistics allowed for measuring and aggregating patterns of human biological processes such as birth and death. The infant mortality rate emerged as a biopolitical object, and the infant-at-risk became a new subject of governance (Armstrong). This object—quantified, aggregated, and mobilizable—became the impetus for the U.S. Children’s Bureau, immigration policies, and maternal education initiatives. As rates decreased these initiatives also declined, so much so that currently there is no Federal program designed to ameliorate high infant death rates in the U.S. We are interested in a uniquely twenty-first century form of transnational governance: the UN Millennium Development Goals. If at-risk-infants are the subjects in question, and the IMR the flexible object, then the MDGs must be considered part of a biopolitical apparatus designed to fix the problem of infant mortality. This apparatus—comprised of human, technical, and discursive elements—relies heavily on the “fact” of the infant mortality rate. Through the rate’s distribution across various networks, the infant-at-risk is continually reproduced rhetorically. Yet rarely is its facticity challenged. Thus, we are not merely asking whether statistical measures need to address what is left out, but whether the register itself is fundamentally flawed (Waring).
Medical History, 2007
Feminist Legal Studies, 2013
Journal of Biosocial Science, 2002
Birth and Death in British Culture: Liminality, Power, and Performance (edited by Anette Pankratz, Claus-Ulrich Viol, and Ariane de Waal), 2012
Medical History, 2019
This paper explores the influence of English female doctors on the creation of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the production and circulation of contraceptive knowledge in England and, to a lesser extent in France, between 1930 and 1970. By drawing on the writings of female doctors and proceedings of international conferences as well as the archives of the British Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) and Family Planning Association (FPA), on the one hand, andMouvement Français pour le Planning Familial(MFPF), on the other, this paper explores the agency of English female doctors at the national and transnational level. I recover their pioneering work and argue that they were pivotal in legitimising family planning within medical circles. I then turn to their influence on French doctors after World War II. Not only were English medical women active and experienced agents in the family planning movement in England; they also represented a conduit of information ...
Feminist Legal Studies, 2014
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2007
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