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2014, Armağan Erkanal'a Bir Armağan Anadolu Kültürlerine Bir Bakış
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Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi,, 2018
Sinema ve psikoloji; insana özgü olanı anlama ve anlamlandırmaya çalışan iki ayrı disiplindir. İnsana dair olanı anlamlandırma süreci sinemada, film ve belgesel olarak çıktıya dönüşürken; psikolojide kuramlar ve teoriler olarak kendisini göstermektedir. Diğer sanat alanları da aynı motivasyonla eserler ortaya koyarken sinemasal eserlerin kapsayıcılığı ve gücü her zaman daha fazla olmuştur. Çünkü sinema; ele aldığı bir konuyu bütünlüklü bir şekilde anlatıma dönüştürmekte ve kitlesine mesajı etkili bir şekilde iletmektedir. Sinema tarihi, psikoloji biliminin ortaya koyduğu pek çok olguyu, kavramı, durumu veya teoriyi etkileyici biçimde işleyen eserlerle doludur. Sinemapsikoloji ilişkisi çift yönlüdür; psikoloji de sinemayı; gerek bir kavramı veya olguyu ilgili bireylere örneklendirerek anlatabilmek için didaktik amaçla, gerek psikolojik bir takım problemlerin sağaltımı amacıyla psikoterapötik öğe olarak, gerekse de belirli teorileri test etmek amacıyla düzenlenmiş deneysel çalışmalarda kendisi için bir araç olarak kullanmaktadır. İçerisinde sembolik anlatımın aksiyon anlatımdan daha fazla olduğu filmlerde söz konusu çift taraflı ilişki net bir şekilde görülmektedir. Sinema tarihinde sembolik anlatımı en iyi kullanan yönetmenlerin başında Tarkovsky gelmektedir. Tarkovsky’nin özellikle erken dönem yapıtlarından olan “Ayna” filmi, yönetmenin diğer filmlerine göre çok daha fazla sembolik anlatım içermektedir. Çeşitli psikolojik ekoller ve kavramlar açısından ele alındığında “Ayna” zengin bir içerik sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ise Tarkovsky’nin “Ayna”sı psikolojideki bellek türleri, özellikleri ve süreçleri açısından doküman analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiş ve sekanslardaki ilgili örnekler ortaya konulmuştur.
Dünden Bugüne SOSYOLOJİ, 2021
Ülkemizde birçok Sosyoloji kitabı bulunmaktadır. Bunların bir kısmı yabancı yazarlı ve çeviri kitaplar. Oysa bu kitapların Türkçesi zayıf veya sorunlu olduğu gibi, ele aldığı konu da Türkiye gerçekleriyle birebir örtüşen konular değildir. Türkiye’den akademisyenlerin yazdığı orijinal Türkçe kaynakların ise çok azı Sosyoloji bölümlerine, çoğunluğu ise Sosyoloji dışındaki Fakültelerde mesela İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültelerindeki İktisat, Çalışma Ekonomisi, Kamu Yönetimi, Uluslararası İlişkiler gibi bölümlere uygun tek dönemlik ve görece kısa bir içeriğe sahiptir. Zira Sosyoloji dışındaki bölümlerde bu ders tek dönemlik ve genellikle 14 haftalık bir ders olarak okutulur. Oysa Sosyoloji Bölümlerinde iki dönem, 28 haftalık bir “Giriş” dersi olarak okutulur. Böyle olunca, Sosyoloji bölümleri için iki dönemlik ve (vize final sınav haftaları hariç) en az 28 haftalık kapsamlı bir Sosyoloji içeriği gereklidir. Çeviri kitaplar genellikle bu kapsama sahip ise de, dili sorunlu ve içeriği Türkiye toplum ve kültürüne çok uygun düşmediğinden çok verimli bulunmazlar. Elinizdeki bu kitap ise, Sosyoloji Bölümlerinin ve bölüm hocalarının “Sosyolojiye Giriş” derslerinde gönülleri rahat bir şekilde okutabilecekleri ve öğrencilerine tavsiye edebilecekleri kapsamlı, detaylı, örnekli, görseli olan ve nihayet dili sade ve anlaşılır bir kitap olarak yazılmıştır. Diğer yandan bu kitabı Sosyoloji meraklısı her düzeyden okur alıp yine gönül rahatlığıyla okuyup istifade edebilecektir.
