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Rencana Zonasi Rinci Pesisir Kab.Langkat
RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan, 2019
Wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil telah berkembang menjadi pusat-pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Untuk itu tiap provinsi diwajibkan untuk memiliki suatu Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah Pasal 14. Dokumen Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil untuk suatu provinsi memerlukan deskripsi potensi sumber daya pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil beserta kegiatan pemanfaatannya, isu-isu strategis wilayah, tujuan, kebijakan dan strategi pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, rencana alokasi ruang, peraturan pemanfaatan ruang dan indikasi program. Tulisan ini akan mendeskripsikan bagian dari rencana kebijakan zonasi di wilayah perairan pesisir Provinsi Bali.
kurangnya lebih banyak, jadi mohon dimaklumi
Recreation Park or natural recreation site is the reserved area for natural conservation zone, which has the function for education, science, research, culture, especially for recreation and tourism. Site management of natural recreation park inside the Kerinci Seblat National Park generally has not well been managed, because TNKS does not have enough professional human resource to maintain and to manage the recreational area. The plan of landscape management for family picnic zone of Gunung Tujuh Natural Park, Kerinci Seblat National Park describe by spatial for each of zone that has already developed in the site. The plan of landscape management in this zone was decided by carrying capacity of this site and by the facilities. The goals of landscape management plan were to obtain the function of family picnic zone and establish management program for the sustainability of preserved area of Kerinci Seblat National Park
Selaparang, 2022
ABSTRAK Penyusunan rencana pengelolaan wilayah pesisir berbasis desa pada lokasi kegiatan merupakan upaya mengarahkan pemanfaatan sumber daya pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan dengan mempertimbangkan : (1) keserasian, keselarasan, dan keseimbangan dengan daya dukung ekosistem, fungsi pemanfaatan dan fungsi perlindungan, dimensi ruang dan waktu, dimensi teknologi dan sosial budaya; (2) keterpaduan pemanfaatan berbagai jenis sumber daya, fungsi, estetika lingkungan, dan kualitas lahan pesisir; dan (3) kewajiban untuk mengalokasikan ruang dan akses masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang mempunyai fungsi sosial dan ekonomi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dokumen rencana pengelolaan wilayah pesisir berbasis desa. Pendekatan yang digunakan secara partisipatif dengan pelibatan masyarakat pesisir secara lebih luas dengan harapan dapat menentukan arah penggunaan sumber daya tiap-tiap satuan perencanaan disertai dengan penetapan alokasi ruang berbasis desa yang diintegrasikan dengan rencana pembangunan daerah. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan: 1) peta infrastruktur social public lainya; 2) Peta Land Use; 3) Peta sea use; serta 4) rencana induk pengelolaan di wilayah pesisir Desa Lembar yang berisi tentang isu dan strategi pengembangan wilayah pesisir dan laut. Hasil yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman aksi pengelolaan kawasan pesisir dan laut secara terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan yang dapat meningkatkan kelestarian lingkungan dan ekonomi masyarakat local Kata kunci: isu wilayah; perencanaan; pemberdayaan masyarakat; wilayah pesisir.
Ensaid Panjang village is a rich and unique area in terms of landscape and culture. Dayak cultural preservation in Ensaid Panjang potentially under threat because of the infiltration of foreign culture and land clearing. It is necessary to preserve the culture of Ensaid Panjang. One of the effort is the village planning Ensaid Panjang as a tourist village based on local tradition and culture. This study aims to answer the problems of tourism development planning through participatory approach in the perspective of landscape architecture to create community based plan for sustainable landscape. This research was conducted using a participatory approach using quantitative descriptive method. The method of analysis used participatory mapping to determine the boundaries of the planning area, potential tourism objects and attraction analysis performed by scoring, and the visual quality attractions was conducted by Scenic Beauty Estimation ( SBE ), the analysis of community participation was done with FGD method using matrix scoring techniques. The results showed that Ensaid Panjang has an area 3426,88 ha, consist of sacred zone 2.64 ha (0.07 % ) , natural protection zone 1599 ha (46,67 % ), and utilization zone covering an area of 1825,12 ha (53,26 % ). Potential tourist object and attractions of Ensaid Panjang village consists of cultural objects and attractions in the form of betang house traditional architecture and residential communities, and the potential of nature tourism in the form of hills forest, swamp forest, and natural features such as waterfalls and rivers. Ensaid Panjang community supports tourism development in their village by being a part of the tourist attractions and supporting tourism activities, this activity including villagers as weavers, tour guide, blacksmith, artist, homestay host. The concept plan of development and structuring of tourism villages Ensaid Panjang is "Participatory Rural Tourism Landscape and Cultural Preservation of Dayak Desa." This concept is implemented with the involvement of local communities with emphasis on maximum benefit for the community and the preservation of local culture.
