
Background : Neonatal sepsis is a serious problem in developing countries. Poor management of pre and post natal causes the high mortality rate of neonatal sepsis. Clinical diagnosis of neonatal sepsis was difficult cause there is no specific sign and symptom. Usually, clinician use laboratory results to diagnosis neonatal sepsis. Most of early detection for neonatal sepsis are sophisticated and expensive. IT ratio is one of laboratory method for early detection of neonatal sepsis that was no sophisticated and expensive. IT ratio > 0,2 and leucopenia are a marker for neonatal sepsis. Methods : Blood with Na2EDTA obtained infan with neonatal sepsis. Blood smear were prepared with Giemsa Staining and differential counts were performed manually using binocular microscope. Results : This research from Januari to Juni 2014 with 61 patient, this sample bese doctor diagnosis with sepsis neonatorum. The results mean level of IT ratio 0,2589+0,1065. Conclusions : There is increase IT ratio to infant with neonatal sepsis diagnostic better than normaly value 0,20.