Surveillance is the most important technique used by the government to maintain its hegemony, which has existed from the past to the present and has the ideal of legitimizing it in various ways. The phenomenon of surveillance has been applied in different ways and parallel to the conditions of the time and the developing technology, and the society has been tried to be kept under control. The development of new communication technologies has also been one of the important points that changed the face of power and surveillance techniques. Now the pressure has disappeared, instead, voluntarism has dominated. Due to the voluntary surveillance mechanism inherent in the new media, the surveillance mentality has taken on new forms. The individual, who
ABSTRACT Ataturk is a great Turkish leader with great ideals and goals like Oguzhan, Mete, Bilge Kagan, Alp Arslan, Yavuz and Fatih. Ataturk showed the Turkish nation to reach the level of contemporary civilization and even surpass it as an ideal. He believed that the Turkish Union would definitely become a reality one day, made significant contributions to regional and world peace with the principle of peace at home and peace in the world, and not only founded the Republic of Turkey, but also became the pioneer of oppressed nations. Ataturk wanted to modernize the Turkish nation, which he had saved from the hands of the West after a national struggle, without putting it under the domination of the West again. Ataturk, who aimed to raise Turkish culture above the level of contemporary civilization, said in his Tenth Year Speech, "I have no doubt that the forgotten, great civilized characteristic and great civilized ability of Turkishness will rise like a new sun on the high horizon of civilization in the future with its future development!" and drew attention to the national aspect of our modernization movement. Ataturk's understanding of modernization; It was based on the principle of "taking advantage of the science, technology and inventions of the West, but extracting the real essence from within ourselves". There is great benefit in stating the following point among Atatürk's modernization characteristics: The basis of Atatürkist modernization is "Full Independence" as a state, "sovereignty" as a nation, and "human rights and freedoms" as an individual. Only such modernization has meaning. Otherwise, the externally dependent-mandatory modernization that is devoid of independence and sovereignty, and that is being imposed on the Turkish nation today, and the totalitarian modernization that is devoid of human rights and freedoms and democracy, cannot be considered real progress and modernization. Atatürk said the following at the İzmir Economic Congress: "Our nation has defeated the enemy armies. However, the following rule applies for full independence: National sovereignty must be supported by financial sovereignty. The force that will take us to this goal is the economy. Political and military victories, no matter how great they are, do not mean anything unless they are crowned with economic successes." Atatürk, who believed that the Turkish Union would one day become a reality, said: “I believe that the Turkish Union will one day become a reality. Even if I do not see it, I will close my eyes to the world in its dreams. I believe in the Turkish Union. Tomorrow’s history will open its new chapters with the Turkish Union, and the world will find its peace in these chapters. The existence of the Turkishness will open new horizons to this obsolete world, and then it will be seen what the sun and the horizon mean (Bozdağ, 1975, p.138), and Atatürk began by establishing the institutions that would form the basis of the Turkish Union and conducting scientific studies. Kemal Atatürk was the greatest example and leader in the phases of the national independence of Asian and African countries and their struggles on this path. The dimensions of this great influence can be seen with striking clarity in the works written by Jawaharlal Nehru, who was known as the spokesman of the Third World between 1947 and 1964 and was one of the leaders who brought India to independence. Nehru, who was the prime minister of India for many years, also came to Turkey. In 1933, he wrote the following in letters he sent to his daughter Indira Gandhi, who was the prime minister for a while after him: "This community owed its victory, first and foremost, to its iron determination and desire to be free, and also to the truly superior fighting skills of the Turkish peasants and soldiers." Later, while struggling with the British for India's independence, Nehru, while writing his work "The Discovery of India" in a British prison, turned his attention once again to Kemal Atatürk's influence on the Indian national movement: "Kemal Pasha was undoubtedly loved by the Hindus as much as the Muslims in India. He not only saved Turkey from foreign domination and division, but also thwarted the games of the