eWRE project: Overview and proposed modules

2016, Workrooms Journal

A scale size educational workbench is proposed in this work to evaluate and to test power modules and control strategies on smart grids powered by renewable energies. This educational workbench for renewable energy (denoted as eWRE project) is based on three power buses: a low voltage DC bus (24 V), a scale 1/10 high voltage DC bus (48 V simulating 480 V) and, finally, a scale 1/10 single phase AC grid (23 Vrms / 50 Hz simulating 230 Vrms /50 Hz). Different eWRE modules have been proposed in order to test different renewable energy projects over a real-scale prototype. This is an educational project running with the participation of bachelor and master engineering students (Power Electronics and Renewable Energies topics) from EPI-Gijon (Spain).