ArTecnología. Augmented Knowledge and Accessibility

2014, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid

Vinicius Andrade Pereira, Arturo Colorado Castellary, Isidro Moreno Sánchez (Eds.) (2014): The II International Seminar “ArTechnology: Augmented Knowledge and Accessibility” took place through 7th and 8th November 2013 in the Information Sciences Faculty at the Complutense University of Madrid and in the Medialab-Prado. The II ArTechnology Seminar’s proposal, has raised some reflections about this dynamic, starting from the following questions: • How museums and memory institutions take Information and Communications Technology over to promote spaces and collections. • How artists (re)shape their works using technology. • How the Arts dialogue with entertainment in between a highly media culture. • How urban spaces become creative collaborative spaces using technology. • How technology can make access to knowledge easier. • Which model(s) of aesthetic experience(s) ITC encourage technology mediated artworks. All the participants of the R+D+I project “Augmented knowledge and accessibility. The museum complex representation of cultural content” were invited to the take part in this II International ArTechnology Seminar. This trilingual publication, e-Book accessible, has been the result of the talks, presentations and debates then held.