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur
Sambas Regency is an area that has a coastal area stretching from the Semelagi area to the Temajuk Coast region which borders Malaysia. Sinam Beach is one of the tourist attractions, precisely in Pemangkat District. The beach is often visited by tourists on weekends for recreation and relaxation. This Sinam Beach Tourism Area is very worrying because natural disasters often occur in the form of tidal floods, strong winds and coastal abrasion, the inability of the community and local government to utilize and manage existing potentials optimally to create tourist attractions. The purpose of this design is to produce a plan and design for the Sinam Beach Tourism Area in Pemangkat District which can meet the needs of tourists and utilize the potential of natural resources.The concept used is green open space by the beach. The method used in the design is to find ideas, collect data and analyze data. The design of the Sinam Beach Tourism Area creates a tourist zone, namely land tourism,...
This research was conducted on the coastal regions in Seririt sub-district. This research aimed to: 1) Describing the potential of coastal resources on Coastal Villages in Seririt sub-district, 2) Analyzing the strategy of developing coastal regions in the Seririt sub-district. The method of this research were interview and observation. A purposive sampling technique is used for sampling. The data analysis of this research were qualitative descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results showed: 1) Coastal resources on Coastal Villages in Seririt sub-district include: (1) biological resources, there are: the potential of fisheries, coral reefs and turtles, (2) non-biological resources, there are: sand and sea water, (3) artificial resources, there are: canoes, canoe engines and fishing equipments. (4) environmental service resources, there are: marine tourism (canoeing), diving or coral reef's snorkeling, turtle release activity and dolphin attractions. 2) Strategies of dev...
Ekosistem di kawasan pesisir Kecamatan Ujung Pangkah memiliki kondisi fisik vegetasi, tanah serta lingkungannya yang belum tertata. Penelitian ini membahas variabel fisik lahan yang disejajarkan dengan variabel vegetasi sehingga akan menghasilkan fungsi lahan untuk vegetasi. Tujuan tersebut akan dicapai dengan tiga jenis metode penelitian, yaitu deskriptif, evaluatif, dan development. Pada metode deskriptif digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi vegetasi, fisik lahan, dan variabel pendukungnya, yaitu kondisi masyarakat dengan pengamatan langsung serta data sekunder. Metode evaluatif menggunakan analisi IPA untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat mengenai vegetasi, fisik lahan serta peran pemerintah. Analisis AHP digunakan untuk mengetahui penapat ahli setelah mengetahui persepsi masyarakat dengan variabel yang sama sehingga akan didapat prioritas strategi regulas vegetasi dan lahan. Metode development untukmempertimbangkan kelas kemampuan lahan. Kemampuan lahan diidentifikasi berdasarkan k...
Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia, 2019
Pekanbaru Government is currently increasing development to provide the activities of population needs. One of the development activities undertaken is development in the tourism sector. Bandar Khayangan Lake located in the district of Rumbai Pesisir, Pekanbaru City. The area has the potential of natural resources that can be used as a tourist attraction. Development of the area can cause damage the environment so that is necessary to provide a plan that can maintain the sustainability of this area. This research aims to analyzing and optimize the potential of Bandar Khayangan Lake and make a plan to create sustainable tourism areas. The result of research shows that most of the area is suitable to be used as tourist destination. Based on the analysis to keep the area sustainable, Bandar Khayangan Lake is divided into three zones between intensive zones, semi-intensive zones and non-intensive zones. The landscape plan consist of space plan, circulation, activities and facilities, an...
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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap, 2016
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil
JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2021
Ilmu Perairan (Aquatic Science)
BOSF Mawas, 2023
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi & Teknik Sipil
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan) : Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah, 2018
Lingkar : Journal of Environmental Engineering
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