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Poslednjih godina XX veka ruralni turizam beleži konstantnu stopu rasta turističke tražnje. Njegov cilj je očuvanje ruralnih sredina, zaustavljanje iseljavanja stanovništva iz ovakvih područja, stvaranje novih mogućnosti za zaradu kroz turističke usluge i ponovno oživljanje lokalne poljoprivrede. Međutim, treba voditi računa o održivom razvoju ruralnih područja, tj. on treba da se temelji na integralnom principu koji podrazumeva međusobnu povezanost i saradnju svih činilaca koji utiču na razvoj turizma. Koncept integrisanog menadženta kvaliteta se tek od skora primenjuje u turističkoj industriji. On teži da u isto vreme poboljša kvalitet čitavog niza elemenata na integrisan način unutar same destinacije. Zbog toga se sve veći broj ruralnih turističkih destinacija okreće ovom konceptu jer su shvatile da je kvalitet postao najznačajniji element u poslovanju turističke privrede na sve širem globalnom tržištu. Ključne reči: Ruralne oblasti, integrisani menadžment kvaliteta, ruralni turizam, konkurentnost. Summary: During the last years of the 20 th century rural tourism recorded a constant growth rate of tourism demand. The goals of rural tourism are to preserve rural areas, stop the emigration from these areas, create new revenue opportunities through tourism services and revive local agriculture. However, sustainable development of rural areas is of great importance, that is, it should be based on an integrated aproach which includes interconnection and cooperation of all the factors that influence the development of tourism. The concept of integrated quality management has only been recently introduced to the tourism industry. It seeks to improve the quality of a number of elements in an integrated manner within the destination itself. Because of that, an increasing number of rural tourist destinations are turning to this concept given the fact that they have realized thet quality has become the most important element in tourism industry in an increasingly wider global market.
Ekonomski izazovi, 2017
Predmet istraživanja rada su raspoloživa sredstva za razvoj ruralnog turizma na području Republike Srbije i Republike Hrvatske Cilj istraživanja jeste utvrđivanje veličine i značaja postojeće podrške razvoju ruralnog turizma u ukupnom ruralnom razvoju posmatranih država kao i i predlaganje mjera za njihovo unapređivanje. U radu su korišćeni rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja iz ove oblasti. Obje posmatrane zemlje imaju komparativne prednosti za razvoj ruralnih područja, povoljan geografski položaj, bogatu kulturnu i istorijsku baštinu. Razvojem i unapređivanjem ruralnog turizma posmatranih zemalja ostvariće se dodatni prihodi koji samim tim doprinose razvoju ruralnih oblasti. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ankete, na reprezentativnom uzorku stanovništva. Nakon završenog anketnog istraživanja, empirijski podaci su obrađeni statističkim programskim paketom za društvene nauke SPSS 22 i StatPlus 2009. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je odrediti u kolikoj mjeri na prostorima RS i RH postoji zainteresovanost za ovakav oblik turizma. Istraživanje je obavljeno tako da se na odabranom uzorku može ispitati sljedeća hipoteza: H0-Ruralni turizam može da bude okosnica održivog razvoja.
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cviji?, SASA, 2005
The subject of this paper is the inventory and classification of functional values of relevant conditions and factors, with the emphasis on fundamental resources, comprising natural and social tourist attractions, which stand in immediate connection with the rural tourism in mountain part of Vojvodina province, on the case study of settlement of Gudurica (in Panonic part of Serbia); as well as establishing possibilities and strategies for the development of the settlement as an eco-rural tourist destination. The goal of the paper originates from the contemporary trend of eco-rural tourism in the world and excellent conditions for its development in Gudurica. Assuming the fact, that such realization has failed, the paper offers directions based on potential resources, i.e. the strategy of eco-rural tourism development, and indicates the specific features and significance for demographic and economic recovery of the village. The basic tasks of the paper are based on the inventory and qualitative approach to tourism valorization of Gudurica as a potential eco-rural destination. The tasks consist of the following: the selection and evaluation of functional values of natural resources of the environment; the classification of cultural and historic heritage values from the exploitation point of view concerning the needs of eco-rural tourism foundation and development; the development of the receptive base of ecotourism; the conservation and reconstruction of objects which are the key features of the continuity and development of tradition; the initiation of eco-rural tourism on family farms, public objects with preserved rustic elements, as well as households built according to contemporary building concepts (secondary importance); the concept of various and dynamic tourist offer; the highest utilization of complementary environment values; and the unification of eco-rural tourism with industrial activities, branches, groups, and sub groups of activities which with its authenticity and tradition make a constituent part of tourism in general.
