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2005, European Journal of Combinatorics
The merged Johnson graph J (n, m) I is the union of the distance i graphs J (n, m) i of the Johnson graph J (n, m) for i ∈ I , where ∅ = I ⊆ {1,. .. , m} and 2 ≤ m ≤ n/2. We find the automorphism groups of these graphs, and deduce that their only regular embedding in an orientable surface is the octahedral map on the sphere for J (4, 2) 1 , and that they have just six non-orientable regular embeddings. This yields classifications of the regular embeddings of the line graphs L(K n) = J (n, 2) 1 of complete graphs, their complements L(K n) = J (n, 2) 2 , and the odd graphs O m+1 = J (2m + 1, m) m .
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1985
This paper classifies the regular imbeddings of the complete graphs K,, in orientable surfaces. Biggs showed that these exist if and only if n is a prime power p', his examples being Cayley maps based on the finite field F= GF(n). We show that these are the only examples, and that there are q5(n-1)/e isomorphism classes of such maps (where 4 is Euler's function), each corresponding to a conjugacy class of primitive elements of F, or equivalently to an irreducible factor of the cyclotomic polynomial Qn-r(z) over GF(p). We show that these maps are all equivalent under Wilson's map-operations Hi, and we determined for which n they are reflexible or self-dual.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2018
A map is said to be even-closed if all of its automorphisms act like even permutations on the vertex set. In this paper the study of even-closed regular maps is approached by analysing two distinguished families. The first family consists of embeddings of a wellknown family of graphs on distinct orientable surfaces, whereas in the second family we consider all graphs having orientable-regular embeddings on a particular surface. In particular, the classification of even-closed orientable-regular embeddings of the complete bipartite graphs K n,n and classification of even-closed orientableregular maps on the torus are given.
Annals of Combinatorics, 2012
The generalised Johnson graphs are the graphs J(n, k, m) whose vertices are the k-element subsets of {1, 2,..., n}, with two vertices J 1 and J 2 joined by an edge if and only if |J 1 ∩ J 2 | = m. A graph is called d-regular if every vertex has exactly d edges incident to it. A d-regular graph on v vertices is called a (v, d, a, c)-strongly regular graph if every pair of adjacent vertices have exactly a common neighbours and every pair of non-adjacent vertices have exactly c common neighbours. The triangular graphs J(n, 2, 1), their complements J(n, 2, 0), the sporadic examples J(10, 3, 1) and J(7, 3, 1), as well as the trivially strongly regular graphs J(2k, k, 0) are examples of strongly regular generalised Johnson graphs. In this paper we prove that there are no other strongly regular generalised Johnson graphs.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1996
Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 2004
Doklady Mathematics, 2008
Acta Mathematica Sinica-english Series, 2005
A graph is called a semi–regular graph if its automorphism group action on its ordered pair of adjacent vertices is semi–regular. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for an automorphism of the graph Γ to be an automorphism of a map with the underlying graph Γ is obtained. Using this result, all orientation–preserving automorphisms of maps on surfaces (orientable and non–orientable) or just orientable surfaces with a given underlying semi–regular graph Γ are determined. Formulas for the numbers of non–equivalent embeddings of this kind of graphs on surfaces (orientable, non–orientable or both) are established, and especially, the non–equivalent embeddings of circulant graphs of a prime order on orientable, non–orientable and general surfaces are enumerated.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 1999
It is proved that a graph K has an embedding as a regular map on some closed surface if and only if its automorphism group contains a subgroup G which acts transitively on the oriented edges of K such that the stabiliser G e of every edge e is dihedral of order 4 and the stabiliser G v of each vertex is a dihedral group the cyclic subgroup of index 2 of which acts regularly on the edges incident with. Such a regular embedding can be realised on an orientable surface if and only if the group G has a subgroup H of index 2 such that H v is the cyclic subgroup of index 2 in G v. An analogous result is proved for orientably-regular embeddings.
Discrete Mathematics, 2000
A simple combinatorial construction is given which takes as its imput a regular graph of valency k such that the convex closure of two points at distance two is the complete bipartite graph K3;3 and whose output is a regular graph of valency 2k + 1. It is shown that the sequence of graphs obtained by starting with the graph with one point and no edges and applying the construction recursively is the family of bipartite dual polar space of type DSO + (2n; 2).
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2007
A 2-cell embedding of a graph in an orientable closed surface is called regular if its automorphism group acts regularly on arcs of the embedded graph. The aim of this and of the associated consecutive paper is to give a classification of regular embeddings of complete bipartite graphs K n,n , where n = 2 e . The method involves groups G which factorise as a product XY of two cyclic groups of order n so that the two cyclic factors are transposed by an involutory automorphism. In particular, we give a classification of such groups G. Employing the classification we investigate automorphisms of these groups, resulting in a classification of regular embeddings of K n,n based on that for G. We prove that given n = 2 e , e ≥ 3 there are, up to map isomorphism, exactly 2 e−2 +4 regular embeddings of K n,n . Our analysis splits naturally into two cases depending on whether the group G is metacyclic or not.
