Ruben Perez-Schulz



A new academic year has begun and as with last year, three times a month you will be receiving in your inbox a story of some member of the Andrews community, someone I or the other storytellers (provost, chaplains, new VP for diversity & inclusion) want you to meet. The individuals in our stories are part of the rich mix of the Andrews University story—each of them brings his or her unique qualities and gifts to make this University a better place. (You can find all of the past stories in Stories of Andrews at For my first story this year I want to introduce you to an individual who is taking on a new responsibility on campus that might be important to you. This year Rubén Pérez-Schulz will be one of the two ombudspersons; this means that he (and Elynda Bedney, our other, longstanding ombudsperson) will try and help you resolve a campus challenge where normal processes seem not to work. Let me share his story. One of Rubén Pérez-Schulz’ parents was from Chile a...