Organizacija, 2008
It is well known that the organizational structure of the Slovenian tourism industry is changing. Tourist companies are merging, but unfortunately only a few companies empowered their capital structure and market position, so in a way we can talk about an oligopoly. The situation does not favor rural and rural fringe areas, where an underdeveloped tourism economy cannot represent a solid source of income for many tourist farms and other tourist companies. Integration is a scientifically and professionally proven method for empowering businesses. Integrative destination management, which provides the tool for tourist destinations development, aims at sustainable tourism where the community collectively develops and runs the tourism economy. This paper examines the possibilities for the development of business integration as a basis for the successful implementation of destination management in the Mislinja Valley. A survey has been conducted, where two thirds of the tourist companies in the area were investigated in relation to the destination management and tourism opportunities in the area. Analysis shows that the business environment accepts the idea of integration as a tool for empowering the regional tourism industry, however only interest integration appeares to be acceptable at this time.
Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2012
T he main purpose of this article is to create model of business tourism destination competitiveness and test it on the example of Vojvodina Province, tourist cluster in Serbia, where business tourism is defined as one of key tourist products. The paper aims to examine in which areas Vojvodina Province is more competitive as a business tourism destination and where it is less competitive compared to "competitive set" of three chosen destinations. Also, this paper aims to test relationships between destination competitiveness determinants in order to determine the weakest point of Vojvodina Province business tourism competitiveness, and specifically the position of destination management. The study results indicate that two determinants: destination management and destination policy, planning and development are the weakest points of Vojvodina Province competitiveness, while highest ratings are assigned to core resources and attractors determinant. The results will be most valuable in assisting destination management organizations, tourism policy creators and tourism practitioners to better understand identified destination advantages and problems in business tourism and general tourism development in Vojvodina Province, and to formulate strategies to effectively manage destination disadvantages.
Ekonomska …, 2012
The study aims to provide a better understanding of destination competitiveness and elements that affect competitive position of a tourism destination. The research is design as a comparative study of Slovenia and Serbia. For analysing a competitiveness of ...
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2016
The local economic development is a process in which the local authorities and partners from the business sector and the non-governmental sector work together to improve the business climate. Through positive financial results conditions for economic growth are created and the employment opportunities are increased. Most of the municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia are still at an early stage of development of the idea of local economic development, due to fact that the preparation of the municipal strategies and action plans are the only activities carried out in this direction so far. The National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development for the period 2009-2013 stresses tourism and agriculture as priority areas for development of the country and analyzes the situation and the range of responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. Parallel, the national programs facilitating agriculture and rural development in Macedonia in favor of global trends for creation of sustainability in rural regions through the development of agriculture and additional activities for families living or returning to rural areas (villages). The rural development through the few authentic examples in Macedonia already shows the first interest although the contours of the branch are not defined yet.
International Journal of Economic Practices and …, 2011
The main purpose of this paper is to promote the work of a great team and to offer to the academic society and not only, the results of this achievement. All the theoretical and practical views focus on making a rigorous inventory of all that means rural tourism, a field that grows each second and expands. Another main objective is to analyze the main characteristics of this field of interest (theoretical concepts, forms and activities, social and economical meanings, implementation and development), characteristics that are seen through two both a general view and a view that focuses on the relation between rural tourism and the Romanian village. On the other hand, this research reveals more particular aspects applied on the example of Romania. Along with the issue of sustainable development, the results of this research tend to be useful for all projects and management strategies. They also target the entrepreneurs by integrating all rural activities in a complex vision that sustains development and preserving the rural society.
This paper presents the study of the status and problems in rural areas of Vojvodina. Vojvodina villages that are economically and demographically devastated have been singled out. Special emphasis is placed on the status and perspectives of development of rural tourism in this Province as one of the supplemental sources of revenues of rural households. Some of the present limitations of faster development of this branch of economy have also been pointed out. In the end, the development opportunities of this form of economic activity in rural areas are pointed out, with a special emphasis on salas farmsteads as specific forms of rural way of life and organising of agricultural production.
Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2018
Favourable geographical position of municipality of Trstenik, which is located in a fertile valley of the West Morava river, would enable the local people to deal with rural tourism which lacks attention despite potentially positive effects which would be created due to its development. The primary aim of this research paper was the insight into the potentials of the municipality, which would contribute to a rural tourism development. The research was performed during the period from July 20 to September 2 of 2017 on a sample of 138 respondents. For the research purposes the following methods were available: quantitative approach by questioning public opinion via questionnaires close-ended and anonymous type, method of analysis, method of sample, as well as method of description. The results of the research showed the following: the territory of this municipality possesses potential for rural tourism development despite deficiency of accomodation facilities and insufficient motivation of the local people to deal with tourism, whereas social networks could contribute to its promotion and development. The limit of the research paper is reflected in a small extent of the target group of respondents, which leaves the possibility for widening of research outside the boundaries of the territory of this municipality.
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Skola biznisa, 2016
Megatrend revija, 2017
Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2020
UTMS Journal of Economics, 2014
International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 2019