European imperialist states, especially England... Nehru, one of India's national heroes, describes Atatürk in another of his works with the following lines: "...Kemal Atatürk, or Kemal Pasha as we knew him at the time, was my hero in my youth. I was deeply moved when I read about his great revolutions. I greatly appreciated the general effort Kemal Atatürk made to modernize Turkey. His dynamism, his indomitable and tireless nature had a great impact on people. He is one of the founders of the modern age in the East. I continue to be among his biggest fans. The following words of Pakistani Professor Nayyar Wasty are also an expression of a truth: "Ataturk was a source of inspiration not only for the Turks but also for all nations fighting for independence. The effects of the policies pursued by Ataturk were felt in the East, especially in my country. By following Ataturk's path, all of Asia, including India, broke the chain of slavery and Pakistan came into being thanks to this." (Mumcu et al. 11, 1986, p.150) Many Eastern and Western scientists and politicians, especially Indonesia's independence leader Sukarno and Bourguiba, who ensured Tunisia's independence, stated that Ataturk was a leader whose influence continued even after his death. With his words "Peace at home, peace in the world", Ataturk became a guide and leader for humanity still searching for peace today. Ataturk not only founded the Republic of Turkey and saved the Turkish nation; he was a source of light and a great leader for all oppressed nations. He was in favor of a world centered on Turkey. For this purpose, he established the Balkan Pact on February 9, 1934, and the Sadabad Pact on July 8, 1937, and made great contributions to world and regional peace. One of Atatürk's most important and most important characteristics is that he was a great Turkish nationalist. Atatürk's ideal of Turkish Nationalism is hand in hand with a national as well as a humanitarian ideal. His nationalist ideal is not aggressive, but peaceful; it is contemporary and democratic. It is based on respect for all nations and their nationalisms. According to Atatürk, Turkish nationalism: "Although it aims to protect the unique character and independent identity of Turkish society, it walks "parallel and in harmony with all contemporary nations" on the path of progress and development and in international relations. "The Turkish nation enjoys thinking of national feeling side by side with human feeling. It is proud to always preserve the honorable place of human feeling next to national feeling in its conscience. Because the Turkish nation knows that today, mutual humane and civilized relations with all civilized nations that walk independently but parallel to them on the path of civilization are of course necessary for our continued development, and it is also known that the Turkish nation, like every civilized nation, appreciates the value of people who have served the world of civilization with their discoveries and inventions in all periods of the past and preserves their memories with respect. The Turkish nation is a sincere family of humanity " (Mumcu et al., 1983, p. 52). As can be seen, Atatürk's understanding of nationalism is not aggressive, but peaceful. He sees the Turkish nation as a member of the human family. Atatürk expressed this view as follows: "We are no one's enemy; we are only the enemy of those who are enemies of humanity", "They call us nationalists. But we are so nationalist that we respect and obey all nations that cooperate with us. We recognize all the requirements of their nationality. Our nationalism is certainly not a selfish and arrogant nationalism" (Ataturkism Book I, 1983, p. 83; Speech and Statements, I, p. 101) he explained. Ataturk is a peaceful However, surrender and passivit in the name of peaceful are not in the book of Ataturkism. Ataturk explained this view as follows: "Nations that do not find their national identity become prey to other nations. Let's not be friends with those who are hostile to our national existence. Let's say to such people, as a Turkish poet said, I am a Turk and an enemy to you, even if I remain as one person! " (Ataturkism Book I, 1983, p. 59).
Littera Turca Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 2018
Bir neslin dusunce ve kultur dunyasinda onemli rol oynayan Necip Fazil Kisakurek'in siir turunden sonra en fazla eser verdigi tur tiyatrodur. Necip Fazil, tiyatroyu toplumun yonlendirilmesinde ve ideal neslin yetistirilmesinde onemli bir arac olarak gormektedir. Dr. Can Şen'in ilk etapta doktora tezi olarak hazirladigi eseri "Korlugu Zedelemek: Necip Fazil Kisakurek Tiyatrosu Uzerine Bir Inceleme" Necip Fazil'in tiyatro yazarligini, tiyatroya bakisini ve tiyatro eserlerini ayrintilariyla ele almaktadir. Yazar, edebi hayati boyunca on yedi piyes yazan Necip Fazil'in bu eserlerini cesitli yonlerden inceleyerek, kapsamli bir calisma halinde sunmustur.
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