Because of the big complexity of the world, the ability to deal with uncertain and to infer "almost" true rules is an obligation for intelligent systems. Therefore, the research of solution to emulate Inductive Reasoning is one of the fundamental problem of Artificial Intelligence. Several approaches have been studied: the techniques inherited from the Statistics one side, or techniques based on Logic on the other side. Both of these families show complementary advantages and weakness. For example, statistics techniques, like decision trees or artificial neural networks, are robust against noisy data, and they are able to deal with a large quantity of information. However, they are generally unable to generate complexes rules. On the other side, Logic based techniques, like ILP, are able to express very complex rules, but they cannot deal with large amount of information. This report presents the study and the development of an hybrid induction technique mixing the essence of statistical and logical learning techniques i.e. an Induction technique based on the First Order Logic semantic that generate hypotheses thanks to Artificial Neural Networks learning techniques. The expression power of the hypotheses is the one of the predicate logic, and the learning process is insensitive to noisy data thanks to the artificial neural network based learning process. During the project presented by this report, four new techniques have been studied and implemented: The first learns propositional relationship with an artificial neural network i.e. induction on propositional logic programs. The three other learn first order predicate relationships with artificial neural networks i.e. induction on predicate logic programs. The last of these techniques is the more complete one, and it is based on the knowledge acquired during the development of all the other techniques. The main advance of this technique is the definition of a convention to allow the interaction of predicate logic programs and artificial neural networks, and the construction of Artificial Neural Networks able to learn rule with the predicate logic power of expression.