Doklady Mathematics, 2011
Discrete Mathematics, 2000
A simple combinatorial construction is given which takes as its imput a regular graph of valency k such that the convex closure of two points at distance two is the complete bipartite graph K3;3 and whose output is a regular graph of valency 2k + 1. It is shown that the sequence of graphs obtained by starting with the graph with one point and no edges and applying the construction recursively is the family of bipartite dual polar space of type DSO + (2n; 2).
Doklady Mathematics, 2008
We consider nonoriented graphs without loops and multiple edges. For a vertex a of a graph Γ , by Γ i (a) we denote the i-neighborhood of a , i.e., the subgraph induced by Γ on the set of all vertices at distance i from a. We set [ a ] = Γ 1 (a) and a ⊥ = { a } ∪ [ a ]. For a graph Γ and a , b ∈ Γ , we denote the number of vertices in [ a ] ∩ [ b ] by µ (a , b) (by λ (a , b)) if a and b are distance 2 apart (adjacent) in Γ. If Γ is a graph of diameter d and I ⊂ {1, 2, …, d } , then Γ I denotes the graph on the same vertices as Γ in which two vertices u and w are adjacent if and only if d (u , w) ∈ I .
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2010
The aim of this paper is to complete a classification of regular orientable embeddings of complete bipartite graphs K n,n , where n = 2 e. The method involves groups G which factorise as a product G = XY of two cyclic groups of order n such that the two cyclic factors are transposed by an involutory automorphism. In particular, we give a classification of such groups G in the case where G is not metacyclic. We prove that for each n = 2 e , e ≥ 3, there are up to map isomorphism exactly four regular embeddings of K n,n such that the automorphism group G preserving the surface orientation and the bi-partition of vertices is a non-metacyclic group, and that there is one such embedding when n = 4.
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2000
In , the classification problem of regular embeddings of a given graph was described in terms of pure group theory. With the philosophy in [5], we shall classify the regular embeddings of simple graphs of order pq for any two primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) in this paper (see Theorem 4.8). The classification is based on the direct analysis of the structure of the arc-regular subgroups with the cyclic stabilizers of the automorphism groups of such graphs. Our analysis is independent of the classification of primitive permutation groups of degree p or degree pq. It is also independent of the classification of the arc-transitive graphs of order pq (p = q).
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2016
Extending earlier results of Godsil and of Dobson and Malnič on Johnson graphs, we characterise those merged Johnson graphs J = J(n, k) I which are Cayley graphs, that is, which are connected and have a group of automorphisms acting regularly on the vertices. We also characterise the merged Johnson graphs which are not Cayley graphs but which have a transitive group of automorphisms with vertex-stabilisers of order 2. Even though these merged Johnson graphs are all vertex-transitive, we show that only relatively few of them are Cayley graphs or have a transitive group of automorphisms with vertex-stabilisers of order 2.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2005
In this paper, we classify all regular embeddings of the complete multipartite graphs K p,..., p for a prime p into orientable surfaces. Also, the same work is done for the regular embeddings of the lexicographical product of any connected arc-transitive graph of prime order q with the complement of the complete graph of prime order p, where q and p are not necessarily distinct. Lots of regular maps found in this paper are Cayley maps.
In 1975, Babai characterized which abstract groups can be realized as the automorphism groups of planar graphs. In this paper, we give a more detailed and understandable description of these groups. We describe stabilizers of vertices in connected planar graphs as the class of groups closed under the direct product and semidirect products with symmetric, dihedral and cyclic groups. The automorphism group of a connected planar graph is then obtained as a semidirect product of a direct product of these stabilizers with a spherical group. The formulation of the main result is new and original. Moreover, it gives a deeper in the structure of the groups. As a consequence, automorphism groups of several subclasses of planar graphs, including 2-connected planar, outerplanar, and series-parallel graphs, are characterized. Our approach translates into a quadratic-time algorithm for computing the automorphism group of a planar graph which is the first such algorithm described in detail.
Filomat, 2013
A bicirculant is a graph admitting an automorphism whose cyclic decomposition consists of two cycles of equal length. In this paper we consider automorphisms of the so-called Tahacjn graphs, a family of pentavalent bicirculants which are obtained from the generalized Petersen graphs by adding two additional perfect matchings between the two orbits of the above mentioned automorphism. As a corollary, we determine which Tabacjn graphs are vertex-transitive.
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea
Regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges have been reappearing in the literature for quite some time, both in and outside topological graph theory. The present paper aims to draw a complete picture of these maps by providing a detailed description, classification, and enumeration of regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges on both orientable and non-orientable surfaces. Most of the results have been known in one form or another, but here they are presented from a unique viewpoint based on finite group theory. Our approach brings additional information about both the maps and their automorphism groups, and also gives extra insight into their relationships.
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